Documentary : our children will accuse us


The Living Force
An extraordinary French documentary about the dangers of chemical pesticides to the health of our children. Contains interviews with farmers, parents and children living in France.

Link to the teaser (with English subtitles)

I've only seen the teaser, but this is really heartbreaking.
From the site:

"In a small French village at the foot of the Cevennes, the mayor decided to face, decided to respond by changing the school canteen food to Bio. Here as elsewhere population is faced with the anxieties withindustrial pollution, the dangers of agro chemical pollution. Here begins a fight against a logic which could become irreversible, a fight so that tomorrow our children do not accuse us."

I passed the link to family, I look forward to discussing the issues with them :) Thanks for the link!

edit: slight google-translate correction.

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