Dollar crash to begin July 1, 2014 ? ("Year 0")

This discussion, and several others, put the following session excerpt into a whole new light. We sure couldn't understand how things would play out at the time. It sounded absolutely like science fiction. But today, it all begins to make horrible sense:

16 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?

A: Visa.

Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?

A: Yes?

Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves from the credit system?

A: Isn't just credit also debit.

Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.

A: How are you going to do this?

Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?

A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move...

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions...

Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.


Q: (L) Let's go back to the subject of the beast and the number 666. You say that following the enforcement of control by the Lizzies on the entire world that the change is going to take place, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How long following?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Several prophetic works have said that this period is going to last 6.3 or 7 years. Is that correct?

A: Open.

Q: (L) On the subject of the 666, I was given an insight into this several years ago as to another meaning of it, is that interpretation also correct?

A: Maybe. VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?

Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13... Verse one says, "I stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads..." What does this verse mean?

A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents universal control of whole units of value.

Q: (L) So, the ten horns represent units of value, so we are talking about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads?

A: In God we trust.

Q: (L) "And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard..."

A: New World Order.

Q: (L) "And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion..." Who is the dragon?

A: Read again please.

Q: (L) "And the beast I saw resembled a leopard..." What does the leopard signify?

A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned.

Q: (L) "His feet were like those of a bear..." what do the feet represent?

A: Russia.

Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear?

A: Hidden power center in that geographic location.

Q: (L) What nature this power center?

A: Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen.

Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united?

A: Under same control. {i.e. 4D STS}

Q: (L) Are these the Lizards?

A: At the root.

Q: (L) "His mouth was like that of a lion..." What does mouth represent and why is it like a lions?

A: Noisy and boastful.

Q: (L) Who is noisy and boastful and how is this going to manifest?

A: Economic power structure. Lion is powerful and commands attention by roaring. Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order?

Q: (L) The United States?

A: Close. Elements of same.

Q: (L) "One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration..." What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound?

A: Aliens. {And keep in mind what we have noted in recent years: psychopaths could very well be the "aliens".}

Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast?

A: Initially.

Q: (L) "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration..." What does this mean?

A: Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.

Q: (L) And who is this Beast?

A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.

Q: (L) "The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise his will during 42 months..."

A: Timing is open. Power of speech is self explanatory in terms of audio and video media.

Q: (L) "And he opened his mouth to speak slanders against God blaspheming his name and his abode even vilifying those who live in heaven..." Does this mean that this group, this beast are going to...

A: Disseminate disinformation with respect to encouraging worship, loyalty and obedience to antichrist.

Q: (L) "He was further permitted to wage war on God's holy people and to overcome them and power was given him to extend his authority over every tribe and people and every tongue and nation..." Does this means trials and tribulations of those who refuse to submit?

A: No. See previous answer.

Q: (L) "And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration... everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world..." What are "those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life... what is the Book of Life?

A: Supercomputer. {This seemed crazy back then, but with the revelations about the NSA, it makes perfect sense now!}

Q: (L) The Book of Life of the Lamb... everyone whose name has not been recorded... it is saying that the people who are going to worship the Beast are names that have not been recorded... does that mean that there is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the beast?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who has this supercomputer?

A: Beast. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient.

Q: (L) Who is this "Lamb?"

A: Beast.

Q: (L) "If anyone is able to hear let him listen: whoever leads into captivity will himself go into captivity; if anyone slays with the sword, with the sword will he be slain... herein is the call for the patience and fidelity of the saints (God's people)... "Who are God's people?

A: All.

Q: (L) What does it mean: "Whoever leads into captivity will go into captivity?"

A: Follow the leader.

Q: (L) If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they fight with the leader they will be killed?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) "Then I saw another Beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon..." What does this signify?

A: Other faces of the same entity.

Q: (L) What does it mean that he had two horns like a lamb? A lamb doesn't have horns. Why does it say he has horns?

A: Confusion by contradiction.

Q: (L) And what does the lamb represent?

A: Same face of the Beast.

Q: (L) What does it mean he "spoke like a dragon"??

A: Same.

Q: (L) "He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him..." Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the beast...

A: Yes. Look at it this way, aliens {psychopaths} one face; God another; government another et cetera.

Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast?

A: As represented by religion.

Q: (L) "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight.." What does that mean?

A: Aliens perform "miracles". {Psychopaths and drones. Makes perfect sense.}

Q: (L) And what is the "image" of the Beast?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live?

A: Perceived as scary then Godlike.

Q: (L) "And he was permitted to impart the breath of life into the Beast's image so that the statue of the beast could actually talk and to cause all to be put to death that would not bow down and worship the image of the beast." What does this mean?

A: Total control once deception is complete.

Q: (L) "Compels all alike, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hand or on their foreheads...." What is this inscription?

A: Visa ID number.

Q: (L) Is this going to be actually physically put on our bodies?

A: Encoded.

Q: (L) How? Is that what the aliens do when they abduct people?

A: No.

Q: (L) How is it going to be done?

A: Stamped.

Q: (L) By what technical means?

A: Electronic encoding. A series of numbers. {All of which begins to make sense with these new banking laws.}

Q: (L) Are they going to put these on our skins or imbed them in the skin on our heads or hand...?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does that mean that you will have to place your hand on an electronic scanner in order to conduct any type of monetary transaction?

A: Precisely. {Yup. And we see it coming.}

Q: (L) Okay, it says: "Here is room for discernment, a call for the wisdom of interpretation, let him who has intelligence, penetration, insight enough calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, the number of a certain man, his number is 666. What does this mean?

A: Visa as explained previously. Everyone will get their own number and it will be a Visa number, the number of the Beast.

Q: (L) "Then I looked and Lo! the lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 men who had his name and his father's name inscribed on their foreheads..." What does that mean?

A: ID. The Lamb is the Leadership council of the world bank. Many will think they are taking the "mark" of God when actually being marked by the Beast. {All of this sounded crazy back then, but again, it makes perfect sense now!}
Thanks for posting this session Laura, I have been looking at this today and noticed a few things that show the push in that direction.

One example is that Sweden seems to push towards a no-cash society. A Swedish bank announced that they would stop accepting cash from or issuing cash to customers, and one article states that even small things like bus fares had to be paid electronically.

The American economist Larry Summers also argued for not allowing people to use cash in order to enforce negative interest rates (if people start pulling cash out of their accounts, the banks can't raid those after all).

I also read that the number of electronic payment devices is on a steep increase in Germany.

Britain plans on debiting tax debts from people's accounts directly in case of non-payment.
Laura said:
This discussion, and several others, put the following session excerpt into a whole new light. We sure couldn't understand how things would play out at the time. It sounded absolutely like science fiction. But today, it all begins to make horrible sense:

16 October 1994 said:
A: Beast. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient.

I have been long thinking about what it means. Actually if NSA guys are not directly helped by their 4D STS friends and you are not already under active NSA surveillance it is possible to be almost 99% anonymous in internet. I started a couple of years ago to protect my identity by almost all Internet activities (long before Edward Snowden's "disclosures"). For me it's a part of my strategic enclosure. There are already parts of Internet which are completely separated from the "mainstream" Internet (so called Darknet), in which users can communicate with each other without being disclosed. I have some experience in that and could help with advice. Just let me know if you are interested in it. Sorry for my eventual sidetracking. :)
Altair said:
I have been long thinking about what it means. Actually if NSA guys are not directly helped by their 4D STS friends and you are not already under active NSA surveillance it is possible to be almost 99% anonymous in internet. I started a couple of years ago to protect my identity by almost all Internet activities (long before Edward Snowden's "disclosures"). For me it's a part of my strategic enclosure. There are already parts of Internet which are completely separated from the "mainstream" Internet (so called Darknet), in which users can communicate with each other without being disclosed. I have some experience in that and could help with advice. Just let me know if you are interested in it. Sorry for my eventual sidetracking. :)

Personally I think this whole NSA thing is more about creating fear than anything else. I mean, if 4th STS is involved anyway, would they need to monitor what you do on the Web mechanically? Hardly so, they have other possibilities. So if you are here and moderately active, you are probably on the list, I would guess ...

Laura said:
Well, since we have to file these FATCA things, I've downloaded them and will be filing them tomorrow. Sheesh, we've only got one and it barely qualifies to have to be reported at all!

Same here. One question, since I couldn't find the information anywhere... If one has to file it would be for the 2013 tax year, right? Or does it go from June 2013 to June 2014?
I was thinking what if death wasn't literal physical death but a symbolic death, being dead to the world for example. By "world" I mean more along the lines of new "world" order. Also death as in not inhabiting the body of the "world body politic". That would constitute a death.

Anyway I got that from these bits:

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions...

I got there was more to death than the usual idea of physical death.

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.

Not inhabiting this world body politic would be a death of sorts - existing outside the body.

Q: (L) "And he was permitted to impart the breath of life into the Beast's image so that the statue of the beast could actually talk and to cause all to be put to death that would not bow down and worship the image of the beast." What does this mean?

A: Total control once deception is complete.

The theme of life and death and deception. For me imparting the breath of life into the beasts image means the beast was not alive to begin with, merely a dead image. So its like its a projection from our imag-ination, which also means giving life to an image.

So this world body politic like a repetitive symbol as is the beast, is something we imagined up and incorporated (give corporal existence / life) and we get employed within this body with a corporate employee number (a body cell number), that is a global one. This makes some sense with the international nature of VISA as Laura mentions. BTW nations are considered body politics which are corporate entities (I had a government senior lawyer sort of by mistake admit this to me), so a world conglomeration of this is a global corporation.

Anyway death here could mean not being a party to this charade in our thinking (foreheads) and by our hands (actions / what we do). If we ourselves give life to this, and worship (give authority to) by our thoughts and actions, then death could be being outside this by not thinking or acting under this false authority. Basically not being an active participant of the deception or "being in the world but not of the world".

The fact it has authority I reckon is part of the deception, as in the end its we that collectively give life to and thereby create this authority, and not giving this authority life (being dead to it) helps to remove its power I'd say.

Anyway just a way to look at it I was just thinking about.

In some ways maybe that NSA supercomputer is probably a potential attractant for a comment eventually I reckon.

Edit: fixing quotes
Just to clarify, because probably no one wants a false sense of security:

Altair said:
There are already parts of Internet which are completely separated from the "mainstream" Internet (so called Darknet)

And that has existed to one extent or another for many, many years. The only real difference between then and now is that someone decided to give it a cutesy nickname and maybe a few bits of the underlying software have evolved to some extent or other.

Altair said:
in which users can communicate with each other without being disclosed.

Quite some time ago I too believed there was a such a thing as privacy over electronic communication. That is total nonsense. Privacy is relative. I don't see how there is any such thing as total privacy. There may be however various contexts where there is some amount of obscurity to varying extents. But to think that you're not being self-disclosed somewhere along the line is probably foolish. I say this with a lot of background and understanding in electronics and Internet technologies.

Consider who designed, built, and / or owns the communication circuits and broadcast technology. Consider how many of those circuits are laying around in the ground or in the air via radio waves for anyone with enough knowledge to do as they wish with them. Consider the possibility that the shiny new so-called state-of-the-art computer you can buy right now is actually antiquated by comparison to what is not released to the public for various reasons ( typically cited as too risky, can't have such high tech in the hands of whoever ) -- e.g. anything you buy off the shelf can, in all likelihood, be easily overpowered for whatever reasons by far superior technology. And consider who builds the software technology used to created some allegedly private dark net.
m said:
Just to clarify, because probably no one wants a false sense of security:

Altair said:
There are already parts of Internet which are completely separated from the "mainstream" Internet (so called Darknet)

And that has existed to one extent or another for many, many years. The only real difference between then and now is that someone decided to give it a cutesy nickname and maybe a few bits of the underlying software have evolved to some extent or other.

Altair said:
in which users can communicate with each other without being disclosed.

Quite some time ago I too believed there was a such a thing as privacy over electronic communication. That is total nonsense. Privacy is relative. I don't see how there is any such thing as total privacy. There may be however various contexts where there is some amount of obscurity to varying extents. But to think that you're not being self-disclosed somewhere along the line is probably foolish. I say this with a lot of background and understanding in electronics and Internet technologies.

Consider who designed, built, and / or owns the communication circuits and broadcast technology. Consider how many of those circuits are laying around in the ground or in the air via radio waves for anyone with enough knowledge to do as they wish with them. Consider the possibility that the shiny new so-called state-of-the-art computer you can buy right now is actually antiquated by comparison to what is not released to the public for various reasons ( typically cited as too risky, can't have such high tech in the hands of whoever ) -- e.g. anything you buy off the shelf can, in all likelihood, be easily overpowered for whatever reasons by far superior technology. And consider who builds the software technology used to created some allegedly private dark net.

Hi m,

I have IT background too and I didn't spoke about total privacy but about "almost 99% anonymity supposed you are not already under active surveillance". If someone already disclosed himself and is under active surveillance, there is nothing you can do. And it might be foolish to protect your privacy but what is alternative? Just to give up and forget it and give them everything they want to know about you (in the sense we have nothing to hide so why worry about that)?
Quite some time ago I too believed there was a such a thing as privacy over electronic communication. That is total nonsense. Privacy is relative. I don't see how there is any such thing as total privacy. There may be however various contexts where there is some amount of obscurity to varying extents. But to think that you're not being self-disclosed somewhere along the line is probably foolish. I say this with a lot of background and understanding in electronics and Internet technologies.

Consider who designed, built, and / or owns the communication circuits and broadcast technology. Consider how many of those circuits are laying around in the ground or in the air via radio waves for anyone with enough knowledge to do as they wish with them. Consider the possibility that the shiny new so-called state-of-the-art computer you can buy right now is actually antiquated by comparison to what is not released to the public for various reasons ( typically cited as too risky, can't have such high tech in the hands of whoever ) -- e.g. anything you buy off the shelf can, in all likelihood, be easily overpowered for whatever reasons by far superior technology. And consider who builds the software technology used to created some allegedly private dark net.

Yes, I agree, people are deluding themselves if thinking they can escape it in today s world.

I was thinking what if death wasn't literal physical death but a symbolic death, being dead to the world for example. By "world" I mean more along the lines of new "world" order. Also death as in not inhabiting the body of the "world body politic". That would constitute a death.

Anyway death here could mean not being a party to this charade in our thinking (foreheads) and by our hands (actions / what we do). If we ourselves give life to this, and worship (give authority to) by our thoughts and actions, then death could be being outside this by not thinking or acting under this false authority.

In totalitarian regimes you are not allowed to think out of the box, penalty for that is death and the only way you can go undetected is to keep it for yourself(if it will be even possible that is if they even do not have technology for something like that, remember Atlantis and slaves controled by crystals?) but keeping it for yourself would not do any good to awake other people from the box so you get the point there is physical death involved, especially involving some phisical actions because trust me your actions would get attention like for example seeing someone begginng and helping him a bit or something similar (like growing your own food or eating organic, meditating, etc..) because it seems in US they are making it illegal now. So my point is good luck in "not inhibiting the body of the world body politic", because it will inhabit you either you like it or not, that is if you are not ready to check out. And when the C s said thinking in 3D terms regarding death I think they were thinking along lines soul is that matters not bodies because when they get you enough fearful you are easy to control.

Personally I think this whole NSA thing is more about creating fear than anything else.

I think both, one without other does not work.

Q: (L) "He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him..." Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the beast...

A: Yes. Look at it this way, aliens {psychopaths} one face; God another; government another et cetera.

Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast?

A: As represented by religion.

Q: (L) "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight.." What does that mean?

A: Aliens perform "miracles". {Psychopaths and drones. Makes perfect sense.}

Q: (L) And what is the "image" of the Beast?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live?

A: Perceived as scary then Godlike.

I am still open to real "aliens" not only psychopaths because what was said in some sessions that there will be many kinds and variaties that will become visible and breaking of veil having influence on it which would cause fear. Involving religion maybe here is where New age and other religions come to calm the water and entice worship through technological "miracles".
Altair said:
I have IT background too and I didn't spoke about total privacy but about "almost 99% anonymity supposed you are not already under active surveillance". If someone already disclosed himself and is under active surveillance, there is nothing you can do. And it might be foolish to protect your privacy but what is alternative? Just to give up and forget it and give them everything they want to know about you (in the sense we have nothing to hide so why worry about that)?

No one said don't try to protect your privacy.

What you wrote exactly was that "users can communicate with each other without being disclosed", and simply isn't the case. I got the impression that you were thinking you're anonymous in that network, when in reality that almost certainly is not true.

And what I wrote was basically in hopes that people wouldn't be naive about thinking the so-called dark net offers anything other than a place were some average users won't be able to know who you are and what you do there.
Laura said:
This discussion, and several others, put the following session excerpt into a whole new light. We sure couldn't understand how things would play out at the time. It sounded absolutely like science fiction. But today, it all begins to make horrible sense:

16 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) "And the beast I saw resembled a leopard..." What does the leopard signify?

A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned.

Q: (L) "His feet were like those of a bear..." what do the feet represent?

A: Russia.

Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear?

A: Hidden power center in that geographic location.

Q: (L) What nature this power center?

A: Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen.

Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united?

A: Under same control. {i.e. 4D STS}

Q: (L) Are these the Lizards?

A: At the root.
This sounds like a shock to awake and distrust of all the world body politic. Putin and his closest collaborators group may be people with conscience and endowed of statesmanship, but they probably can not control all psychopaths / aliens that are around, who will push for the NWO. I think that may be a hard lesson to learn to not put our trust in outside powers. After all, Putin is just a man. And like Caesar, he can not completely change things, only indicate a different way of life for the people. And it depends on the people to sustain themselves and search / apply knowledge. Nobody can save others. And accept it is part of being a real responsible adult.
Jesus / Caesar can not do anything if people can not do anything on their own.

16 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) What does it mean: "Whoever leads into captivity will go into captivity?"

A: Follow the leader.

Q: (L) If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they fight with the leader they will be killed?

A: Yes.
So all normal people who rebels against inhuman hegemonic system will be exterminated. Hell on earth. Maybe there's still time to learn and prepare for a type of resistance that could succeed in making people survive and simultaneously conspire against these plans.
What is evident is that any individual who is informed about what is coming, will be able to use it as a restorative therapy for all types of harmful narcissism.

16 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) "He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him..." Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the beast...

A: Yes. Look at it this way, aliens {psychopaths} one face; God another; government another et cetera.

Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast?

A: As represented by religion.

Q: (L) "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight.." What does that mean?

A: Aliens perform "miracles". {Psychopaths and drones. Makes perfect sense.}

Q: (L) And what is the "image" of the Beast?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live?

A: Perceived as scary then Godlike.
This means that the religious "God" will play a role in all this?. Eg. through technological miracles that will be narrated to the masses as proof of God's approval to the "great masters"?. So, the god of anthropocentric monotheism will still be used?. Or, in this last stage of programming for total control, the monotheistic anthropocentric god becomes alien?.
KJN said:
This is from the US Dept of Treasury archive. If you go to the site, you can click on a country and see the specific agreement.
Resource Center
Home » Resource Center » Tax Policy » Treaties » FATCA - Archive
FATCA - Archive

The following jurisdictions are treated as having an intergovernmental agreement in effect:
Jurisdictions that have signed agreements:
Model 1 IGA

• Canada (2-5-2014)

Just following up on the above and came across a letter from an American expat _ Titled 'Obama asked to intervene in IRS assault on Canadian residents'. This features a letter to the almighty Obama by UBC history professor, Maurice Williams.

There are a great many people who moved up here in the 60's and 70's - later too, who started families and have a number of children all working in Canada, some for up to 30 years now, who never ever where roped in by the IRS sheriffs down south. On 02-05-2014 this may have changed their lives - don't know yet. However, as the article says:

But today the American government has apparently become what it despises. Through its tax collection arm, the Internal Revenue Service, it has launched a campaign against its own non-resident citizens that’s every bit as arrogant and uncaring as the Brits ever were to the Americans. It is ostensibly aimed at tax cheats and liars, but it could scarcely be better designed to drive tens of thousands — probably hundreds of thousands — of perfectly ordinary people into deep debt or even financial ruin.

Article extract and letter:

One of these citizens, UBC history professor Maurice Williams of Kelowna, has written a thoughtful and detailed letter to the head of that government, President Barack Obama, asking for some relief. At my request, he agreed to have it posted here:

Dear Mr. Obama,

I am writing you in your capacity as the only elected government representative that I have in the United States.

I should briefly explain why I refer to you as such. As you are aware one of the motivating factors of the thirteen colonies separating from Great Britain was the issue of “no taxation without representation.” In accordance with this point, and the several Enlightenment ideas current in the late 18th century, when the United States established its constitution it was built on the fact that all citizens should have elected representatives who would listen and act on behalf of their constituents.

I refer now to my situation and a further explanation of why I am writing you. I wish to make a full disclosure here so that I do not mislead you. I do not consider myself a US citizen any longer. I have been a resident of Canada since 1973 and a naturalized citizen of Canada since 1986. Apparently, however, according to current practices the United States still considers me to be a US citizen.

I have not voted in any US election since 1968 and I have been a non-resident of the United States since 1973. I have no association with any elected official in any state of the US nor do I have any connection or political contact with a member of either the US House of Representatives or the US Senate.

As a non-resident US citizen the only election in which I can participate is the federal election for President. Although I have not voted in a federal election since 1968, the fact that I could vote for the President makes you the only elected representative in the US government that I can contact. Consequently, I am turning to you for assistance and I call upon you to act as my elected representative.

I should emphasize that I do not represent anyone but myself, although I believe I am representative of thousands of Americans who live, work, and participate in Canadian society and consider themselves Canadian. According to most estimates some one million Americans reside in Canada, many of whom have become Canadian citizens.

Now to my concern – and I suspect the concern of thousands of other Americans who live here.

As you are probably aware, US citizens are obliged to file US federal income tax returns reporting worldwide income under U S tax principles regardless of where they reside. The United States is only one of two countries which taxes its citizens regardless of their place of residence (Eritrea is the other country). Many of us living in Canada have not filed these returns because we have become citizens of this country, we pay our taxes to the Canadian government, and we consider ourselves Canadians, not Americans.

In recent months, however, the Internal Revenue Service has decided that undisclosed non-US financial accounts have become a priority and the IRS has begun to impose penalties on all those who have not filed and disclosed their Canadian accounts and whom the IRS considers US citizens.

According to the IRS, failure by US citizens (actually the word used is “persons”) to disclose their investments, including Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Canadian Registered Educational Savings Plans, and Canadian Tax Free Savings Accounts, as well as ordinary bank accounts carries the threat of significant penalties, i.e., $10,000 per account per year dating back to 2003. A penalty of $300,000 would not be unusual. Please note that this is only if the IRS deems the failure to file as “non wilful”. If the IRS feels there has been a deliberate attempt to conceal financial information the penalty is $100,000 per offence, or up to 50% of the value of an asset.

The IRS has, however, introduced an arrangement for a reduced penalty for US persons who have not complied with the US tax filing requirements to disclose interests in non-U S accounts over the past several tax years. Individuals accepted into the program, the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI), will avoid the risk of criminal prosecution, but they must disclose all their interests in non-US accounts for the period of 2003 to 2010. Under the OVDI, instead of facing a $300,000 penalty, the IRS will reduce the penalty to either 5% or 25% of the non-U S financial accounts and assets. This 5% or 25% penalty would be a one-time penalty of the highest balance of their financial accounts in the period 2003 to 2010. It is my understanding, after talking with accountants who specialize in US tax laws and provisions, that this penalty is imposed upon everyone; there are no exceptions.

My concerns, and the reasons I am approaching you for assistance as my elected representative are as follows. My three concerns are:

1. As an individual who has not lived, worked, or been associated with the United States for many years, as someone who has paid Canadian taxes for an extended period of time, and as a person who in opting for Canadian citizenship in 1986 saw it as a renunciation of US citizenship, why should I be penalized a minimum of 5% of my Canadian assets by the IRS?

2. What is particularly disturbing is the position of the children of US citizens who reside in Canada. According to the US House of Representatives’ website which quotes Title 8> Chapter 12> Subchapter III> Part I> section 1401, sub-sections (c) and (g) provide for automatic US citizenship to children born outside the US where one or both parents are considered US citizens.

This means that our children are considered US citizens and subject to the provisions of the IRS, i.e., they too must file US taxes and disclosures, and suffer the consequences of the IRS pursuit of undisclosed non-US financial accounts. These children, however, are Canadian; they were born in Canada; they have never lived or worked in the United States; in many cases they have never set foot south of the border; and they have no affiliation with the US government. They should not be subject to US taxes and disclosures, and the substantial IRS penalties for non-disclosure.

3. There is also my exposure to the US Estate Tax. My accountant has confirmed that yes, upon my death, since the US considers me a citizen my children will be subject to the US Estate Tax as well as any taxes levied by the Canadian government. This means that my children will be subject to both Canadian and US estate taxes, probation, et al. This amounts to a double taxation which is unfair. I suggest to you that the US Estate Tax be waived for those assets which are clearly Canadian.

Please note that while there is currently a US$5 million exemption from the US Estate Tax that exemption is scheduled to be reduced to US$1 million in 2013. For anyone who owns their Canadian home, perhaps has a small piece of recreation property, and a Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Plan their estate is suddenly at US$1 million and will be subject to a US Estate Tax.

Finally, I draw your attention to the fact that the amount of paperwork involved as well as the intricacies associated with reporting income, assets, and account information for 8 years (2003 – 2010) are beyond the average person. It is necessary to consult and pay an accountant. In my particular case (which is not unlike many other average Americans in Canada) the cost of preparing the OVDI with all its disclosures will be nearly twice the cost of the penalty. If I am assessed at 5% my total bill will be in the order of $35,000. I am not wealthy; I have never earned a large income nor do I have extensive assets; I am also of retirement age, increasingly dependent upon a pension. Is there not an element of unfairness here as well?

As one of my Canadian friends, who is also considered an American, said: she feels violated by this incursion into her life. She has been living in good faith as a Canadian; she pays her Canadian taxes; she contributes to Canadian society. She is a Canadian, not an American. Yet the IRS is coming after her with the same significant penalties.

“Taxation without representation” was not tolerated in the late 18th century, nor should it be accepted today. Nor should the arbitrary, non-consultative manner in which these penalties have been imposed be accepted. I certainly retain my respect for the United States but the manner in which this process has been imposed is alarming. I call upon you to act as my elected representative.

What I specifically ask of you, as my elected representative, is to intercede with the IRS to:

1. waive the significant penalties about to be imposed upon us;

2. especially waive the requirement that our children file and disclose their Canadian accounts and assets; and

3. eliminate the double taxation associated with US and Canadian estate taxes.

Thank you for your attention to my plight.

Maurice Williams

It seems this plight of Williams, was bound to fall on deaf ears, as is now shown. Notwithstanding the stress alone, this is just so very sad indeed for these families.

Just recalling Ken O'Keefe trying to give up his American citizenship, I think in the end he couldn't, even though he tried every which way, nothing seemed to work - there was a video clip on this.
Corvinus said:
Anyway death here could mean not being a party to this charade in our thinking (foreheads) and by our hands (actions / what we do). If we ourselves give life to this, and worship (give authority to) by our thoughts and actions, then death could be being outside this by not thinking or acting under this false authority.

In totalitarian regimes you are not allowed to think out of the box, penalty for that is death and the only way you can go undetected is to keep it for yourself(if it will be even possible that is if they even do not have technology for something like that, remember Atlantis and slaves controled by crystals?) but keeping it for yourself would not do any good to awake other people from the box so you get the point there is physical death involved, especially involving some phisical actions because trust me your actions would get attention like for example seeing someone begginng and helping him a bit or something similar (like growing your own food or eating organic, meditating, etc..) because it seems in US they are making it illegal now. So my point is good luck in "not inhibiting the body of the world body politic", because it will inhabit you either you like it or not, that is if you are not ready to check out. And when the C s said thinking in 3D terms regarding death I think they were thinking along lines soul is that matters not bodies because when they get you enough fearful you are easy to control.

What I mean't is the same as that "in the world but not of the world" bible quote. This doesn't mean keeping things to yourself for fear of penalty, it's that fear which is the very controlling factor which the PTB intend for as many as possible to absorb, like you sort of said too. But the way you read me is just the opposite of my meaning but perhaps I could have said it better.

By absorbing that state of belief in the all pervading power of the "beast", it inhabits and pervades all we think and do, which is very much being "in the world and being of it" (rather than not of it). What I mean't with death was more a symbolic death too - given, it's our belief systems that stem from fear that give this "beast" life. If we don't feed it's life, we are in a sense dead to it, not a thing to provide sustenance for it. I agree if fear pervades your life, after physical death I don't feel it would just disappear either. So in a sense it doesn't matter whether physically dead or not, so I wondered what other meaning to death is there.
A.K. said:
Seems like someone is hell bent on fulfilling the revelations.

But that doesn't mean that someone will succeed in that :)

As Cs said: "wishful thinking, gets them every time". I think that there is always a hope, and that is is good never to give up.
Avala said:
A.K. said:
Seems like someone is hell bent on fulfilling the revelations.

But that doesn't mean that someone will succeed in that :)

As Cs said: "wishful thinking, gets them every time". I think that there is always a hope, and that is is good never to give up.
I'll second on that. You know, a pessimist is an well informed optimist.
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