Dream about a shaman

Hindsight Man

Jedi Master
I'm trying to get into the habit of posting here more often,not really knowing what to contribute,I'll share with you a dream I had way back and by some miracle typed it up.Without further ado,here it is:

''After trying Eiriu Eolas for the first time, the effect was profound .After doing the breathing exercise for about 15 minutes or so I had a fantastic dream. Only 3 hours into my sleep I woke up and decided to write this. In the dream, I walk out of my room, into an 18th century cabin, full of native American paraphernalia. I see a big statue of an Indian, carved of wood. I remembered that I was looking for a shaman. I walked to the right of the statue ,around a corner and to my horror, there was another ,except this one was more akin to an automaton. It was walking around and upon spotting me, walked forward briskly with weapon drawn across the poorly lit room. ”Have you spoken to (name of shaman here, for the sake of story he henceforth shall be called Aether.) yet?’’ ‘’No’’ I replied. The statue attacked me. ’’You must!’’ he thundered. I ran and as if on cue, Aether appeared. A spry elderly gentleman, perhaps in his fifties of native American descent decked out in western clothing appropriate to the era. He asked me to perform the ritual. “No ,I don’t want to!’’ I yelled. ’’You must!’’ he exclaimed. Giving me no room to breathe he picked up a spear and lunged at me so as to force me into it. I swiftly overpowered him (as was his intention) and bit into his Adams apple. The ritual brought joy to neither of us. He squirmed in pain and I grimaced as a multi-coloured sour liquid flowed into my mouth .It was knowledge .The move was similar to the ‘’trust bite’’ of wolves and upon the ritual’s completion I knew exactly what I had to do. In the context of the dream, I had to convince Native Americans to surrender during the war, so as to spare them extinction. A task I knew would be difficult, being made more so by the fact that they thought that up until that point I was helping them, but this move would surely change their minds.''

And that's that.This is all that I hastily scribbled down in a state of half sleep,barely seeing the keyboard.

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