Dream about toxic workplace and boyfriend

To survive what exactly? The ego also struggles to survive and if you don't pay objective attention, it could survive the pending lesson.
This is going to be a loooong story, but I can point out some I have already worked on.
Growing up, I was a people pleaser for a time because I wanted to avoid conflict. Working on the layers where it came from, the root cause based on my experience was my parents not acknowledging me---just giving me attention because I made a mistake or an achievement, not recognizing my feelings and gaslighting, etc. I have already worked on that and now, not that I no longer care about people, I have created a safe space for me while holding space for others.

When you learn to truly accept yourself, you will understand that you don't have to "fight" to accept others. You will intrinsically respect the lesson exemption they are through life, in your life.

Among those things you believe you should not "invalidate" yourself, which ones do you think are part of your self-deception? could you question them without the feeling generated by the "expectation" getting in the way?
I agree with the highlighted text. With the things I think are part of self-deception, I am still in the process and yet to discover what could be others. I am someone who don't really identify with my beliefs, skills, talent, or whatever it is that people think I'm projecting. If they say I am kind, I don't have that burden on myself that I should be kind always or be attached with the image they have seen or experience from me. Yes I can question them without having to ask myself like "is this acceptable?" "is this what this crowd want me to behave" etc. I just do me. hehe
In being true to myself and remaining to be true, I value freedom and hold space for myself. I think these days in my journey, although I have exercised freedom for myself and other people, at times I feel betrayed when I discovered or felt like they are not genuine with me. The expectation that people should be this because I am this is a burden I carried for a time, but there is no freedom there. I am currently practicing and still struggling to fully accepting people and at the same time holding space for me to also not invalidate what I feel.
I think accepting people, and how they are and behave, and saving that space for oneself is a lifelong process of adjustment.

Meditating on the idea of boundaries, and who is allowed into your inner circle is probably a good idea. Trust, is something rather precious, and so I have learned that trust has to be earned, but that doesn't mean that I am distrustful of everyone, I simply have levels of myself that I allow to be seen to different people.

Same thing goes for freedom, it's precious, but if one is to have company, and not necessarily in the romantic sense, one has to sacrifice some of that freedom, but much like with trust, people have to earn that sacrifice by who they are.

So, I think the answer to some of those questions are different for everyone, it depends greatly on several aspects, but perhaps one rule to keep in mind is to ensure that one isn't sacrificing one's well being in vain, or harming anyone else in turn either.

It's a balancing act I would say.
Meditating on the idea of boundaries, and who is allowed into your inner circle is probably a good idea. Trust, is something rather precious, and so I have learned that trust has to be earned, but that doesn't mean that I am distrustful of everyone, I simply have levels of myself that I allow to be seen to different people.
The same goes for me. It is very important to practice communication too when it comes to boundaries. I try to be as polite esp with my friends where I'm usually their emotional trash bin. I am lucky to have mature and very understanding people in my circle.

One thing I do too that I find very helpful is consciously praying for wisdom with the words I will use and the things I can share.. That way, I will not feel drained so I just do or say with the Universe leading sometimes. 🌷

In everything, I always to try to find my center or balance. Everyday grounding is very helpful. ♥️♥️♥️

Thank you all for your insights! 🥰🥰🥰
It has been an interesting month for me for my dreams are all about not only these two people but also others who have tried to control me. I have a theory that I am healing from control and trauma and suppressed emotions. Aaand since I cant get myself to be conscious that Im just dreaming ((it seems so real to me) but I do know that I have already outgrown some of them, like in my recent dream with my ex, I know I am leaving him and no longer guilty about it), I just do the thing that I did before without the negative feelings involved or couldve done. :)
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