Dream about Truth Seeker


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi All

I just literally woke up from having a very short but extremely vivid/shocking (to me) dream......so I wanted to post it asap in case it could be of help?

The dream consisted of logging on to the forum here to discover a thread posted by Truth Seekers mother informing everyone that she had died, and had moved on to moderate from the other sidehis (implying the understanding that it was a choice to go help from the other side?)

I was extremely shocked by this (am still feeling that shock), but more so given what happened to Pepperfritz could feel how devastated Laura was....it was heart breaking.
To loose one mod/close member was bad enough, but two was unbelievable..... :O

Whats more the dream conveyed this all in both visual images of Truth Seekers forum avatar, my writtern reply as I was writing it, and understanding/memory of what had been writtern by her mother. It also used her real name.

So in the off chance there is anything of potential truth in this extremely short/vivid dream I thought I better post it. After what happened with Pepperfritz I decided that should I dream/become aware of anything like this I'd post it asap.

I hope I have not offended or upset anyone posting this....I don't have dream like this often....certainly not coupled with the understanding that came with it. It could of course be nonsense or STS vectoring.....

Please take care of yourself Truth Seeker.
Thanks so much for your concern RedFox! :love: I'm absolutely not offended so don't worry. Better safe than sorry!

I'm not great at interpreting dreams, so I'm not sure what or if it means anything. Fwiw, my mother died about 3 1/2 years ago although that's not relevant to dreams.

I will however be more vigilant, just in case. :flowers:
Hi RedFox
Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.)

Here are some questions to ask your-self, they may help. Or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is Truth seeker (tell me on the basis that I don’t know her), what is Truth seeker like? What kind of personality? What does Truth seeker mean to you? What kind of person might you consider Truth seeker to be like?

What is your working relationship with Truth seeker like?

Is there some part of you that is like Truth seeker?

What does the avatar mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for?

Ask similar questions about Truth seeker’s mother(, and PepperFritz if she was in the dream).

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements. (I’m taking it that you see Truth seeker as positive ☺)

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

What does moderate mean to you? What does it remind you of in waking life?

What does your written reply mean to you?

What does ‘understanding/memory of what had been writtern by her mother’ mean to you?

What does 'her real name' mean to you?
Hi Redfox,

This kind of dreams is always shocking, all the more so since when we think of Pepperfritz . Although one indeed always has to keep their eyes open (and please Truth Seeker be extra careful, one never knows!), I'm with Trevizent here.
Maybe you feel the part of you that seeks the truth is not doing enough lately, that your predator's mind is gaining ground?

I have a bizarre 'déjà vu' with your dream, because I sometimes check out blogs and just yesterday, when I visited one of them, there was a message from the blog lady's husband saying how she died during the weekend in a car accident. I don't know that person personally, but it was shocking.

In all probability, this dream refers to you, not Truth Seeker. But I think you did right by posting about it.
truth seeker said:
Thanks so much for your concern RedFox! :love: I'm absolutely not offended so don't worry. Better safe than sorry!

I'm not great at interpreting dreams, so I'm not sure what or if it means anything. Fwiw, my mother died about 3 1/2 years ago although that's not relevant to dreams.

I will however be more vigilant, just in case. :flowers:

Your welcome.....oddly I had the impression she wasn't alive after I woke up (that why I said I hoped I hadn't offended or upset anyone)....the whole thing was pretty weird.
I'm still not sure what to make of it. I felt I should post this and hoped I didn't panic anyone.

I use to have dreams similar to this years ago when I use to participate on another forum....it was like I was continuing the conversations. I was never sure if I was talking to others at some level, or if it was all in my head. One quality it did have however was that of a friend I use to chat with from on line from America a lot.....I use to wake up and just 'know' that she was on line....turn my PC on, and log on just as she was also logging on. Always at different times. Neither of those things have happened for years now....I try and keep my distance from people (at that level) and not be that close (feels like an invasion of their privacy sometimes).

Thanks for your input Trevizent and Mrs Tigersoap....you may well be right.

Trevizent said:
Hi RedFox
Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.)

Here are some questions to ask your-self, they may help. Or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

Using this forum. Connecting with people I care about. The shock of experiencing someones death. Feeling others pain as my own.....interesting, I use to be overly empathic to the point that others feelings of those I was close too would overwhelm me.....even if they where the other side of the planet. The last time I felt another pain at the intensity I did in the dream was around the same time of the other things that use to happen I posted about above.....this seems like no coincidence.

Trevizent said:
The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

I could see nothing but the forum.....I could interact with it, but could not see myself. The forum always feels a little like an extended/intangible home/family.....the only situation in life it reminds me of is finding out about pepperfritz. Emotionally similar to when I've experienced grand parents deaths.
I can't match it to any current life experience/situation (unless its a metaphor I'm not seeing?).

Trevizent said:
Who is Truth seeker (tell me on the basis that I don’t know her), what is Truth seeker like? What kind of personality? What does Truth seeker mean to you? What kind of person might you consider Truth seeker to be like?

Truth seeker is one of the forum moderators, I see her as kind (she once asked if I was ok and this touched me a lot, so she may mean more to me than I realise consciously), approachable, level headed and very knowledgeable. She has great insight, understanding and empathy.
I am not aware of her meaning anything more or less to me than any other person on the forum, in that each and everyone one of you mean a great deal to me.
I do not know anyone in real life who I consider to be like truth seeker......I don't know truth seeker well enough to draw any comparison, but what element I do know of her match no one I know in real life. The only possible link (and its a very tenuous one) is that when I met my girlfriend some 5 years ago I saw the basis of similar traits.....but those traits seem to be me projecting wishful thinking onto her (or so I think....this is a recent discovery)....as it stands I have a hard time seeing those traits in her at the moment...perhaps this is related?
The key difference (but I couldn't be sure as I have only a small amount of observable data to go on) would be that Truth Seeker accepts people for who they are (including me), but my girlfriend is unable to do so at the same level......but again everyone here seems to have this ability to a greater level than most people I know in real life.

Trevizent said:
What is your working relationship with Truth seeker like?

I am unaware of a working relationship. Beyond discussing things in threads on a handful of occasions, the last time being some months ago (I think) there is no working relationship beyond the one I have with every member of the forum.

Trevizent said:
Is there some part of you that is like Truth seeker?

If the elements I thought I saw in my girlfriend, that (I think) I see in Truth Seeker are my projections, then logically there must be. I see all the people here as elements of some of the best of human characteristics.....thinking about this more I see most of the women here (especially the mods) as strong and nurturing, the ideal archetypal feminine.
Looking back I can see that I have been longing to find this archetypal feminine in myself because it felt missing...I looked outside but realised some time ago that its inside I needed to look.....this is something I've long forgotten about, and again it was all happening around the same time as the other things above I mentioned. Hmm
I'm not sure why it would be Truth Seeker and not some other member of the forum though? This is puzzling (no offence meant, but I feel I know other members better than Truth Seeker)

Trevizent said:
What does the avatar mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for?

I'm not sure. It is quite visually appealing. Its used for identifying the person....I associate it with her identity on the forum. I suppose forum avatars are like peoples faces in some way.

Trevizent said:
Ask similar questions about Truth seeker’s mother(, and PepperFritz if she was in the dream).

Hmmm....well her mother logged on with Truth Seekers account to post the message....so that was the first supprise (someone different using a familiar identity.

Trevizent said:
Positive characters are about strengths and achievements. (I’m taking it that you see Truth seeker as positive ☺)

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

Interesting. Perhaps if this is about my own archetypal feminine/nurturing/creative side then it may make sense. That all those things have revisited me that I had forgotten about...the emotional shock certainly got my attention, but how I can nurture that side (if this is what its about) I don't know. My creativity and empathy (to some extent) became virtually nonexistent for some years after initially being really strong.

Trevizent said:
What does moderate mean to you? What does it remind you of in waking life?

To guide, protect, keep on course. I see our higher selves in a similar role.

Trevizent said:
What does your written reply mean to you?

The one I'm writing now? Not sure....its helping me see things more clearly......each time I interact I get past my program of hiding/retreating into myself/self pity.
To be able to interact like this, and be accepted for myself, I find greatly healing....fwiw

Trevizent said:
What does ‘understanding/memory of what had been writtern by her mother’ mean to you?

I'm not sure what else to say other than I could feel her mother was quite sad....but also slightly happy/accepting of the situation. She knew that her daughter was going to be able to apply the work here to a wider context from the other side. What she lost in the ability to 'do' in the physical, she gained in the ability to 'see' the unseen/overview of the whole situation.
Her mother wanted to let us know this....and that it was ok, because her role as 'moderator' could now be applied to our development as a group/whole...and it may even be that she had some control (moderation) over the STS's actions....she could keep them in check and us on course....at some level. Hence moderating from the other side.
To me this was both shocking and relieving at the same time. I was glad she had let us know what had happened and given us a larger point of view.
The other person I felt in the dream was Laura and her reaction to the news............she was truly devastated and it broke my heart, I could feel that she wanted to give up. I wanted to comfort her but had no idea how to reach her.
Perhaps part of me feels like it cannot reach me?

Trevizent said:
What does 'her real name' mean to you?

It was said as if an after thought....I logged onto the EE forum when I woke up (where I'm a moderator) to check and sure enough it was her name, and was even spelt correctly. To me this just made it all the more important I posted this...
Its a nice name...but again I have no connection or identification I'm aware of to it.

I'm not sure how to put all this together.....if anyone can see it please comment, I think I need to sleep on it to be able to see it?
I do find the idea that part of me has died quite worrying.
I've been giving this thread much thought.

RedFoxI'm not sure why it would be Truth Seeker and not some other member of the forum though? [b said:
This is puzzling (no offence meant, but I feel I know other members better than Truth Seeker)[/b]]

Lol! I completely agree! ;) Perhaps it was me because of my forum name. I often think it's funny that I chose the name truth seeker when in reality, we are all truth seekers.

RF said:
Hmmm....well her mother logged on with Truth Seekers account to post the message....so that was the first supprise (someone different using a familiar identity.

Just going to take a guess here that in the dream perhaps my mother logging on as me with my real name represents the creative force bringing truth to light. The truth she brings is that an illusion (forum name's are not our real names) has died. She is revealing my name - calling something what it is and pronouncing it dead. She is saying that a lie has died.

Perhaps what has really died is the illusion of whatever the female/mother/creative archetype has meant to you? You are seeking the truth for a more accurate interpretation.

RF said:
I'm not sure what else to say other than I could feel her mother was quite sad....but also slightly happy/accepting of the situation. She knew that her daughter was going to be able to apply the work here to a wider context from the other side. What she lost in the ability to 'do' in the physical, she gained in the ability to 'see' the unseen/overview of the whole situation.
Her mother wanted to let us know this....and that it was ok, because her role as 'moderator' could now be applied to our development as a group/whole...and it may even be that she had some control (moderation) over the STS's actions....she could keep them in check and us on course....at some level. Hence moderating from the other side.

Rebirth? Along with death comes renewal - the cycle of life. In order for rebirth to occur, there must be a death. Death of illusions/lies results in the birth of the truth (seeker). The seeker is then empowered to be of more use to others as they are free from the constraints of lies. When we are able to see the truth for what it is, we have more control over STS's machinations.

Keep in mind that we are easily led to believe in the illusion of the finality of death, but all death represents is change.

RF said:
The other person I felt in the dream was Laura and her reaction to the news............she was truly devastated and it broke my heart, I could feel that she wanted to give up. I wanted to comfort her but had no idea how to reach her.
Perhaps part of me feels like it cannot reach me?

Laura represents the mother/creative/feminine archetype for many people. What we tend to do with this is idealize the mother. We see the imperfections of our own mothers and strive to create the mother we never had. In doing so, we imagine that we can construct a perfect mother. By extension, we also do this in every aspect of our lives. When we choose to see only what we want (whether only bad or only good) it is a lie. When we project this illusion onto others, we can be devastated when we see that they too are human. Perhaps another one of the things that Laura represents in this dream is the grief that comes when we realize the truth of a situation.

Laura was also saddened by the revelation of truth and wanted to give up. This could relate to your feelings of being overwhelmed by seeing the truth of what's happening in our world. You want to comfort yourself but don't know how.

So just to further clarify as I feel my post seems to go in two different directions: My take on the dream is that illusions held by you that concern the feminine/mother/creative archetypes (and by extension the rest of the world) are being brought to light via increasing knowledge. While this new information is killing the lies, a rebirth (new understanding) is occurring that empowers. From this, there is the grief that comes when letting go of illusions. You seek comfort as you see the truth being revealed.

I apologize to you RedFox. At seeing "myself" mentioned in this thread, an embarrassment program popped up. You are not at all at fault for this. This was an interesting opportunity for me to practice the Work and I'm glad it came up. Unfortunately, I shortchanged you in my earlier reply when I made it about me.

I also want to thank everyone for their replies.

edit: fixed quotes - Also wanted to tell you RedFox that I think this dream may be positive and to take heart.
Hi RedFox

RedFox said:
I'm not sure why it would be Truth Seeker and not some other member of the forum though? This is puzzling (no offence meant, but I feel I know other members better than Truth Seeker)

Perhaps the answer is in the name –Truth seeker, applied to self? You may like to ponder on this, or not.

RedFox said:
Trevizent said:
What does your written reply mean to you?

The one I'm writing now? Not sure....its helping me see things more clearly......each time I interact I get past my program of hiding/retreating into myself/self pity.
To be able to interact like this, and be accepted for myself, I find greatly healing....fwiw

The ‘your written reply’ refers to that in the dream.

RedFox said:
I do find the idea that part of me has died quite worrying.

On the other hand, it might be ‘good news’ in terms of personal change! I’ll refrain from putting possible words into your mind. You may like to ponder on this, or not.

This may help, or not.

Whilst composing this post, Truth seeker made a reply and has added to it! Wonderfully well, more fully than my answer. :)
I like the level headed approach to try an analyze this kind of dream, Trevizent and truth seeker.
This example could be handy when we do dream work.

Considering it from a "metaphysical" point of view, I wondered if Redfox is sensitive to a kind of "multidimensional bleed through", (is such a thing possible?) where in an alternate reality truth seeker passed to the other side before her mother. However considering these kinds of things is way out of my league, and so is probably not as productive as just sticking to your kind of analysis that you did here!
Thanks to all of you for your input!

truth seeker said:
I apologize to you RedFox. At seeing "myself" mentioned in this thread, an embarrassment program popped up. You are not at all at fault for this. This was an interesting opportunity for me to practice the Work and I'm glad it came up. Unfortunately, I shortchanged you in my earlier reply when I made it about me.

No need to apologise, I came here with the belief that the dream was about you....better safe than sorry? but given the analysis you've provided it is quite amazing to see how well it fits things right now. I didn't feel short changed. And am truly grateful for your interpretation!

I can't say I was aware of this death of illusion at a fully concious level, but on reflection it does seem to fit. At its most fundamental level it seems born out of the struggle to act for my own destiny.....and finally realising that their is a huge disconnect between what I think I can do/what the world is....and what the truth of the matter is. That I cannot 'do' anything of great importance from the position of hanging onto those illusions, as comfortable as they where....I think I must have realised that the disgust/hate that usually turned on myself when I caught a glimpse of the truth that 'I could not DO', would be better used being turned against the illusion/wishful thinking/trap that keeps me unable to 'DO'.
I've been making a lot of decisions this last week or so about confronting the life/situation I find myself in and acting as best I can to give myself a chance to heal, grow and eventually 'DO/BE'.
Your interpretation really does seem spot on, and now I can see it I feel filled with grief.....this is a good thing despite being painful. It kind of reminds me of washing a wound as a child, you knew it would hurt so wanted to avoid it, protested, cried from the pain (even resented the cleansing), but then afterwards (in retrospect) could see the benefit as it healed. I think that core program of wanting to avoid things is starting to fail now too....or so I hope.
I had been having dreams of 'wanting to feed' (energetically) but being unable too, or being recharged by the sun only to have it disappear behind trees and not be able to get high enough that it wasn't blocked from me. I needed the energy to gain hight, and could not gain the energy (by recharging from the sun) without being high enough......seems like this was part of the realisation that if I didn't act for my destiny I'd be stuck at this level unable to do....that when I made the decision to try.
Had forgotten but I've been asking to 'see' what I need to progress during the POTS too. Should really be taking better notes on my dreams!!

Starting to see who I am (at the moment) is not exactly pleasant (I know that's an understatement, but its gradual so not shocking all at once, like slowly opening your eyes)....but behind the sting I think I can finally see the archetypal feminine I've felt disconnected from for so long....weird how that works.

Trevrizent said:
RedFox said:
I do find the idea that part of me has died quite worrying.
On the other hand, it might be ‘good news’ in terms of personal change! I’ll refrain from putting possible words into your mind. You may like to ponder on this, or not.
Well, now I can see it for what it is I am no longer worried....that is now I can see what change is I no longer want to hold on as tight as I can to things....that part had to finally loosen its grip to let go of this, so maybe now I can start to let go of other things? The first crack in the dam perhaps.....

Breton said:
I like the level headed approach to try an analyze this kind of dream, Trevizent and truth seeker.
This example could be handy when we do dream work.

Considering it from a "metaphysical" point of view, I wondered if Redfox is sensitive to a kind of "multidimensional bleed through", (is such a thing possible?) where in an alternate reality truth seeker passed to the other side before her mother. However considering these kinds of things is way out of my league, and so is probably not as productive as just sticking to your kind of analysis that you did here!

fwiw I always thought I was pretty good at interpreting dreams.....turns out I can't interpret my own without help too well. The rule I apply to others dreams is that of the context we find ourself in (in this case the work), which is our common base language/understanding. Once you have the context to work in, you can look for parallels in the symbols that may be similar to the work. The other core context is the persons own life and the situation hey find them self in (hence the questions Trevizent asked)....this I'd forgotten.
Getting from my answers to Truth Seekers understanding is something I'm going to be going over and over (until I see how to get from A to B). Its kind of like learning another language.....which is really interesting because this seems to be the basis of what Laura needed to do in order to be a good channeller.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is the same mechanism.
The important thing to learn though is a broad knowledge base, the context and how to interpret the input (or if you need to discard it all together). The application of all your understanding, senses and knowledge at once in order to interpret as best you can.
It also shows me that the emotional context is what clouds the interpretation the most....because of the emotions I was feeling, I interpreted the dream literally (rather than with full context/understanding applied), the emotions became attached to 'Truth Seekers death' and that's what the message became to me.
Understanding how emotions attach to ideas/thoughts is key to all of this. Perhaps this is why it is easier to interpret others dreams (or provide feedback/mirroring in the context of the Work) because you do not have the emotional entanglement (that clouds the thinking) the person does......this must be the primary key/rule for getting from A to B. A separation of the emotional and intellectual centres?

There is a lot of food for thought here! :)
Step by step.
I wonder if the dream was about "Truth Seeker" the member, or "a truth seeker" who could be any other member of the forum now or a group of members, or "truth seekers" in general?
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