Dream: Getting Told Off By The C's


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I am lying in a lounge room in an unknown location and the C’s start talking through someone but it is not Laura’s voice, it is someone else’s. They describe the process of negative thoughts in detail but I can't remember the exact words. They talk about how we dwell on them until we feel an uncontrollable urge to cry and that it literally makes some of us crazy. “Get up and do something!” they say. “If not enough of you can get over this then the next session will be replaced by members sharing their hang-ups [on the forum].”

I woke up at 3:30am and was a little bit startled by this dream. Like I had just been chastised by a teacher but was still awkwardly trying to figure out what I was meant to do. Anyway, I got up and did some yoga for the next hour then went back to bed.

In the next dream Laura is talking to me in a more supportive voice "Relax and breathe deeply" she says, before reciting the Prayer of The Soul just like the recording.

Actually, yesterday I was pretty much taking a break from everything. I decided just to chill out and sleep for most of the day. I haven't done that for a long, long time. I was wondering if it would make any difference if I tried or not. Would the Universe even notice if I stopped my seemingly rather pathetic attempts to wake up? I've still been doing detox and all the practical stuff but it's so frustrating not knowing if I've moved forward in the last couple of years or not. This dream shook me out of it and helped me to put one foot in front of the other.

Anyway, I don't even know why I wrote the above. I think I just want to connect in some way because I feel like I’m drifting off here.
JP said:
They describe the process of negative thoughts in detail but I can't remember the exact words. They talk about how we dwell on them until we feel an uncontrollable urge to cry and that it literally makes some of us crazy. “Get up and do something!” they say. “If not enough of you can get over this then the next session will be replaced by members sharing their hang-ups [on the forum].”

Thanks for posting this JP. A wake up call indeed! I've been feeling the above alot lately. Dwelling on negative thoughts and feeling the urge to either cry or completely lash out and just plain old feeling sorry for myself because I'm feeling stuck in it. It's been driving me crazy!

JP said:
I've still been doing detox and all the practical stuff but it's so frustrating not knowing if I've moved forward in the last couple of years or not.

That's so weird, because I was thinking the exact same thing right before I logged on just now. I've been trying to get some things going. Writing articles, more flier distribution, promotions, but just haven't been able to get up and spend a significant amount of time doing any of it. But this was timely. Maybe this is a message from the C's or higher centres as it could be something that applies to a number of us.
I agree with Daniel's idea about the wake up call.

A similar kind of 'kick in the pants reminder' happens to me now and then. Usually after I've become interested in an activity deeply enough to form a deep-down motivation to pursue it, yet for some reason I'm not able to at the moment or for an extended time period.

Maybe something similar is involved with you? In this case, maybe your deeper motivation or commitment, which is not being implemented, is using your dream as a communication medium and your regard for the C's as the focal point?

If so, maybe this just means you're "on the wrong side" at the moment, or in computer terminology, "what's the hold up? You're not busy and you've got a thread waiting to execute". :)
DanielS said:
But this was timely. Maybe this is a message from the C's or higher centres as it could be something that applies to a number of us.

Seems to be a "fit" me as well.
Strange. :huh:

Edit: fixed quote
I've had a number of shocking dreams lately, not at all pleasant, and perhaps this is why. Our progress is so ephemeral, so intangible, it's often easy to allow our negative introject to beat us up. At times I get the distinct impression that negative thoughts and self-hate is being broadcast from elsewhere and the sensation of realizing that is disturbing, to say the least. :scared:

Thanks for sharing your dream JP, it definitely helps put things into perspective. :cool2:
Puck said:
I've had a number of shocking dreams lately, not at all pleasant, and perhaps this is why. Our progress is so ephemeral, so intangible, it's often easy to allow our negative introject to beat us up. At times I get the distinct impression that negative thoughts and self-hate is being broadcast from elsewhere and the sensation of realizing that is disturbing, to say the least. :scared:

Yup, you pretty much described my inner landscape at the moment too, shocking dreams included.

When this is going on, it really does waste so much energy that you don't even think of doing anything productive. And when you do build up the will-power to do so, it's so insignificant its almost as if nothing was done at all. Then the negative introject kicks in to beat you up for doing so little! After which it finds other reasons to beat you up about that don't even relate to the situation at hand. No wonder JP's dream stated some people could go crazy from it if something's not done.
I suspected others might be in the same boat. The problem I find is that I don't trust myself. I have a pull or a tug inside to do something and don't do it but I'm still left with an inner turmoil. For example I wanted to share this link a few months ago but didn't. It's about a behind the scenes setup of video creation and I thought if some people wanted to speak up about what is going on with the world this might be a good way to do it.


Coincidently after this I had a dream where Laura is giving a documentary and she says they need people to create videos and just share what they think [about the world]. I didn't believe I had anything to offer (sharing the link or doing videos myself) but it continues to gnaw away at me.

I used to do a lot of public speaking years ago. I'm pretty quiet and shy normally and would fight with myself like crazy whenever I had to give a talk, but as soon as I would stand up in front of everyone a kind of peace, confidence and joy just took over. It seemed to be the only place I really fit. Now I have a flip camera sitting on my desk and keep thinking "No, you can't possibly expect me to talk to people. No, no, no, it's been so long. I can't do it. Who would want to listen anyway?" etc., but I can't get away from that feeling that I'm supposed to do something.

[quote author=DanielS]When this is going on, it really does waste so much energy that you don't even think of doing anything productive. And when you do build up the will-power to do so, it's so insignificant its almost as if nothing was done at all. Then the negative introject kicks in to beat you up for doing so little! After which it finds other reasons to beat you up about that don't even relate to the situation at hand. No wonder JP's dream stated some people could go crazy from it if something's not done. [/quote]

Yeah it can make you so passive and exhausted. I wish there were an easy way to gather all our little I's together and head them in the same direction.
DanielS said:
JP said:
They describe the process of negative thoughts in detail but I can't remember the exact words. They talk about how we dwell on them until we feel an uncontrollable urge to cry and that it literally makes some of us crazy. “Get up and do something!” they say. “If not enough of you can get over this then the next session will be replaced by members sharing their hang-ups [on the forum].”

Thanks for posting this JP. A wake up call indeed! I've been feeling the above alot lately. Dwelling on negative thoughts and feeling the urge to either cry or completely lash out and just plain old feeling sorry for myself because I'm feeling stuck in it. It's been driving me crazy!

Fwiw, I've found a way (although it's nothing new or spectacular) to on the one hand lessen the effect of negative thoughts and on the other hand to induce a real positive internal state. Which is simply listening to classical music every day (the masters like e.g. Mozart, Beethoven, see also this thread). I've always loved this type of music, but didn't listen to it regularly. Now that I do, I understand better (=experience/feel it personally) the importance of what kind of impressions one is feeding oneself with. It makes all the difference!

I mean, apart from the 'work-in-progress-condition' of our machines, if you picture how we're being bombarded with negative programming and influences from all around, it's the most logical thing to do to create a counter-balance. EE is a big one. Adding something for accompaniment during all-day life could be another.

JP said:
I used to do a lot of public speaking years ago. I'm pretty quiet and shy normally and would fight with myself like crazy whenever I had to give a talk, but as soon as I would stand up in front of everyone a kind of peace, confidence and joy just took over. It seemed to be the only place I really fit. Now I have a flip camera sitting on my desk and keep thinking "No, you can't possibly expect me to talk to people. No, no, no, it's been so long. I can't do it. Who would want to listen anyway?" etc., but I can't get away from that feeling that I'm supposed to do something.

Fwiw, JP, I'd say go for it. Within the context of your dream of "Get up and do something", as well as what I bolded above in your description, and the fact that we simply need as many people for spreading the word as we can - the more creative, the better - I don't see any reason for you to hold off. Your "Who would want to listen to it anyway?" is, as you surely know, nothing but the negative introject. Which is quite humorous, considering that this is what your dream has been all about: to break free of negative thought loops and non-doing. ;)
DanielS said:
Puck said:
I've had a number of shocking dreams lately, not at all pleasant, and perhaps this is why. Our progress is so ephemeral, so intangible, it's often easy to allow our negative introject to beat us up. At times I get the distinct impression that negative thoughts and self-hate is being broadcast from elsewhere and the sensation of realizing that is disturbing, to say the least. :scared:

Yup, you pretty much described my inner landscape at the moment too, shocking dreams included.

When this is going on, it really does waste so much energy that you don't even think of doing anything productive. And when you do build up the will-power to do so, it's so insignificant its almost as if nothing was done at all. Then the negative introject kicks in to beat you up for doing so little! After which it finds other reasons to beat you up about that don't even relate to the situation at hand. No wonder JP's dream stated some people could go crazy from it if something's not done.

The negative introject will fight for its life to convince you it was 'nothing'. To put all your energy into berating yourself and beating yourself up....or to put the energy into something equally wasteful.
The thing to remember though is that, whatever effort you take to break out of this....no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is the fight! The battle is through us.
And those 'insignificant' acts of will, add up over time.

An interesting analogy just came to mind.......what if exercising the Will is like a butterfly trying to break out of its chrysalis? Without the continued seeming insignificant pushing, you'll never get out......but from the perspective of being inside the chrysalis, you seem to be going nowhere no matter the effort.....all the time not realising that the pushing is slowly breaking the cocoon around you.
Keep pushing! "Do something!" no matter how small or insignificant....even if its taking time out to rest from the pushing whilst ignoring the negative introject :hug:
Puzzle said:
Fwiw, I've found a way (although it's nothing new or spectacular) to on the one hand lessen the effect of negative thoughts and on the other hand to induce a real positive internal state. Which is simply listening to classical music every day (the masters like e.g. Mozart, Beethoven, see also this thread). I've always loved this type of music, but didn't listen to it regularly. Now that I do, I understand better (=experience/feel it personally) the importance of what kind of impressions one is feeding oneself with. It makes all the difference!

Yes I really love listening to the classics, thanks for the link I missed that one. I find some of the Gurdjieff songs seem to elevate the soul.

[quote author=RedFox]
The thing to remember though is that, whatever effort you take to break out of this....no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is the fight! The battle is through us.
And those 'insignificant' acts of will, add up over time.

An interesting analogy just came to mind.......what if exercising the Will is like a butterfly trying to break out of its chrysalis? Without the continued seeming insignificant pushing, you'll never get out......but from the perspective of being inside the chrysalis, you seem to be going nowhere no matter the effort.....all the time not realising that the pushing is slowly breaking the cocoon around you. [/quote]

Thanks for the analogy RedFox. Isn't it Mouravieff who said the motto of those seeking the way is 'to burn and to serve'? I find the more you have to struggle and fight the more you burn. It's when you are down on your knees wondering how the heck you can keep going that something gets lit within you. What I get scared of is when everything seems normal and I feel that burning sensation drifting away. How do you keep burning day after day, week after week? There's external circumstances and the shaking up of interior filaments but ultimately it must come down to an act of Will.
Puzzle said:
Fwiw, JP, I'd say go for it. Within the context of your dream of "Get up and do something", as well as what I bolded above in your description, and the fact that we simply need as many people for spreading the word as we can - the more creative, the better - I don't see any reason for you to hold off. Your "Who would want to listen to it anyway?" is, as you surely know, nothing but the negative introject. Which is quite humorous, considering that this is what your dream has been all about: to break free of negative thought loops and non-doing. ;)

I guess there is no reason why I shouldn't at least dip my toe in the water and see what happens. :)
Well, did you? I was quite interested by your posts on this topic when they first appeared, hows about now?
I thought I would start with the flute just to go through the process of getting something out there. I've been away over Christmas but managed to upload them today. It took a bit longer then I thought it would to create the first video but now I know what to do it should be fairly straightforward to do more.

I've included a link to EE at the end of the songs.



I would of loved to have played the drum alongside the flute but I just couldn't get the sound of the drum to come out properly. I've only been playing for a few months so go easy on me :)

I have a few ideas for videos laid out in my mind which will be coming shortly.
JP said:
I thought I would start with the flute just to go through the process of getting something out there. I've been away over Christmas but managed to upload them today. It took a bit longer then I thought it would to create the first video but now I know what to do it should be fairly straightforward to do more.

I've included a link to EE at the end of the songs.



I would of loved to have played the drum alongside the flute but I just couldn't get the sound of the drum to come out properly. I've only been playing for a few months so go easy on me :)

I have a few ideas for videos laid out in my mind which will be coming shortly.

It also sounds really beautifull for slow dance exercises, thanks for sharing :)

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