Dream: Getting Told Off By The C's

Thanks for sharing, JP, and by the way, I could hear the drums playing, as well as seeing people dance around a bonfire. ;) That flute does elicit these things quite naturally in me.

JP said:
I have a few ideas for videos laid out in my mind which will be coming shortly.

That'd be great! Will you also include speaking? Just asking, because you mentioned it was especially public speaking that seemed to fit you:

but as soon as I would stand up in front of everyone a kind of peace, confidence and joy just took over. It seemed to be the only place I really fit.

Keep it coming!

For only a few months on the flute you play really well!

I've been reading alot lately on the Native American culture in trying to understand the role tobacco played in their religious/spiritual life, and came across some quotes from Black Elk. He seemed to know quite a bit, so this added something more to the video for me. Nicely done, JP.
Thank you all for the positive feedback.

[quote author="Puzzle"] That'd be great! Will you also include speaking? Just asking, because you mentioned it was especially public speaking that seemed to fit you:[/quote]
Yes this will include speaking. I plan on having something out by next Sunday, or at least the speaking part of it done anyway. If I don't give myself a deadline it's too easy to put off.

[quote author="DanielS"]I've been reading alot lately on the Native American culture in trying to understand the role tobacco played in their religious/spiritual life, and came across some quotes from Black Elk. He seemed to know quite a bit, so this added something more to the video for me. Nicely done, JP.[/quote]

Black Elk was one of the people we studied last year in Native American History. He didn't do exactly what he wanted to do but at least he left his story for others to learn from. If you haven't found him already Lame Deer also talks about the sacred pipe quite a bit.
DanielS said:
For only a few months on the flute you play really well!

I agree with Daniel here. I've also recently started to play (learn to play) an instrument and it's simply grand, I should've started much earlier.

By the way, JP, have you noticed that your piece has already been shared on FB?

JP said:
Yes this will include speaking. I plan on having something out by next Sunday, or at least the speaking part of it done anyway. If I don't give myself a deadline it's too easy to put off.

Looking forward to it! And yes to the deadline thingie: without a deadline it's so easy that time flies by and nothing gets done.
I think these are great JP! I also think your dreams are very in tune with what is going on for a lot of people. If I could, I would send video cameras to every forum member and have them make videos that promote the ideas of this forum. If anyone has a video camera, get a youtube account and put something out there!!
Puzzle said:
I've also recently started to play (learn to play) an instrument and it's simply grand, I should've started much earlier.

Don't forget to share some of your music with the rest of us when you're ready ;)

Puzzle said:
By the way, JP, have you noticed that your piece has already been shared on FB?

No that one must have slipped by, although I only jump on there once a day.
JP said:
Don't forget to share some of your music with the rest of us when you're ready ;)

That'll still take some time of practising, but I'll see what I can do.
FWIW I gave the recording a go on Sun but the video editing may take a little while to figure out.
Dwelling on negative thoughts....... lessen the effect of negative thoughts and on the other hand to induce a real positive internal state. Which is simply listening to classical music every day...... the importance of what kind of impressions one is feeding oneself with. It makes all the difference!

I mean, apart from the 'work-in-progress-condition' of our machines, if you picture how we're being bombarded with negative programming and influences from all around, it's the most logical thing to do to create a counter-balance...... we simply need as many people for spreading the word as we can ...... this is what your dream has been all about: to break free of negative thought loops and non-doing. ;)

I really loved this emphasis on staying aware of the internal terrain, and deliberately choosing to change course when needed

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