Dreams of a Departed


FOTCM Member
Having just read of a forum members Grandmothers passing :(, was reminded of my dream logged a few months ago and perhaps this is a relevant time to share it.

The dream evoked from a different time and place, the setting had splendid architectural features of iron and stone columns and features, a spiral staircase with sculpted rod iron railings and yet was not somehow in an indoor setting – it was open air. In the beginning of the dream there were forum members, who I only know by name here and some i’ve only briefly met. In the dream there was reading, recounting and general discussions in a warm kind atmosphere. My memory of same was overshadowed by what is recalled at the end. Coming down around the last few steps of the spiral staircase, could see an old woman with wiry white hair standing with her face turned to the side. There was recognition as she started to turn, and then I exclaimed in a questioning voice, Grandma, is that you. She turned and smiled and her arms opened as I rushed to greet her. We embraced and started to move in a dance and were both filled with joy - no words were spoken.

The impression was vivid and I woke to my amazement and wrote it down. She has been gone since 1986 (she was 86), and had always had strong childhood and adult memories up until she left. She was the kind of woman who was gentle and caring and remembered her fondly for her constant humming of little tunes that seemed to soothe time.

It takes something like a dream to think back and know how much you miss someone after such a long time, and yet the dream somehow speaks of them never really being that far away.
Thanks for sharing.

I lost both my grandparents (father's side) respectively 2 and 3 years ago.

Before my grandfather passed away, I dreamed he was about to go and surely he did and that dream was full of love, joy and sadness. I was sad about his death (crying a lot) but didn't try to deny it.

Since his death, I've had quite a few dreams about him and I felt very guilty to not have been there more especially in his last weeks/months. In my dreams, I would always hug him and I only felt pure joy and love from him but I would also cry a lot and feel sad. Dream after dream I let my sadness go and eventually, with the help of those dreams I was able to mourn his death and now the pain is quite gone even though I still miss him.

I've also dreamed about my grandmother and the same pretty much happened although I only saw her once of twice whereas I've seen my grandfather a lot more and still very occasionally do and always take the opportunity to salute him and tell him I love and miss him. Only that now, I don't feel like crying anymore.

Both my grandparents on this side of the family were as close to me as my own parents, especially during youth.
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