Dreams of Death

Hi Jeremy
If you are having horrific dreams after doing E-E then you may want to drop the Ba-Ha round breathing section for a while.

As to the dream, I usually interpret death in dreams as transformation. So perhaps it being about your death in the future it is a confirmation you are on the right track for inner transformation??
Being at ease with it may also mean that you are more at ease with yourself.
Hi redfox,

If you are having horrific dreams after doing E-E then you may want to drop the Ba-Ha round breathing section for a while.

As stated in my post, I dream about some horrific things, but do not seem to be scared. The dreams don't have these nightmarish aspects I connect with nightmares. There seems to be a difference between dreaming (seeing) about some horrific things and being scared about it. Does only the fact that the themes are horrific suggests to drop the BA ha for a while or is the fact that the horrific themes scare the living daylights out of the dreamer that suggest to drop the BA-ha for a while?

As to the dream, I usually interpret death in dreams as transformation. So perhaps it being about your death in the future it is a confirmation you are on the right track for inner transformation??

I agree but remain vigilant.

Being at ease with it may also mean that you are more at ease with yourself.

I seems indeed so. I am more in conversation with my inner child and more in communication with the outer world. This seems to help me to be more comfortable with myself.

thanks for the advice.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
As stated in my post, I dream about some horrific things, but do not seem to be scared. The dreams don't have these nightmarish aspects I connect with nightmares. There seems to be a difference between dreaming (seeing) about some horrific things and being scared about it. Does only the fact that the themes are horrific suggests to drop the BA ha for a while or is the fact that the horrific themes scare the living daylights out of the dreamer that suggest to drop the BA-ha for a while?

Thanks for the explanation. If you have no trouble with the dreams, and they are not disturbing you then continue with the BA HA section.
But if these dreams are causing sleep problems, or the nightmares are overwhelming (i.e. emotional overload) then it is best to skip the BA HA section until things calm down, then reintroduce it when you feel able to do so. The BA HA section tends to bring up buried emotions, and having dreams like this can be a side effect.
Its possible these dreams are your emotions (or perhaps even past life experiences) being worked out/processed while you sleep.
If you can observe in the dream then this is probably a good thing :)

One last thought....how is your diet going? Have you cut out gluten/dairy/sugar etc?
I ask because I remember having nightmares a lot, and eventually realised that when I eat something I shouldn't (having been on the elimination diet for some time) one way it manifests is through violent dreams of death or fighting. I interpret it to mean that my body is fighting the food I ate....my body is attacking itself.....the subconscious knows this and sends a 'you are being attacked!!' message via the dream! fwiw
One last thought....how is your diet going? Have you cut out gluten/dairy/sugar etc?

REdfox, I have not started with the diet in a consisted way. I do go trough periods of limiting the gluten, dairy,sugar, but fall back into old habits. One of the excuses I used was that my family life did not allow me to be consistent in it. My wife did react quiet aggressive when I started to stop eating bread. I realize though that the problems are in me and that the diet was one of the means she expressed her discontent with my behavior. So I am first reading the big Five (almost finished) to get a better grip on the narcissism. This is helping a lot and it seems that the relation with my wife is improving, thanks to a much increased communication. Therefore it could be that I will be able to communicate better my intentions and reasoning to do the diet. I ordered the recommended books and will start soon to read them.
I had a very real dream about my death some years ago (I don't remember when exactly). In this dream I was on the path between the street and the forest. I was running very fast from a giant. I didn't see what it was. And just when this creature almost caught me up I saw an object falling from the sky toward me. Just second before it hit me, I calmed down myself and then a meteorite hit me. I felt no pain at that moment.

2 strange dreams the same day a few days ago. I was working at my home instead of the office. I had a 20 minutes siesta at 2 pm during which I saw a person who looked like the Benny Hill show actor (Alfred Hawthorn Hill) telling me “you’re gonna die”, and he said it several times. I woke up and thought “not funny but true”, then returned to my computer.

What is strange is that when I went to bed the same day, at approximately midnight, I fell asleep and immediately saw the same guy. This time, he gave me the date of my death, that was 7/17. This is not a complete date but this woke me up, at 0.20. I wrote it on the notebook that is always close to my pillow, and resumed my sleep :zzz:.

Is there any special significance ? Shall I pay a special attention in 9 days ?
I had a dream a few days ago about my ex-husband; in the dream I received a letter from him in the mail. It was a beautifully written letter telling me that he was dying and wanted to apologize and make amends for the things he had done. He also said that he would leave everything he had to our son (in real life he signed away his rights when we divorced seventeen years ago). I don't ever see him or talk to him and rarely even think of him anymore, so this dream was out of the blue. I woke up abruptly when he started apologizing in the letter, thinking "what the heck was that!?" When I dozed off, I went right back to where I was in the letter. I woke up a few times and went right back into the dream. I even took my husband and son to see him in the hospital where he was. He had liver disease and had been beaten up badly.
I was wondering if maybe he had let go of his anger and bitterness over our marriage ending finally, or maybe it was prophetic on some level, or maybe it was just my subconscious telling me there were some things with regards to this relationship I still needed to resolve on some level? Anyway, I meditated on it and did find some things I needed to still forgive him and myself for, so I did that.

Shinzenbi said:
2 strange dreams the same day a few days ago. I was working at my home instead of the office. I had a 20 minutes siesta at 2 pm during which I saw a person who looked like the Benny Hill show actor (Alfred Hawthorn Hill) telling me “you’re gonna die”, and he said it several times. I woke up and thought “not funny but true”, then returned to my computer.

What is strange is that when I went to bed the same day, at approximately midnight, I fell asleep and immediately saw the same guy. This time, he gave me the date of my death, that was 7/17. This is not a complete date but this woke me up, at 0.20. I wrote it on the notebook that is always close to my pillow, and resumed my sleep :zzz:.

Is there any special significance ? Shall I pay a special attention in 9 days ?

Just wondering if anything significant happened in 9 days?
Meechel17 said:
Shinzenbi said:
2 strange dreams the same day a few days ago. I was working at my home instead of the office. I had a 20 minutes siesta at 2 pm during which I saw a person who looked like the Benny Hill show actor (Alfred Hawthorn Hill) telling me “you’re gonna die”, and he said it several times. I woke up and thought “not funny but true”, then returned to my computer.

What is strange is that when I went to bed the same day, at approximately midnight, I fell asleep and immediately saw the same guy. This time, he gave me the date of my death, that was 7/17. This is not a complete date but this woke me up, at 0.20. I wrote it on the notebook that is always close to my pillow, and resumed my sleep :zzz:.

Is there any special significance ? Shall I pay a special attention in 9 days ?

Just wondering if anything significant happened in 9 days?

Nothing special. Thank you for your post, i'm alive :cool:. Looking backward, i think it was just a simple, meaningless, dream. The only thing i can say is that when i look at my professional schedule of July, the 17th turned out to be the last day of intense activity before the usual summer slowdown. That's it ! Not had any new dreams of this kind ever since. I'll mention it if it happens again before the usual winter professional slowdown. It starts after Christmas every year. It would be funny.
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