Dreams of the people on the forum


Jedi Master
I had a very vivid dream a few weeks ago of the Forum being hosted in a regular old office building. I went up the elevator and met Joe. There were more and more cars being parked outside which represented to me more and more people belonging and getting knowledge. It felt quite positive indeed!
Today I had a dream. I rarely have dreams, I don't remember them (due to the constant use of MJ), but this dream (or rather the general impression) I remember. In short, in the dream, I was in some kind of castle, but this castle is all technological and more like a place where lizards live (a dungeon maybe), and they showed and told me everything there, but not only that, I solved some questions there myself , то есть - не "туристом" был :). Maybe it was theft, although I'm not sure, as the protection of the golden ball is set :). In connection with this, I will tell you another dream. My friend and I are in the central square, people are walking around, I raise my head, and there is a “plate” of lights flashing, I tell my friend - look!!!, but he doesn’t seem to hear me at all, and the people around me don’t see anything either, although my behavior clearly indicates that the situation is non-standard :), and they have zero attention. And then this “plate” began to lift me towards itself, I immediately imagined myself in a golden ball and immediately woke up. So “there is preparation :). Maybe these are just dreams inspired by impressions, or maybe not so;)
Just reading:
There is a quoted passage from a Cs session about melatonin where they explain that it causes:
"Melatonin only serves to make one more aware of processes in this context. "
Over the past two weeks I have had trouble sleeping so my daughter suggested I take melatonin.
The first time I took one dose and fell asleep but my wife woke me up in the middle of the night because I was screaming.
I remember that before falling asleep I had a kind of sleep paralysis and then I fought something as if I was being consumed by something evil and suddenly I felt as if someone came to help and then my wife woke me up.
The following nights I slept normally.
After a few days I again had trouble sleeping so I took two doses of melatonin.
What happened that night was even stranger.
After taking melatonin I was standing by the stairs talking to my daughter who was in the kitchen and I was going to go to bed but I couldn't move, our conversation became strange because suddenly I couldn't get a word out .
I was overwhelmed with terror and started screaming and again my wife woke me up and started stroking my head. She was worried about what was happening.
I woke up but the terror didn't go away , I was shaking inside and the only thing I could think of was "ask someone for help" and in my mind I shouted for Laura to help me.
At that moment, I felt shivers all over my body, like vibrations, and everything passed.
I continued to sleep normally.
I wanted to share this on the forum immediately after the events but couldn't decide.
It was only after reading the above article that I gained the courage to do so.
Could melatonin have done something here.
Once again, thank you all.
Thank you Laura.
Just reading:
There is a quoted passage from a Cs session about melatonin where they explain that it causes:
"Melatonin only serves to make one more aware of processes in this context. "
Over the past two weeks I have had trouble sleeping so my daughter suggested I take melatonin.
The first time I took one dose and fell asleep but my wife woke me up in the middle of the night because I was screaming.
I remember that before falling asleep I had a kind of sleep paralysis and then I fought something as if I was being consumed by something evil and suddenly I felt as if someone came to help and then my wife woke me up.
The following nights I slept normally.
After a few days I again had trouble sleeping so I took two doses of melatonin.
What happened that night was even stranger.
After taking melatonin I was standing by the stairs talking to my daughter who was in the kitchen and I was going to go to bed but I couldn't move, our conversation became strange because suddenly I couldn't get a word out .
I was overwhelmed with terror and started screaming and again my wife woke me up and started stroking my head. She was worried about what was happening.
I woke up but the terror didn't go away , I was shaking inside and the only thing I could think of was "ask someone for help" and in my mind I shouted for Laura to help me.
At that moment, I felt shivers all over my body, like vibrations, and everything passed.
I continued to sleep normally.
I wanted to share this on the forum immediately after the events but couldn't decide.
It was only after reading the above article that I gained the courage to do so.
Could melatonin have done something here.
Once again, thank you all.
Thank you Laura.
Look up “dark man dream” on the forum and in Cass Wiki, there is a lot of interesting information pertaining to your dream as this could be relevant also.
Could melatonin have done something here.
Once again, thank you all.
It's interesting that it is a well-described side effect with melatonin : nightmares and night terror. Only that melatonin is not producing the nightmares, it's just increasing your level of awareness and you can finally protect yourself accordingly.
It's interesting that it is a well-described side effect with melatonin : nightmares and night terror. Only that melatonin is not producing the nightmares, it's just increasing your level of awareness and you can finally protect yourself accordingly.
Hm Gaby and how can I protect myself?
And then can I somehow use this increased level of consciousness in the dream for this?
I remember having "dark man" dreams as a teenager.
Then it passed or I stopped being aware of it.
Only, those dreams were different because in them I was aware that I was dreaming and they were preceded by paralysis.
Or I perceive it differently now.
I don't know what to do about it.
Should I still try melatonin?
And when it happens again do I somehow control the fear and see what happens?
It will be difficult for me to consciously expose myself to these kinds of feelings.
Hm Gaby and how can I protect myself?
Do you have your own Cassiopaean crystal? If not, ask for one:

Don't even wait for it to arrive. Get a few crystals and leave them on the next new moon out there in the sun for three days and three nights, starting on the day before the new moon. Then, you recite the "Prayer of the Soul" eight times and Paul's letter on Love, eight times :

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

And if I have prophetic powers – that is, the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose; and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love I am nothing – a useless nobody.

Even if I dole out all that I have to give food to the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy; is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.

It is not conceited – arrogant and inflated with pride; it is not rude, and does not act unbecomingly. Love does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it – pays no attention to a suffered wrong.

It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstance and it endures everything without weakening.

Love never fails – never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end. As for prophecy, it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will be superseded by truth.

For our knowledge is fragmentary and our prophecy is fragmentary.

But when the complete and perfect comes, the incomplete and imperfect will vanish away – become antiquated, void and superseded.

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside.

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim reflection of reality as in a riddle or an enigma, but then, when perfection comes, we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part; but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood by God.

And so, faith, hope, love abide; these three, but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1–13)
Put the crystals underneath your pillow or in your night desk, and meditate with the prayer of the soul before going to bed. Whatever is there, is already there. Melatonin is only increasing your awareness. The act of meditating will help you align yourself with the Creative Force. Step by step.
Do you have your own Cassiopaean crystal? If not, ask for one:

Don't even wait for it to arrive. Get a few crystals and leave them on the next new moon out there in the sun for three days and three nights, starting on the day before the new moon. Then, you recite the "Prayer of the Soul" eight times and Paul's letter on Love, eight times :

Put the crystals underneath your pillow or in your night desk, and meditate with the prayer of the soul before going to bed. Whatever is there, is already there. Melatonin is only increasing your awareness. The act of meditating will help you align yourself with the Creative Force. Step by step.
Thank you Gaby.
I don't have cassiopean crystals I will order them.
In the meantime, will quartz crystal be suitable?
Do you have your own Cassiopaean crystal? If not, ask for one:

Don't even wait for it to arrive. Get a few crystals and leave them on the next new moon out there in the sun for three days and three nights, starting on the day before the new moon. Then, you recite the "Prayer of the Soul" eight times and Paul's letter on Love, eight times :

Put the crystals underneath your pillow or in your night desk, and meditate with the prayer of the soul before going to bed. Whatever is there, is already there. Melatonin is only increasing your awareness. The act of meditating will help you align yourself with the Creative Force. Step by step.
The next new moon will be on August 4 at 1:14 pm.
Do the crystals go on display on August 3?
Hm Gaby and how can I protect myself?
And then can I somehow use this increased level of consciousness in the dream for this?
I remember having "dark man" dreams as a teenager.
Then it passed or I stopped being aware of it.
Only, those dreams were different because in them I was aware that I was dreaming and they were preceded by paralysis.
Or I perceive it differently now.
I don't know what to do about it.
Should I still try melatonin?
And when it happens again do I somehow control the fear and see what happens?
It will be difficult for me to consciously expose myself to these kinds of feelings.
On top of the crystal suggestion, I would also just share that it wasn't until I changed my diet thoroughly that I stopped getting sleep paralysis. I had paralysis several times a night for weeks at a time. I have also had full on vivid dreams of the lizards not even shielding themselves with mimicry from me, which seems to be the general method they use to confuse you during sleep. It was almost like they knew that I knew it was them, and some of these dreams have been mind blowing, full on planets/realities that were fully enslaved by them (people in chains type stuff) etc etc.. Whether or not these things were actual realities that exist I am unsure of, but I felt all the emotions associated with being truly powerless against a more evolved species.

Once I got my diet down, and of course other methods involving meditation and energy center work, this kind of thing basically dissipated. Another huge factor was my level of fear before bed.. If I was dreading another nightmare, it was like a self fulfilling prophecy. I guess part if it is developing the courage to face these kinds of experiences, I think a lot of these entities are just astral parasites who really can't do much to you except for feed off you.

The unfortunate thing is that, for those on this path towards graduation, the more dedicated we become, the harder the pushback by 4th D seems to be.

I am not sure what is going on 100% during paralysis, but the feeling of suffocation can truly feel like you stop breathing, but I have never had it to where I woke up gasping for air.. Perhaps it is just an illusion that your breathing stops. I learned to start wiggling my big toe as soon as I realized I was in paralysis and eventually was able to get myself out of it fairly easy.

Anyways just thought I would share some thoughts.. Paralysis isn't fun but it can definitely be dealt with.
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