
Kila said:
Perhaps a metaphor would help here (hopefully it is accurate enough). Imagine a world where we all suffer from broken legs in childhood...this is 'normal' so no one really pays attention. More so being broken is normal and they are never set.....infact they are ignored and left to 'heal' on there own.
The only thing people know is that they hurt and that they can't walk well as adults. Some people seem to be more sensitive than others to life (because the broken leg is septic and poisoning there blood....they become over sensitive to life and even delusional with fear from being slowly poisoned)....either in the form of bacteria and parasites (that we can't see) or vultures or wolves society is plagued by these feeders looking to feed off the sick and dying (i.e. all of us). Some people notice the wolves and fear there visit (as they take chunks).....yet can't see that we are better food if we are all crippled, sick, infested with parasites and d :) :) :) :)ying inside.


Everything OK there Kila? May I assume that your youngest may have gotten ahold of your computer while you were still logged on?
ummmmm.... :lol: :lol:

Okay I am laughing my a@* off...

Yes, actually, I was typing that and another child overflowed the toilet so I pretty much jumped and ran... so Evan boy decided to add a few of his own thoughts I see..


okay... what a night... :lol:.
Okay let me try this again...

Perhaps a metaphor would help here (hopefully it is accurate enough). Imagine a world where we all suffer from broken legs in childhood...this is 'normal' so no one really pays attention. More so being broken is normal and they are never set.....infact they are ignored and left to 'heal' on there own.
The only thing people know is that they hurt and that they can't walk well as adults. Some people seem to be more sensitive than others to life (because the broken leg is septic and poisoning there blood....they become over sensitive to life and even delusional with fear from being slowly poisoned)....either in the form of bacteria and parasites (that we can't see) or vultures or wolves society is plagued by these feeders looking to feed off the sick and dying (i.e. all of us). Some people notice the wolves and fear there visit (as they take chunks).....yet can't see that we are better food if we are all crippled, sick, infested with parasites and dying inside.

I didn't see this until I had already posted my first response.. but yes...exactly that.. and you put it much better than I do.

For us however it is not just broken bodies (poisoned from the wrong food and chemicals in out environment) that are the problem, its the broken minds and emotional traumas from childhood that are our 'broken legs'. So part of the cure (the wolves become less interested because we are less easy to eat) is to fix our 'broken legs'....heal our emotional traumas, detox our bodies and minds and hearts.
The tools for doing so we have at our disposal are doing the E-E program, reading and applying the Big 5 to our lives and the Diet and Health section (check out the UltraMind quiz) of the forum.

I gotcha.

Focusing on classifying the wolves and parasites (beyond being able to recognise and avoid them and know how they influence us to be food) helps.....but the healing needs to be done at a practical level because that's all we have to work with.

yes...okay... in other words become a smarter wabbit.

This is something that can take a while to learn. Rather than dismiss these things or give them importance (invest yourself and your emotions in them), simply note them down somewhere and move on. It is that middle ground between ignoring and fully identifying with the events.
Acknowledge them without giving them great emotional importance/significance. Watch and listen without fixation, obsession or identification with what you see and hear. This can be hard to do with 'broken legs' causing your pain (trapped emotions).

Okay... I get it...wax on, wax off. It is pretty difficult. Growing up with a great deal of high strangeness and at the same time certain I was going to hell, and careful since multiple family members had either mysteriously disappeared, committed suicide or been put away. It makes for an interesting childhood. I think for me learning to observe my reactions and hold them at bay, sort of like pretty stones, I'll just keep that in my pocket for now thanks, kept me alive and relatively sane. Still there was a tremendous amount of secrecy and I'm sure some disassociation on my part. In fact I had this huge epiphany just last night about a behavior that I just took for granted but after scratching the surface a bit I discovered just where it came from. So, I know I have a ton of work to do. I have had therapy but some of this stuff I would feel very reticent to bring up in front of a therapist. I'm sure there are a host of possible pills that could fix both me and my daughter.

This brings me to something I'd like to observe about your posts in this thread so far. I may be mistaken but I sense (and this is subjective) a lot of fear in your posts...hidden beneath the surface.
So doing the E-E breathing (perhaps avoiding the bio-energetic/round breathing to start with), but more importantly doing the Prayer of the Soul every night may be your best starting point in regards to healing (thus freeing) yourself.

There is some fear around the phenomenon, but I have been around and experiencing this my whole life and trying to figure it out. Sometimes stuff scares me but that was something I was taught really early on, how to observe the fear, to just notice it and then leave it, at least in those kinds of situations.

I would say the fear you are sensing is motivated by something else entirely. The fear that ya'll will think I'm a nut. I don't talk about this stuff outside my family at all. And most of my family is dead. So...... here I am. It does make me exceptionally nervous talking about it.. so I kind of just vomit it all out and then go smoke heavily for about an hour.. :cool2:

Be gentle and kind with yourself and your daughter Kali. You are both hurt and in pain, so take time out and breath and heal.

Thank you and thank you
I can't begin to tell you all how much appreciation I have for you
Just wanted to add...thank you Red Fox I have read both links now and the Prolonged Attach thread was very useful...
I recently had a dream, although an "experience" might be more accurate a description. Over the years I have had many dreams that "stick" with me, some of those will be shared at another time, but this one first as it was just the other night.

There is not too much to the dream, but what does seem important is the "effect". In a nutshell, there was this perception of a tetrahedron, shining and intense light, as if it were vibrating or even "alive" - yet though from a certain angle it appeared to be a pyramid, within the "dream" there was this knowledge that it was seven-sided.

When I think of the shape of tetrahedron today I cannot help but think of some esoteric works I've read which describe the relationship between "the three" and "the four" that is, the heptagon, as the "symbol of God". To be clear, it was a pyramid shape in my dream and I mention the heptagon because of the relationship to the number 7, or the 3 and the 4. Without directly being aware of it, I was aware in the dream of some significance pertaining to the number 7 and what I was seeing/experiencing.

Anyways, all of those thoughts were not in my awareness during the experience, only the sight of this bright white light radiating from the tetrahedron, which seemed seven-sided and in the dream it seemed that I was being told it was "turning" so that one side which has not been "seen" by humanity for eons was now coming into alignment.

The most striking thing, however, and this is why I call it an experience rather than a "dream" was the distinct feeling that thought had stopped. I do not know how to describe this other than to say that as I was in mid-dream state and for the slightest moment of time (though it also seemed, due to the intensity of the dream, to be a "long" time) that my thoughts were null and void, if I can use that term. I don't know what I can say, I've never had such a sensation before in waking consciousness, not during meditation or any other dreams. I could sense that there was "no thought" - and as I awoke in bed, noticed this, when suddenly, like you turn a spigot on a faucet, thoughts came streaming into consciousness! LOL and arrgggh. It was as if at the moment of noticing there was not thought, thought came tumbling in! This was a keen and distinguishing characteristic of the dream.

Aside from this, for a few moments as I was waking and lying in bed, I distinctly heard a voice or voices, a melody of sorts, which struck me as feminine, and as I tried to identify the source of the sound it "felt" like it was coming from the living room. This lasted a few seconds, it seemed that something was being said but I could not understand or decipher the "words" only knowing that the sensation was sound, I distinctly HEARD some-thing! I began to think maybe the TV was on (though I knew it was not) or perhaps I was "hearing" or communicating telepathically with one of my girls (dogs) that will sometimes sleep on the couch in the other room where the sound seemed to be coming from.

Once these thoughts started this "pressure" which seemed to surround my head "lifted" and I was in normal awareness, lying in bed, and the thought spigot churned.

Perhaps it was merely a dream? Perhaps an encounter with some aspect of myself? Perhaps those damn aliens were messing with me? Perhaps something less alluring and more mundane?

At any event it was quite an experience and just wanted to share with you all.

With kind regards,


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