I recently had a dream, although an "experience" might be more accurate a description. Over the years I have had many dreams that "stick" with me, some of those will be shared at another time, but this one first as it was just the other night.
There is not too much to the dream, but what does seem important is the "effect". In a nutshell, there was this perception of a tetrahedron, shining and intense light, as if it were vibrating or even "alive" - yet though from a certain angle it appeared to be a pyramid, within the "dream" there was this knowledge that it was seven-sided.
When I think of the shape of tetrahedron today I cannot help but think of some esoteric works I've read which describe the relationship between "the three" and "the four" that is, the heptagon, as the "symbol of God". To be clear, it was a pyramid shape in my dream and I mention the heptagon because of the relationship to the number 7, or the 3 and the 4. Without directly being aware of it, I was aware in the dream of some significance pertaining to the number 7 and what I was seeing/experiencing.
Anyways, all of those thoughts were not in my awareness during the experience, only the sight of this bright white light radiating from the tetrahedron, which seemed seven-sided and in the dream it seemed that I was being told it was "turning" so that one side which has not been "seen" by humanity for eons was now coming into alignment.
The most striking thing, however, and this is why I call it an experience rather than a "dream" was the distinct feeling that thought had stopped. I do not know how to describe this other than to say that as I was in mid-dream state and for the slightest moment of time (though it also seemed, due to the intensity of the dream, to be a "long" time) that my thoughts were null and void, if I can use that term. I don't know what I can say, I've never had such a sensation before in waking consciousness, not during meditation or any other dreams. I could sense that there was "no thought" - and as I awoke in bed, noticed this, when suddenly, like you turn a spigot on a faucet, thoughts came streaming into consciousness! LOL and arrgggh. It was as if at the moment of noticing there was not thought, thought came tumbling in! This was a keen and distinguishing characteristic of the dream.
Aside from this, for a few moments as I was waking and lying in bed, I distinctly heard a voice or voices, a melody of sorts, which struck me as feminine, and as I tried to identify the source of the sound it "felt" like it was coming from the living room. This lasted a few seconds, it seemed that something was being said but I could not understand or decipher the "words" only knowing that the sensation was sound, I distinctly HEARD some-thing! I began to think maybe the TV was on (though I knew it was not) or perhaps I was "hearing" or communicating telepathically with one of my girls (dogs) that will sometimes sleep on the couch in the other room where the sound seemed to be coming from.
Once these thoughts started this "pressure" which seemed to surround my head "lifted" and I was in normal awareness, lying in bed, and the thought spigot churned.
Perhaps it was merely a dream? Perhaps an encounter with some aspect of myself? Perhaps those damn aliens were messing with me? Perhaps something less alluring and more mundane?
At any event it was quite an experience and just wanted to share with you all.
With kind regards,