Duality - Two sides of the whole.

waasekom, what is your point? I don't mean to be rude, but reading what you write is pretty close to impossible. Can you please state - clearly and concisely - exactly what you are trying to say in a way that a child would understand. If you can't do that, you do not understand it yourself.

My 'point' which is as clearly and concisely as possible (in terms of thought form, linearity) is in regard to the topic Title, which is why I wrote.

The point is:

We are not the associations we have with the 'apparent' dual reality.
Also We are the Circle, which is a metaphor for completeness.
For someone to 'think' that they need to attain some higher knowledge would be missing the boat all together.
Most blandly, YOU are the completeness, which has been described as "GOD" or "Pure Consciousness", YOU have been conditioned to forget that. It is the subtle intuitive presence that is what it is already, prior to anything constucted by the mind, which is beyond remembering in linear terms, or memory.


I cannot say a child could understand that in linear terms, but I know that children are closer to this presence than we apparent adults. They have the subtle enquiry for who they really are, but no one escapes conditioning here in '3D', which is why there is always a quest for that deep truth to surface.

Or do you mean a child in a different sense than physically, because most of those who operate solely from the mind have a long way to go before entering the 'adult' stages of truth, which is still unknown at this point. Physically, children are more aware of who they really are, and it is only when we 'adults' subject them to their mentalities that they are conditioned to forget.
waasekom said:
The point is:

We are not the associations we have with the 'apparent' dual reality.
Also We are the Circle, which is a metaphor for completeness.
For someone to 'think' that they need to attain some higher knowledge would be missing the boat all together.
Most blandly, YOU are the completeness, which has been described as "GOD" or "Pure Consciousness", YOU have been conditioned to forget that. It is the subtle intuitive presence that is what it is already, prior to anything constucted by the mind, which is beyond remembering in linear terms, or memory.

To me that sounds like the typical new age tendency to ascribe high spiritual truths to third density reality, which don't really apply here in the sense that they cannot be applied here due to our level of awareness/development. When people make claims such as yours they also claim that "all is one", when in fact all is not "one" here on 3D earth, and as 3D denziens, we are tasked with choosing between the duality (that you claim does not really exist) of creativity vs entropy that is very apparent in this reality. In short, you are advocating jumping ahead several steps, which I think is neither appropriate, nor indeed possible for us to do.
In short, you are advocating jumping ahead several steps, which I think is neither appropriate, nor indeed possible for us to do.

In short, maybe I am pointing you to where you came from intially before you projected onto the true reality that is. There is a tendency to say all is one, but how can you when you've never experienced it. I never have.

Jumping ahead is like looking beyond what is tangible, only to realize you are coming full circle to where you were before.

When people make claims such as yours they also claim that "all is one", when in fact all is not "one" here on 3D earth, and as 3D denziens, we are tasked with choosing between the duality (that you claim does not really exist) of creativity vs entropy that is very apparent in this reality.

It is all 'apparent' which is an illusion, because that which doesn't change is the only truth, and everything else passes. So being tasked with something doesn't mean you have to choose anything. Who is the one observing that which makes those choices, discover that and there is not duality there I can assure. Duality exists inbetween that which is apart of everything and that which constructed in spite which it is safe to say the vast majority of our minds endeavours. The mind is the duality, the coyote, but when you can observe that you are not your thoughts, than that is when you know duality is an illusion, construct etc.
waasekom said:
In short, you are advocating jumping ahead several steps, which I think is neither appropriate, nor indeed possible for us to do.

In short, maybe I am pointing you to where you came from intially before you projected onto the true reality that is. There is a tendency to say all is one, but how can you when you've never experienced it. I never have.

Jumping ahead is like looking beyond what is tangible, only to realize you are coming full circle to where you were before.

When people make claims such as yours they also claim that "all is one", when in fact all is not "one" here on 3D earth, and as 3D denziens, we are tasked with choosing between the duality (that you claim does not really exist) of creativity vs entropy that is very apparent in this reality.

It is all 'apparent' which is an illusion, because that which doesn't change is the only truth, and everything else passes. So being tasked with something doesn't mean you have to choose anything. Who is the one observing that which makes those choices, discover that and there is not duality there I can assure. Duality exists inbetween that which is apart of everything and that which constructed in spite which it is safe to say the vast majority of our minds endeavours. The mind is the duality, the coyote, but when you can observe that you are not your thoughts, than that is when you know duality is an illusion, construct etc.

That is an astounding serving of word salad. Waasekom, it is time for you to move to a forum more to your liking. Farewell.
waasekom said:
The point is:

We are not the associations we have with the 'apparent' dual reality.
Also We are the Circle, which is a metaphor for completeness.
For someone to 'think' that they need to attain some higher knowledge would be missing the boat all together.
Most blandly, YOU are the completeness, which has been described as "GOD" or "Pure Consciousness", YOU have been conditioned to forget that. It is the subtle intuitive presence that is what it is already, prior to anything constucted by the mind, which is beyond remembering in linear terms, or memory.

If I was complete I would be there now, I would 'Know' I was complete.. But I am not. Like you, I am in the physical linear aspect where I am learning, ie gaining knowledge, evolving if you wish, towards what I am to become, which to the me, here and now is open.

You 'state' we are a circle, ie we are 'complete'. You say this with authority, as one who Knows they are complete. How can you know that if you are in the process of evolution along with the rest of us?
Or, do you feel that you have the authority to state you ARE complete?

"most blandly", you follow, with the fact the
at WE(YOU) are the completeness, which has been described as"GOD" or "Pure Comsciousness", WE(YOU) have been conditioned to forget that. So are you telling us that you have remembered that? if so you are stating you are complete, ergo God, ergo pure consciousness.! Yet at the same time reminding us that it is beyond remembering in linear terms.

With respect to your beliefs waasekom you cannot have it both ways, and it sounds like you are repeating a dogmatic mantra. You cannot know this and be beyond remembering, ie knowing at one and the same time.

It comes across a dogmatic mantra of wishful thinking with all respects.

We may well be on a journey, and this journey may well be about the evolving of self to a higher state through knowledge and experiencing that evolution. But, we cannot know anything about being whole until we have gained that evolution, given that that is what we are doing. Time may well be an illusion here where we are now, the dimensions and layers of reality and a progress through them may well be part of our journey. But, unless one is whole and comes back retaining that wholeness with all knowledge, one is only left with faith.

To sit with the faith that one is whole is to have a blind faith and be passive in the face of the predators in this life . ie we are already whole, roll over, all is light and love, let the beasts ravage you, contol you, walk all over you and emprison you and your body mind and soul. Let them blind your mind, let them limit your freedom, let them conttrol every aspect of your life, after all, you are already whole, ergo you are already pure consciousness, ie you are already GOD.

No thanks, passive! Food for the moon! no sorry my friend don't buy it for one minute. Does the mouse walk up to the cat?
If I need to evolve and I need to gain knowledge for that to happen, I can only progress via that learning. But not blind learning, ie just reading the rule book and it will be alright. Does not, will not work. One has to work to progress, to move forwards, to evolve. To say I am whole already, I can sit back and let it all happen, because everything is already okay, to me is a cop out and wishful blissful self deception.


waasekom said:
when you can observe that you are not your thoughts, than that is when you know duality is an illusion, construct etc.

On this point alone, waasekom's incoherence is clear. To realise that we are not our thoughts (or at least some of our thoughts) - that our thoughts are perhaps learned or programmed reactions - is to become painfully aware of the FACT of a very personal "duality": the real "I" and the false "I".

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