
My doctor had told me to put a lot of iodine on my foot, then put my foot in a plastic sandwich bag, and then put a rubber band on. I tried it a few days but stopped because I didn't like the rubber band constriction and the plastic on my foot.

Lugol's 5% also did not seem to work by itself for me. I'm hopefing DMSO and Lugol's and then followed by a colloidal silver will work.
I took Aloe Vera gel and put 1 drop in the middle and then I rubbed all of it in my hands.
Maybe it was too little of Lugol, maybe it should have been pure…. Idk…

I also had an idea and I searched for reflexology charts of hands and feet. Apparently, a lot of my blisters are concentrated on digestive system area, but they then scattered all over my palms and fingers so not sure if that is the answer.

Will order homeopathy remedy Emerald Bob mentioned and try with that….

Also had an idea that it might be heat/energy as sometimes I feel warmth/heat in my palms, but I don’t have a Reiki attunement so that’s far streched idea…

Hopefully we manage to combine our symptoms and observations and manage to solve this puzzle…
What helped me was eating less carbs and not eating sugar, drinking yogurt and kefir, taking probiotics, I would reccomend one called Bio-Kult Candea. I also take probiotic lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Then I would also list eating garlic and drinking colloidal silver. This helped me the most, since consuming probiotics my skin is clearer, those "bubbles" are less widespread. But I also take other suplements that help fight candida around 50mg zinc, high dose vitamin c, borax, bicarbonate soda, nac. I suspect it is candida, but I'm not quite sure.
I have eczema, and while it can be due to cold air exposure in the winter or intense sun exposure, I have found that diet is a huge trigger (carbs and sugar.) it was out of control before I figured this out, and it got much better once I cut out gluten. However, any other refined grain flours or sugar will bring it back.
I bring this up because I’ve read that there is some evidence that dishydrotic eczema is related to candida overgrowth. And it does seem notable that you are finding the blisters in areas that point to digestion.

The other thing that often comes up in connection with dishydrosis is exposure to nickel, cement, cobalt or chromium. This could explain why some have found Lugol’s to be an effective treatment.

I think I had a very mild case of this on one foot some years ago after spilling mop water on my foot at work. My sock was drenched, and whatever that cleaning chemical was, it stayed on my skin for the entire shift. That foot still suffers from especially dry and cracking skin, which I treat with a mix of tea tree oil and coconut oil. I wouldn’t recommend that for blistering skin though, as my usual eczema patches do best with heavy moisturizers and tea tree tends to dry out.

As the theme is so common and the forum offers so much information and support, I dare say examine diet first. It is often the simplest fix and most within our control.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
I had that before (in my hands and feet) when living in China, after an antibiotic treatment. What worked the best was taking a big amount of probiotics. And then, the anti-candida / gluten-free diet.

Recently I had a small reaction in my hand again, after using plenty of chemicals when cleaning. I took probiotics again, and it's gone. So I too suspect chemicals AND a gut flora connection, FWIW.
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I had that before (in my hands and feet) when living in China, after an antibiotic treatment. What worked the best was taking a big amount of probiotics. And then, the anti-candida / gluten-free diet.

Recently I had a small reaction in my hand again, after using plenty of chemicals when cleaning. I took probiotics again, and it's gone. So I too suspect chemicals AND a gut flora connection, FWIW.
It sure is, I've been trying to get rid off it for a year now, treating it as a fungal infection ie candida, it got noticeably better, but still some left. There's also an improvement in mental health. This thing is really stubborn.
well, I do not want to create noise, for I cannot relate to the problem personally, but what helps me a lot with things nobody can explain is colloidial silver and colloidial germanium. both of them can be used topically and also internally. I drink an amount, lets say a shot glass, of colloidial silver every day in the morning as first I drink. I initially used it intuitively because my thyroid "showed up" as an unpleasant feeling in the throat. Three days of colloidial silver and gone. Just do some research about colloidials and find your metal. Btw our blood system is a colloidial system, that is why those C-Shots have o many ways of causing harm, because LNP are cathodial, positively loaded, whereas a colloidial system is negativly loaded. Colloidials are very promising, I think. Maybe you have a look into it?
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