earths Magnetic field Pole shift

Rapid Geomagnetic Reversal Possibility

from S0 news today :


Suspicious0bservers' Update: 'Rapid Geomagnetic Reversal Possibility: Confirmed'

Transcribed by David Hyde. Original Content Created, Published to YouTube by Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers) on October 15th, 2014.
(1:35) Now, are you ready for this? The big news today (October 15th) is about Earth's magnetic field…confirmation of the worst kind.
(1:42) First, the unstable magnetic field at Earth, right now, is precisely the fore-telling of full magnetic reversal.

(1:49) A new study has come out, from the top of the top experts in this field, stating that the reversal happens faster than they predicted. In fact, the full flip could take place within a human lifetime.

(2:01) This is more than 10 times faster than even the shortest previous expectations, and our magnetosphere is weakening 10 times faster than what normal fluctuations should indicate.

(2:12) The poles are already moving, they began around 1900, so, how far along are we?

(2:17) Folks, this requires more depth so I'm putting together on the details as fast as I can, and, you need to catch up on the backstory if you haven't.

(2:26) At very least, watch: 'Magnetic Field in Trouble,' it is linked right below the video, or, you can 'Google' it; it's also part of our 'Valuable Info' playlist, also found below this video, and on our Channel page.

(2:38) This is the single most important part of the 'Global Change' story, right now, and this news isn't exactly good...

'Rapid Geomagnetic Reversal Possibility: Confirmed' - Transcript
Published to YouTube on October 15th, 2014:

(0:30) The WDC for Geomagnetism in Kyoto, Japan has created this animation showing how Earth's magnetic field is fading quite quickly…in this animation white and pink are strong, protective fields and blue and violet are the weaker fields.

(0:06) 0bservers, per previous instructions I'll assume you are relatively caught up on the basics of Earth's electromagnetic condition.

(0:14) In case there are any new-comers to the channel, here's a bit of review of where we stand:

(0:19) There have been more than 50 publications detailing how Earth's Magnetosphere, our planetary magnetic shield, is weakening. These, are just a few (see Reference sectio
(0:47) Back in 2011 the European Space Agency confirmed that our field had lost about 15% of it's protective magnetism. In a world seemingly on the constant brink of war, where it's hard to agree on anything nearly every country and scientist who studies our magnetosphere manages to come to the same conclusion: it is fading fast.

(1:09) The ESA's SWARM Satellite mission has been keeping us updated. As of this year, the field is still weakening faster and faster; some commenters suggest we could have lost 20%, or more, of our protection at this point.

(1:27) The mission manager, from SWARM, said that the field is likely weakening because the poles are getting ready to flip, which by the way, all scientists also agree is long over-due on Earth.
"The scientists who conducted the study are still unsure why the magnetic field is weakening, but one likely reason is that Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, said Rune Floberghagen, the ESA's Swarm mission manager. In fact, the data suggest magnetic north is moving toward Siberia" (Dickerson 2014).
(1:39) But in literally the very next sentence it is claimed that this will take thousands of years:
"Such a flip is not instantaneous, but would take many hundred if not a few thousand years," Floberhagen told Live Science. "They have happened many times in the past" (Dickerson 2014).
(1:46) However, as NASA reported back in 2003: the poles have already begun shifting, and they are not taking their time. The shifting of the poles is taking the same 'speedy' approach that our magnetosphere is taking: faster and faster.

(2:00) And the guess from 2010 of where we'd be in 2015 is already considered well short of actual movement.

(2:06) At this time, the poles are moving at least 65 kilometers per year, and probably faster by now, which puts Earth's full reversal only decades away assuming it doesn't speed up anymore; if it does continue to speed up we could be much closer.

(2:23) Could a reversal truly take place within our lifetimes? Absolutely.

(2:29) The newest information comes from Berkeley…not the folks to ignore. And they say the reversal can happen in a very short time period.

(2:37) This latest study shows a slow ramp-up to a rapid shift and tipping point; this makes a process that happens 10 times faster than anyone else has predicted.

(2:48) The poles began shifting fast in the middle of the last century, the magnetosphere began weakening even earlier, and it turns out that this process can take less than 100-years total.

(3:00) Perhaps most importantly, is confirmation of what the ESA said months ago: the magnetic field weakening precedes the pole flip.
(3:09) We'll get our next measurement of polar position next year, 2015. Meanwhile, the shield above our heads continues to fade and the needle on your compass will point North in ever-different directions.

(3:23) All we can do now is wait, hope the flip holds off longer than it already has, and hope the Sun doesn't take advantage of our lack of protection.
Re: Rapid Geomagnetic Reversal Possibility
and indeed, when combined with the recent evolution of the geomagnetic field, things become "interesting".
Vulcan59 said:
FWIW an interesting video talking about Earth's Magnetic Reversal. The magnetic data was taken from this map by NOAA -

In the video below, there is a mention of The South Bali buoy; video can be viewed here -

Thanks for sharing Vulcan59.
Had a dream a couple of days ago in wish there was this invasion and bombing over an rocky city, we escaped on a boat and i was able to see the earth, in a cataclysmic scenario an island uncovered in the pacific and was also able to see how the planet was turned south pole facing the Sun.

I know it was just a dream, and a little off topic, but it was rather strong almost as if it was real.

Suggests me to think some sort of fragmented past life memories or clues to future events?

If the northern hemisphere freezes over, would it not lower the sea level uncovering things?

Just wondering...
This phenomenon, reminds of cell division, only the world probably wont be able to divide, just a bit of chaos...

Though maybe inside something along those lines might be happening. (seems like that to me)
If perpendicularity of the axis of the Earth is restored, as the C's suggested, that will mean that the seasons will virtually cease. No more summer, autumn, winter, or spring. Whatever the season is that settles in your latitude that will be it. Forever. Until the next pole flip.
The best you could hope for would be to end up in a temperate zone.
Days and nights would be of equal duration.
This scenario would put a lot of stress on populations that are normally migratory, and seasonal plants would get terribly confused.

Should Vulcan59's scenario of the South Pole facing the Sun occur, then you would see the Northern Hemisphere ice over, as it would be in perpetual darkness. This would be a major disaster for the population of the Earth, as most of you live up that end.

I think we need to pray for the Earth.
Regarding geomagnetic storms causing havoc on planetary grid networks, here's an update from SuspiciousObservers:

Note where he says:

"Even though the flares were 10 times weaker than a few years earlier, a 100 times weaker than a decade before, the geomagnetic storm that hit Earth late in the month was at the second-highest level on the charts."

What's up with that?!

He seems to be suggesting that the Sun's weaker activity is nevertheless having unusually strong effects on Earth because the planet's magnetic field is weakening.

Of course, he doesn't have the Cs' concept of a 'twin Sun grounding the system'. And he doesn't pay much attention to comets.
I have an orienteering compass set up on a windowsill, permanently lined up with the North-South meridian.
Over the last couple of days I have noticed that it has deviated about five degrees to the East.
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a similar deviation.
This may be indicating a movement of the magnetic pole, or a grounding of the Earth's magnetic field.
I'm based near Canberra.
I don't know if this is the most up-to-date thread on Magnetic Pole Shift discussion, but...

I thought I'd include this video here: I really like the presenter, Anton Petrov. He looks at modern space news and astrophysics through a traditional lens but without an automatic bias against non-traditional thinking. Basically, science for the sake of science. Perhaps his Russian roots help anchor his sanity.

I don't know if this is the most up-to-date thread on Magnetic Pole Shift discussion, but...

I thought I'd include this video here: I really like the presenter, Anton Petrov. He looks at modern space news and astrophysics through a traditional lens but without an automatic bias against non-traditional thinking. Basically, science for the sake of science. Perhaps his Russian roots help anchor his sanity.

What's the conclusion of the video?
What's the conclusion of the video?
After explaining the current state of knowledge and speculation regarding the Earth's magnetic field, (which appear to correlate to deep structures under the Earth's surface which are objectively real and are likened to globs in a lava lamp creating a massively complex yarn ball of intermingling magnetic fields which average out to North & South), Anton said that in general the North end of the averaged field is expected to wind up in Northern Russia but is not expected to flip. Though the video's point was not to make a definitive statement on that matter, but rather to talk about the current state of knowledge of how it all works and why.
I am not sure if related but an interesting change I think...
I spent the quarantine in the area where I was born, I noticed there was still daylight on the longest day until around 10:30 pm this was never the case when I grew up,
Yesterday a friend of mine mentioned the same thing as we were waiting for the sky to completely darken to watch the stars...we had to wait almost till midnight.
I am not sure if related but an interesting change I think...
I spent the quarantine in the area where I was born, I noticed there was still daylight on the longest day until around 10:30 pm this was never the case when I grew up,
Yesterday a friend of mine mentioned the same thing as we were waiting for the sky to completely darken to watch the stars...we had to wait almost till midnight.

People from all over the world have been reporting that same observation during the last couple of months, posting online photos of what is supposed to be a night sky which looks more like ones right after the sunset. Also people claim how the Sun is setting down too far North, taking photos of their homes with northern windows, which have never before had a direct Sun rays coming through them and now suddenly they do! :umm:

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