'Eating meat is as bad as paedophilia'


Dagobah Resident
One word for this guy - dummkopf.


'Eating meat is as bad as paedophilia': Morrissey launches incredible rant and says there is 'no difference' between the abattoir and supporting Auschwitz[/b]

·Suggestions made in a Q&A session on Morrissey fan site True To You

·Site allows fans to submit questions and he is then said to answer

·Claimed eating animals and paedophilia were both 'rape, violence, murder'

·'If you believe in the abattoir then you support Auschwitz', he added

PUBLISHED: 17:06, 4 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:09, 4 January 2014

Smiths singer Morrissey has said he sees 'no difference' between eating animals and paedophilia.
The incredible suggestion was shared in a Q&A session on his fan site - True To You.
The site allows fans to submit questions to the singer and Morrissey is said to answer each one personally.

On the site, Matthew from Preston asked, 'Knowing that you are a loyal and proud vegetarian, I would like to ask you what is it that motivated you to stop eating meat for good?' The answer read: 'If you have access to You Tube, you should click on to what is called The video the meat industry doesn't want you to see.

'If this doesn't affect you in a moral sense then you're probably granite. 'I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia.
'They are both rape, violence, murder. If I'm introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away.
'Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you "Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life," well, I doubt if you'd want to exchange phone numbers.'
Later, Paddy from Stockport asked: 'What achievement are you most proud of in your life?'
He replied: 'Many people have told me that they stopped eating flesh because of something I said. I can't ask higher than that, and I wouldn't aim for higher than that.
'If you believe in the abattoir then you would support Auschwitz. There's no difference.
'People who would disagree with this statement have probably never been inside an abattoir.'

In another bizarre post, he wrote: 'If Jamie 'Orrible is so certain that flesh-food is tasty then why doesn't he stick one of his children in a microwave?'
And then, on the topic of Cilla Black preparing a leg of lamb on television, he added: 'Since a lamb is a baby, I wondered what kind of mind Cilla Black could possibly have that would convince her that eating a baby is OK?'
Morrissey also threatened to 'slip into permanent unconsciousness' if any journalist ever asked him again about the Smiths.
The controversial singer has long been known as an animal rights activist.
In November, he said he disapproved of the country's Thanksgiving holiday - renaming it Thankskilling.
The outspoken star recently published his autobiography - which he insisted on being published in the Penguin Classics series.
I could not find the emoticon for 'head shaking in sad disbelief'... So I'll use this one instead: :rolleyes:

Bigmouth strikes again indeed!

Morrissey is known for his rants (some real, some invented by the press) about a lot of things, and especially against the meat industry. I don't think we will disagree with him on the point that animals are treated violently and with no ethics whatsoever by Big Agra. So I see where he comes from but he seems, like many vegetarians, to be blocked at that stage and that further reasoning is impossible. This could be explained by what Lierre Keith says in The Vegetarian Myth (I bet Morrissey won't be reading that one! :lol:)

She shows how by depriving your body of essential nutrients through lack of animal fats and proteins, your brain chemistry changes (thereby causing depression, anger, thought loops, etc.) - notably through lack of serotonin. I think that this is what is going on here. His declarations are far out and pure black and white thinking.

Incidentally, I'm currently reading his autobiography. It's interesting to see how he can sometimes be sensitive, clever and funny while at the same time misogynistic, thick and ego-driven. He seems to be narcissistically wounded. Growing up in a dirt poor Manchester family with an emotionally cold father, going to a school where beating up kids was done daily as a preventive measure, feeling isolated and being picked on or beaten up as a teenager because you are gay, etc. It's bound to leave traces. He probably identifies with animals' helplessness.

But that does not excuse these declarations, of course. They could also simply be a way of having some publicity for his autobiography, too.

Edit: added for clarity.
He probably identifies with animals' helplessness.

Assuming for a moment that his condition has more to do with his natural character than wounding, it could be that he identifies with animals' essences.

Pedophilia provokes extreme disgust in most people. For someone to feel that same disgust whenever they see others eating meat... I suspect that goes beyond 'choice of lifestyle'.

Maybe your book has some more clues?
Kniall said:
Assuming for a moment that his condition has more to do with his natural character than wounding, it could be that he identifies with animals' essences.

I assume you mean he might be an OP? Good point. This is of course difficult to tell, especially by only reading a book (I'm only half-way through it).

What strikes me as interesting so far is that when he is well into his twenties, he still has not shown any real interest in another human being (physically, emotionally). By then he knows he is more attracted to men than to women but has apparently not acted upon it. Some people are late bloomers, mind you. But since he is not exactly ugly and his success must have given him a lot of opportunities to meet partners, it surprised me. But he is very arrogant, dismissive and judgmental (of his own accord), which probably does not help having a relationship either. He seems to both adore and to loathe himself.

He was a vegetarian from a very young age (his teens) and it does not come from his upbringing. He is not a vegan because 'he balks at giving up dairy'. This strikes me as a double standard: surely the milk industry is no kinder to animals than the meat industry? Some vegans also complain that he is wearing leather shoes, so another double standard there. In the book, there is a passage about how he was once visiting his sister on Staten Island and that the road leading to her house was covered in toads, as it sometimes is during mating season, and that to leave the house, one was forced to drive over hundreds of them every day. Morrissey was crying every time they had to take the car. Maybe the Universe was trying to tell him something?

On a side note, three years ago, he was already annoying some with his black and white thinking:


I'll continue reading and see if I find other clues.
Personally i have no big problems with vegetarians and empathize with their motivations to an extent. I'm also quite a fan of The Smiths and have always liked Morrissey as an artist. But seeing declarations like that...

Perhaps Moz' rants and fanatical dedication to the vegetarian lifestyle originate in his vegeterianism itself, in a self-fuelling manner? That's one of ways vegetarianism seems to often work on the psyche - it inhibits critical, sober inlook, allowing the mind to flow freely wherever ideas take it. A person can become over-spiritual, so to speak, to the point of loosing the capability of rational assessment and becoming essentially a fanatic. (Awkward how Hitler comes to mind instantly.) It's like there's not enough energy to power the will. Together with some narcissistic wounding, introvertish nature and sensitivity to other beings' suffering, long-time vegetarianism could play a role in forming a character like Morrisey.
I like the music of The Smiths (I don't know too much neither), and overall I liked Morrissey. But this seems rather pathological. And that speech as preaching, saying things to people who eat meat (which is good for them!) feel guilty and murderous. Well, here are ignorance and cruel sadism from a twisted mind.

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
He was a vegetarian from a very young age (his teens) and it does not come from his upbringing. He is not a vegan because 'he balks at giving up dairy'. This strikes me as a double standard: surely the milk industry is no kinder to animals than the meat industry? Some vegans also complain that he is wearing leather shoes, so another double standard there. In the book, there is a passage about how he was once visiting his sister on Staten Island and that the road leading to her house was covered in toads, as it sometimes is during mating season, and that to leave the house, one was forced to drive over hundreds of them every day. Morrissey was crying every time they had to take the car. Maybe the Universe was trying to tell him something?
Very interesting!

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
On a side note, three years ago, he was already annoying some with his black and white thinking:

A very good end for that note:
Technically, a vegetarian is one who "eats beings", because plants are living things.

Hi, mr. scott, your reply reminded me of the book "A Trip to the Moon" from Cyrano de Bergerac, in that book there is a critique of vegetarian people, and gives the example that if you eat a cabbage, you also eat a living being, as you wrote. This book has truly curious and interesting ideas.
Mr. Scott said:
Technically, a vegetarian is one who "eats beings", because plants are living things.


Yea this gets me every time too! How can you say something like that and not reflect on the fact that plants live, breath, reproduce, and even communicate. They are every-much a living being as animals, maybe of a lower consciousness mind you but living and responsive to their respective environments none the less.
I've always liked the Smiths and Morrisey's solo stuff, but thought that his lyrics often showed the sign of pathological thinking. This doesn't really surprise me - one of the Smiths' albums was called "Meat is Murder". Good album, but gimme a break :rolleyes:
It seems, although there are some unique things at work in vegetarianism/veganism, the overall dynamics are pretty much the default human condition. The more ignorant one is of the crux of the matter, the more self-assured and self-righteous they are about how right they are. The most striking thing about the whole issue is how many more living things have to die to support agriculture than when humans were hunter-gatherers (which by the "logic" of these types, hunter-gatherers would be "full-time murderers").

In that type of life, besides all the other advantages, the reality of death as an integral part of life can't be avoided, leading to a much better understanding of the life-death cycle. I would imagine it would be much more difficult to "forget" our own inevitable death (more of the absurd default setting of how people live), as well, when you have to live constantly in touch with the reality of killing living things to remain alive. Vegans and vegetarians seem to be the epitome of not wanting to look at how much life is destroyed -- EVERY kind of life -- so that they can eat their grains and veggies and preach a bunch of nonsense.
Mr. Scott said:
Technically, a vegetarian is one who "eats beings", because plants are living things.

Trendsetter said:
Yea this gets me every time too! How can you say something like that and not reflect on the fact that plants live, breath, reproduce, and even communicate. They are every-much a living being as animals, maybe of a lower consciousness mind you but living and responsive to their respective environments none the less.

If vegans and vegetarians were to admit the fact that plants are living beings, they would have to give up their diet choices. So there is a deep denial going on. Some don't even need to deny this fact because they simply scoff at the very idea: most people think that plants as living, breathing beings is utterly ridiculous.

Seekin Truth said:
The more ignorant one is of the crux of the matter, the more self-assured and self-righteous they are about how right they are.

Dunning-Kruger effect, perhaps? ;)

Seekin Truth said:
The most striking thing about the whole issue is how many more living things have to die to support agriculture than when humans were hunter-gatherers (which by the "logic" of these types, hunter-gatherers would be "full-time murderers").

But to be fair, not many people realize that agriculture kills so much. It makes sense once you think about it, but the media is always going on about deforestation by the meat industry, the pollution of the meat industry and almost never about the consequences of agriculture. Wheat is touted as the staff of life, agriculturists as a dying breed that need to be protected. Even 'country people' (who should know about these things) don't realize the devastating effects of agriculture...

Seekin Truth said:
Vegans and vegetarians seem to be the epitome of not wanting to look at how much life is destroyed -- EVERY kind of life -- so that they can eat their grains and veggies and preach a bunch of nonsense.

Exactly, because should they wake up to that fact, their whole lifestyle goes out the window. My guess is that this is the reason why 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks', because deep down, they know they are as much killing living beings as meat eaters. So they point the finger at others. Vegans and vegetarians are always grilling each other to see where others are 'failing' the animal kingdom (like vegan fans who pester Morrissey about his leather shoes and dairy intake). They see the mote in their brother's eye but not the beam in their own. And Morrissey is no different.
"I would like to, if I may, offer support to Johnny Marr who has spoken out to the media this week against David Cameron. He hunts and shoots and kills stags – apparently for pleasure. It was not for such people that either Meat Is Murder or The Queen Is Dead were recorded; in fact, they were made as a reaction against such violence."

Interesting: wars, for instant doesn't bothering him: he attacks politicians because they're hunting but he doesn't care they send young men in Iraq and Afghanistan and murder millions of people?
Kind a his got brain damage, I think.

Dunning-Kruger effect, perhaps? ;)

Quote from: Seekin Truth

The most striking thing about the whole issue is how many more living things have to die to support agriculture than when humans were hunter-gatherers (which by the "logic" of these types, hunter-gatherers would be "full-time murderers").

But to be fair, not many people realize that agriculture kills so much. It makes sense once you think about it, but the media is always going on about deforestation by the meat industry, the pollution of the meat industry and almost never about the consequences of agriculture. Wheat is touted as the staff of life, agriculturists as a dying breed that need to be protected. Even 'country people' (who should know about these things) don't realize the devastating effects of agriculture...

Quote from: Seekin Truth

Vegans and vegetarians seem to be the epitome of not wanting to look at how much life is destroyed -- EVERY kind of life -- so that they can eat their grains and veggies and preach a bunch of nonsense.

Exactly, because should they wake up to that fact, their whole lifestyle goes out the window. My guess is that this is the reason why 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks', because deep down, they know they are as much killing living beings as meat eaters. So they point the finger at others. Vegans and vegetarians are always grilling each other to see where others are 'failing' the animal kingdom (like vegan fans who pester Morrissey about his leather shoes and dairy intake). They see the mote in their brother's eye but not the beam in their own. And Morrissey is no different.

Absolutely! :cool2:
SeekinTruth said:
In that type of life, besides all the other advantages, the reality of death as an integral part of life can't be avoided, leading to a much better understanding of the life-death cycle. I would imagine it would be much more difficult to "forget" our own inevitable death (more of the absurd default setting of how people live), as well, when you have to live constantly in touch with the reality of killing living things to remain alive. Vegans and vegetarians seem to be the epitome of not wanting to look at how much life is destroyed -- EVERY kind of life -- so that they can eat their grains and veggies and preach a bunch of nonsense.
You are right! Thanks for sharing, SeekinTruth.
trendsetter37 said:
Mr. Scott said:
Technically, a vegetarian is one who "eats beings", because plants are living things.


Yea this gets me every time too! How can you say something like that and not reflect on the fact that plants live, breath, reproduce, and even communicate. They are every-much a living being as animals, maybe of a lower consciousness mind you but living and responsive to their respective environments none the less.

Exactly! It's an illogical dividing line between living animals and living plants. I read once that the inventor of the polygraph got bored once during the research phase, so he hooked up a plant to the device. The plant had a definite response when they killed a fly in its presence.

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