Padawan Learner
Hello everybody
I found an article in a German newspaper about problems relief organizations are faced with in Sierra Leone:
Help organizations leaving ebola-zone
Many locals belief the pharmaceuticals, distributed by the Health Department, are in fact the origin of the virus. Others belief the ebola virus doesn't exist at all or was brought deliberately to the area to kill the residents.
If I would have one suggestion free for the Cs I would ask:
Is there indeed a depopulation program running?
Are there any references to this subject in the English section of the Internet?
I found an article in a German newspaper about problems relief organizations are faced with in Sierra Leone:
Hilfsorganisationen aus Ebola-Gebieten verjagt
Bewohner glauben an Mordversuch
Gemeint ist die katastrophale Informationspolitik. In Sierra Leone untersucht die Polizei den Brand eines Lagerhauses für Medikamente im östlichen Kailahun-Bezirk, dem Epizentrum des Ebola-Ausbruchs. Viele Anwohner glauben, dass die Medikamente des Gesundheitsministeriums der Ursprung des Virus seien. Während auch der Glaube, es gebe Ebola nicht, noch immer verbreitet ist, ist eine erschreckend hohe Zahl der Menschen davon überzeugt, dass das Virus bewusst in die Gegend gebracht worden sei, um sie zu töten.
Help organizations leaving ebola-zone
Many locals belief the pharmaceuticals, distributed by the Health Department, are in fact the origin of the virus. Others belief the ebola virus doesn't exist at all or was brought deliberately to the area to kill the residents.
If I would have one suggestion free for the Cs I would ask:
Is there indeed a depopulation program running?
Are there any references to this subject in the English section of the Internet?