EE, a life saver, literally


Jedi Master
Well, just cheated death thanks to EE. Just got out of the car after having a fairly harrowing experience. We were driving down a highway in Miami going 80 mph when our driver had a seizure. I was in the passenger seat talking with the driver and noticed that we started to move over from our lane into the next one and then over to the other side. Don't know why but I calmly grabbed the wheel right as the driver went into a full seizure with his foot wedged on the accelerator.. Imagine, the car speeding up from 80mph with one of my hands on the wheel and the other searching to put the car in neutral. I get the car into neutral and we start slowing down with cars whizzing by and around us. Next, I reached down with my left hand to press on the brake and then move the car over three lanes of traffic to the shoulder. I was entirely calm throughout the process and was even letting the passengers in the back seat know what I was doing and that the driver was having a seizure and would be fine in a few minutes. Fortunately, I did two solid rounds of pipe breathing a few hours before because I'm certain that is what gave me the peace of mind and composure to get through this experience unscathed. And as an added bonus, earlier in the day I was out bowling and also did some pipe breathing between games and raised my score from 102 to 168. Not a bad result for someone who bowls once a year. So, in summary, EE calms your nerves so that you can be effective in an emergency and can dramatically improve your bowling average as well. Thanks EE and thank you to my instructors, I shudder to think what would have happened if I had to handle a crisis like that when my nerves were as shot as when I took my first class.
What a scary mind-blowing experience, joe seppe, and what a calm and efficient way of dealing with it! Truly, a testament to EE and to you diligently applying it in your life. Thank you very much for sharing. So glad you all escaped unscathed.

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
So sorry to hear that happened to you Joe and hope you're alright. :( :flowers: It is a great testimony to EE. I think it would be great if you could post it on the ee forum when you catch your breath.
Whoa! that was really close, Joe. Glad to hear that you are ok and EE was of help.
The benefits of this program are just amazing.
Please take care.

Wow. What an experience, Joe! Glad you managed to deal with the situation in the manner you did!

joe seppe said:
So, in summary, EE calms your nerves so that you can be effective in an emergency and can dramatically improve your bowling average as well.

I vote that this be put on the EE home page! ;D
Wow! Man , what a experience you had. :scared: Glad you are Ok and it is surely a wonderful benefit from EE.
Wow joe! That is amazing!

Thank goodness you and everyone involved is ok. How is the driver? Did you find out what happened to him?

To be sure, EE seems to help many in so many different ways. Thanks for sharing!!
Yes, the driver's fine. When he came to I tossed his diet soda out of the car and got him a bottle of water, a banana (for cramping) and turned up the air conditioner a bit. Always good to get the person checked by a medical professional though and that will probably happen tomorrow. I've dealt with a couple of seizures before, once with someone who was on the bottom of a swimming pool and she also came out unharmed. Never had to do it in a speeding car though. Just a thought here, was wondering if a destabilizing or fluctuating magnetic field could result in more seizures in the general populace? So here's what I pulled off a website called Epilesyandmychild and is basic first aid advice should anyone else encounter a similar situation. My personal experience has been that if you are in a public setting people get really freaked out and start crying and screaming which tends to disrupt one's focus on the person having the seizure. (Jerry, great to see your post, miss you and wish I could be at our classes, say hi to the missus)


Watching your child have a seizure can be upsetting and frightening. Even more concerning for most parents is the chance that your child could have a seizure when you're not there. The first step is to learn what to do if your child has a seizure. The next is to teach others who may be with your child when you're not.
The most important thing to do when a child has a seizure is keep the child safe. Often, you don't need to do anything but wait for the seizure to end. A child might just have a short staring spell and then go on as if nothing happened. Or a child could suddenly fall, but then just need a little comforting or help getting up.

What to Do if a Child has a Grand Mal Seizure

If a child has a grand mal or generalized tonic clonic seizure (cries, falls, stiffens and then starts moving in jerking, uncontrolled movements), here are the things to remember:
Try to hold the child
Try to stop any movements or tongue-biting
Try to open or put something in the child's mouth
Move anything that could hurt the child
Put something soft and flat under the child's head (pillow, folded jacket or sweater)
Turn the child gently to one side to prevent choking
Loosen anything around the child's neck
Keep track of how long the seizure lasts and other important information to tell your doctor
Stay calm and comfort the child afterward

When to Get Medical Attention

Most of the time, you do not need to call 911 or go to the emergency room when a child has a seizure. However, you should get immediate medical care if:
It is the child's first seizure
The seizure lasts more than five minutes
The seizure happened in water that the child may have swallowed (Read more about what to do if your child has a seizure in water)
The child has diabetes or a high fever
There is a risk of a head or other injury
The child is having trouble breathing after the seizure (Do not try to give a child mouth-to-mouth resuscitation during a seizure. If the child is not breathing after the seizure, first call 911 and then try CPR while waiting for the ambulance)

Continuous Seizures

Prolonged or cluster seizures — seizures that don't stop after five minutes or continue one after another — can turn into status epilepticus, which means a “continuous state of seizure.” This requires immediate medical attention. It is good to have written instructions from your doctor to give to the paramedics or emergency room staff in case your child ever experiences a continuous seizure. You should also know where the closest and best hospital is.
If your child has a continuous seizure:
Call an ambulance. Do not try to move your child unless there is no other choice.
Ask your doctor to call the emergency room and let them know you're coming.
If you have written instructions from your doctor for the doctors and paramedics, make sure you have them.
There are some new treatments available that can stop a prolonged seizure. Some can be given to children by parents or caregivers orally (by mouth), rectally (rear end) or by injection (needle). If your child experiences continuous seizures, ask your doctor if any of those treatments are an option.
Summary: How to Keep Your Child Safe During a Seizure

During a seizure, the most important thing you can do is keep your child safe. You can help do that by remembering the following:
Stay Calm
A seizure is frightening for everyone. The calmer you are, the better
Don't Restrain
During a seizure, the less you have to move or touch a child, the better.
Do not try to stop the child's movements or force anything in the child's mouth.
Observe & Report
Try to remember as much as you can about the seizure to tell your doctor after.
Monitor or watch your child after the seizure. Your child may seem tired or confused, complain of sore muscles, or have a headache. Contact your doctor immediately if you are concerned.
Wow Joe, totally amazing. :thup:

You just did great. :flowers:

Happy to read that you are ok and that you handled it in such a beautiful way.
Finding myself in a car speeding down the highway while the driver is having a seizure was, after a night’s sleep, not a situation that materialized out of thin air. My being “there” was the end result on my part of a chain of poor choices, blindness to an addict's self destructive patterns, lack of knowledge of myself, lack of awareness of my surroundings, not taking the number and scope of pathological people in my immediate environment seriously enough and a lack of will to follow through on what is healthy for me in a relationship.

The driver of the car was my “partner.” It wasn’t an epileptic seizure he had but most likely a seizure induced by “prescription” drugs, emotional deterioration and the downward spiraling diet he’s been hell bent on pursuing since I began improving my nutrition. A few days prior to the above mentioned car incident I let loose with barrage of bottled up anger and frustration and told him that I was leaving in a few days to go back to New York. As he had already planned to stay until the first week of March here in Miami, and he wanted to keep me here with him, my guess is that he increased his intake of certain pain killing substances resulting in a “seizure.”

I would love to blame it all on him but I knew he was medicating himself I just didn’t know how much. I knew I didn’t want to be down here in Miami away from EE classes and yet here I am. I know I’m in the middle of confronting my own personal issues and attempting to gain more awareness, and really should limit my exposure to people who are not similarly committed, but I went along anyway because I didn’t want to make someone else angry or upset them. Wish I could type more but there are people floating around looking over my shoulder and being very curious about what I'm writing. Thanks for all the replies and I'll try to sort this out a bit more in my head as their are also a few strange things concerning this experience.

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