Thank you for your replies, Palinurus and Buddy.
Great link Palinurus, just what I needed on my current point of development! I am currently on the 2nd page of the thread, and it's right up my alley. ;)
Buddy said:
Hi Denis.
I guess this is why sincerity is valued so highly on here--it's at a level of honesty where we all connect with each other.
For instance, I've also presented words of others as my own, so I can relate to what you've realized and may be feeling now. I don't think I've ever "confessed" this before although I know that some people are aware of it. Anyway, trying to Work out reasons why has helped uncover at least one of those reasons. I'd like to share it with you:
When I was a child, I couldn't be honest or sincere simply because that would, at the very least, 'earn' me a backhand. I still had to grow and get smart, though, so sometimes it became easier to acquire and use other smart people's knowledge. The very process of doing that seems also to have helped build the structure of false ego (false personality) as Gurdjieff mentions.
Even when I realized what I had been doing and why it was 'wrong', it was hard for me to return to "just me". The main reason, I think, is because I've had many experiences of just being myself, having people agree with me to my face and then talk about me behind my back, 'putting me down' and planning how next to deal with me--mostly in condescending ways. I even brought those fears and other programming on here.
Interestingly, sometimes I just couldn't bear the feeling that somebody was smiling to themselves and feeling so much smarter than me, while lying to my face telling me how much they valued my 'honesty'.
Having tried to resolve all this in my head *only* doesn't work well for me. Emotional processing has definitely helped, since emotions of fear and maybe even of 'revenge' or such seems to have kept crazy thinking processes going in so many cases. For instance, my dad yelling at me one day: "'ll never know as much as I do...!!!" sent me into some kind of "I'll show you!" mode. Disgusting how I continued to let myself be controlled, even that way.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Buddy.
Whenever we worry about how others are seeing us, or worry if some people really like us or accept us, that's a clear sign that "it" (the Predator) has taken control of our lives, and hence of our thinking process and then naturally "it" starts dominating our experiences. The Predator in us feeds on the positive attention of others, and by that I mean
excessive attention, constantly in need of other people praising it and giving it compliments, and when the "supply" gets low, it reverses and starts drawing negative attention to itself- well, as long as it is in the center of attention it thrives, because ego is very poor at listening to others, unless they confirm its prejudices, beliefs and so on...
In short, ego is a tough beast to beat... Only with great effort, true love and understanding are we able to minimize or neutralize its negative influence on our lives and the lives of others as well.
Basically, as I have heard our Croatian scientist, physicist and innovator Davor Pavuna saying on the recent radio interview: "there are three types of love- love of self, love of neighbor and love of God". IMO, if any of those three is missing, ego takes control and it starts dominating our lives. So we always have to pay attention, be vigilant...
Buddy said:
Has the EE and meditation been instrumental for helping you to this point? It has for me along with a bit of self-initiated level four regressive therapy. Basically I'm outside the house, sort of 're-living' some strong emotional tornados and performing multiple introductions between a mat and a plastic bat.
Thanks for that post.
I have to admit that I didn't try EE program yet. But meditation and breathwork really helped me to establish more clarity within myself. I think that Mrs. Laura said somewhere (I may be wrong on that one, though) that once you learn how to breathe properly, you will have learned self-mastery. I'm still perfecting my breathing skills though, currently I'm just a beginner. I used to train Tai Chi (for a very short time, though), and that has helped me in focusing my mind on the heartbeat while I am doing the breathwork.