Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice - Public

Luis Miguel

FOTCM Member
This is an invitation to all the members of the Cassiopaea Forum to our weekly Éiriú-Eolas online workshops and practice.

The idea is to learn or have a better understanding of the EE breathing and meditation technique, and practice weekly in a virtual group setting.

We'll also have special workshops or webinars focused on health, diet, psychology, etc., from different EE instructors. They will be announced in this thread.

We created a spreadsheet so that all the interested members can sign up and share with us the best day and time to participate. Then we'll decide the definitive day and time based on the info from the spreadsheet.

As we are all over the world, we could have two groups with different times and days to allocate everyone interested.

We use a conference software called Zoom for the meetings. You will need to create a free account to participate.

We'll also have a Google Calendar with all the scheduled activities as soon as we have the final dates and times. We'll keep you posted.

Once set up, you'll receive alerts before the meetings.

All the meetings will be in English, at least for now. If we start to get more people from other languages, maybe we can divide the groups.

The full program takes about 50 mins, so please consider 1 hour for a regular practice meeting. We could also use some time at the beginning of the meetings to explain the practical techniques so that everyone is on the same page.

If you are new to the Éiriú-Eolas breathing and meditation program, we recommend you watch the online version so that you have a better idea of the program.

We will also schedule full Éiriú-Eolas Workshops or Classes for the new participants, but the idea is to form weekly practical meetings.

Any ideas or suggestions are very welcome.

If you have any question, please let us know.

[All the workshops and meetings are free to all the members of the Cassiopaea Forum but if you want to contribute in some way, please consider a donation to the FOTCM.]
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If someone still wants to sign up, please feel free to do so.
I second that! :-)

The spread sheet is updated: Cassiopaea Forum Activities

Here are the most requested time slots for Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice:
Saturdays: 19pm-20pm UTC
Sundays: N/A
Mondays: 1am-2am UTC
Tuesdays: 1am-2am UTC
Wednesdays: 1am-2am UTC
Thursdays: 1am-2am UTC
Fridays: 1am-2am UTC
*The above time slots have more than 3 requests.
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