Embedded links to forum posts broken


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Pasting link to forum post seems no more working:
Wanted to post the same thing. When a link to a forum post or thread is posted it converts to this:

XenForo 2.3 introduced a new EMBED bbCode. This was problematic since I had already created one for doing embeds from SOTT...

So, I removed my embed hack, and added SOTT embeds + donuts to the Media embedder built-in to the forum.

Practically, this means:

1. To embed a SOTT embed or Donut, just put the URL on a blank line, or use the Media button and paste in the link! 🥳

2. All old embeds from SOTT are now broken and will be shown as non-functional links. I tried to fix this, but alas...
This is why I stopped doing hacks of other people's software: it usually creates a big mess - and more work.

3. I also enabled embedding of forum content on other sites. Click the share button on a post or whatever, and you can now use the embed code to paste forum content on other sites, like Substack or your web site or whatever. This ONLY works for guest-accessible content!!
XenForo 2.3 introduced a new EMBED bbCode. This was problematic since I had already created one for doing embeds from SOTT...

So, I removed my embed hack, and added SOTT embeds + donuts to the Media embedder built-in to the forum.

Practically, this means:

1. To embed a SOTT embed or Donut, just put the URL on a blank line, or use the Media button and paste in the link! 🥳

2. All old embeds from SOTT are now broken and will be shown as non-functional links. I tried to fix this, but alas...
This is why I stopped doing hacks of other people's software: it usually creates a big mess - and more work.

3. I also enabled embedding of forum content on other sites. Click the share button on a post or whatever, and you can now use the embed code to paste forum content on other sites, like Substack or your web site or whatever. This ONLY works for guest-accessible content!!
@Scottie many links in the threads "Important threads for [...]" are broken. I have been working on this in a spreadsheet (see attached file) but before moving further I wanted to ask you:
  • is this work already in progress by somebody else?
  • is it of interest to you that I make a listing such as the attached file?
  • if yes, I can already include some BB code or whatever HTML so that you would have less work, for the updated links. Kindly let me know the formatting if the case!
Thank you!


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