Emotional Transference et Free Energy Snake Oil


Jedi Council Member
[Energy burst from Icke thread also saw me finally do this write up. Disclaimer: No allegations below, simply memory playback of something I got drug into last year.]

Lets us sell miracle green devices to a world that needs it!! How about a motor controller that improves the efficiency of your electrically motorized device up to 100% boys and girls!

You simply plug your motor into the device, and plug the device into your wall socket! Then you too can enjoy the benefits of saving 30%, 50%, even 100% on your electrical bills!!! ;)

Someone I know, who perhaps receives the benefits of emotional transference, was mesmerized by an opportunistic salesman, found here: [_http://to give or not to give - dont’ know the right/considerate thing to do yet]. My friend took the plane flight, he gave the $grands for a franchise, he shot forward with dear hopes at a lie.

“I want you to get in on this thing!!” I was embraced after the fact. Love him dearly.

But I could not make sense out of said claims. Nada, no, no. Induction motor devices have been highly efficient for years. How could someone increase the efficiency of a device that is already 90+% efficient? I could not understand.

I tried to explain it to my friend, again him in bolted belief, “Either this is BS, or it is a trojan horse hiding free energy technology. Which do you believe?” He didn’t believe me, but having stepped out on a limb, he became closed self-defense, I had to be wrong, as there was no way this DM guy was wrong. Is there a name for the cult/sham defender, suck in, turned around, forged into a sacred guardian, is there?

Did the sales lectures my friend relayed contain elements of “Technologies tHEy don’t want you to know about?” Most certainly. It was the basis. It was the draw, and the way my friend unfolded his end of the tale was all about this guy and his incrediable crusade, this DM - he knew the whole thing!

The Federal Reserve, David Icke, the Brotherhood, trans-dimensional aliens eating 2012, my friend said of DM, “Ah yeah, he knows the whole thing!”

And my friend does not lie. (In the sense of Ouspensky he does, but he goes to great lengths to portray matters accurately, and I have seen him relay facts with courtroom-style attempts at separation of the objective facts many times) I have little doubt that the salesman played all of these themes at him, as I watched the video. Bingo, yes. But by the time I got in there, my friend was sucking the form hypnotized, and he snuck out of town taking only his wife & sister without telling anyone. Ooops.

All that stated, it turned out that we were both wrong.

If someone wanted to sell snake oil, their best bet would be to put the disclaimer in plain sight yet obscure, and only make the wild claims and innuendos of suppressive conspiracy in a private room where you control surveillance. As in DM gets peeps to fly to his place and give him $grands. wow

Oh and it’s all there in the paper work. Took me three test sessions to figure it all out. Yes! The device does improve efficiency!!

I couldn’t believe it!! BUT: It only works under a very limited set of conditions. And it makes economic sense under even fewer, according to the evaluations we made.

“We’re looking for people to get in on the ground floor of this business!!”

They had two models, a 120VAC device limited to a workbench grinder motor size, and a more expensive, not actually available yet 220VAC unit. Nothing three-phase or industrial level at all.

So we got a desktop grinder and some sticks to grind, and a shot of beer for bravery, and set out with oscilloscope, shunt, multimeter, and test power harness to see what was what. Three weekends later...

I’ve had more experience with RF and ULF signals, so it took me a while to get my bearings with the 60 Hz signal. We made voltage and current measurements with a shunt both upstream, between AC outlet and device, and downstream between device and load (grinder).

What we found was singularly unexpected. The voltage waveforms upstream and down stream were like rails. Nothing could budge them. Same as it ever was.

But the current waveforms though, they did indeed reveal manipulation. Before the effect kicked in, the sine wave was identical, and current changed smoothly to larger amplitude as the motor spun up, same whether the device was in the circuit or whether the grinder was plugged directly into the outlet.

But after full RPM was reached, another 10-15 seconds passed, and the sine wave of current flow began to split at the peaks. The rise of the current influx, read that: leading edge of the current sine wave, remained the same. But right at the peak of the sine wave, the current dropped sharply down.

I tried to set the scope to trigger and zoom in on the drop, so that I could time how fast it was, but the signal was too unstable for the scope I had. Needs an ADC and Octave.
Anyways, all that I can say right now is that with the time base of the scope set to display a single TwoPi wave of 60 Hz, both drops (at + and - peaks) were as steep as the reticle.

The amplitude of the current sine wave was reduced by 70% before the start of the next normal rise of the sine wave in the opposite polarity. That means that out of a TwoPi wave, 2 fourths of a full wave had normal rises in current, sinusoidal in shape, and the other 2 fourths were degenerated current waveforms at 30%, and the split was at the peaks of both the positive and negative portions of a TwoPi wave.

The input current between wall outlet and device reflected the diminishment in current shown in the circuit between device and grinder, so power was being saved. Of course it does, silly. With the titan rails of Pacific Gas & Electric’s 60 Hz voltage waveforms, designed to hold firm against almost any load, the number of electrons in and out must be conserved. We cannot destroy or create matter.

But no. I am not satisfied. The 70% reduction in the current flow after the peak of the waveform did not simply flip on after the 10-15 second wait. No. It phased in gradually, some 20-30 seconds after the motor had spun up, reaching quasi steady state. An LED on the device changed color. (The device is about the size of a large inline DC power puck. Same black plastic color.)

That kind of sharp edge in a current signal cannot be brought on by the analog circuitry of the earlier 20th century. Even less likely is an analog circuit the could phase the effect in gradually. Mechanically adjustable capacitors, inductors, and potentiometers simply do not have the stability to swoop down the wave so gracefully. Also, to produce that sharp of an edge would require a multipole filter from hades, and an internal inspection of the box revealed no such circuitry. Just a chip.

Now we know: It’s a digitally controlled current source. Oops, right there I twitched. Are high output silicon current sources problematic both from a heat and stability point of view? Hmm.

So. What have we got? Something between amoeba and himachi. If the grinder freewheels, then the LED stays happy, and the chopped waveform persists. But if we load the grinder in any way, Re-Set, and current waveform snaps back to normal as it was after startup before the magic was applied. Let it go, you get chopped waveforms in about 30 seconds. Hold stick on chuck and press gently, and you get reset. We tried not to reset it. We tried to feather the touch, but by now my friend had lost the religion if he ever had it, and I was coated in enough grease that ten showers wouldn’t wash it off.

We found that we couldn’t keep from reseting it regardless of how softly we pressed. Then we had to wait another 30 seconds. But we also found that it would sometimes fight us.

If we pressed very lightly but steadily (not as easy as you would think) the device would attempt to chop the waveform down. But the effect was degenerated, the waveform more unstable. If we pressed hard at all, forget it.

Picture yourself standing at a one of those two-wheeled standard shop grinders, middle priced model. You have a piece of 5x5cm (2x2) lumber, and are slowing the grinder by placing the wood on the chuck, and pressing it into the stone grinding wheel.

You find that it is very difficult to touch the wood to the wheel without tripping the reset. You find that it is very difficult to hold the wood against the wheel steadily enough and long enough at any light load enough to observe the DM magic.

And you find that only the lightest possible touch preserves the wave chop effect. All else is resets and normal waveform! And the meaning of this cannot be denied. The device doesn’t even try for motors under load. Then it is a net power consumer!!!

So we turn back to the pamphletts and the blah blah blah, and we find that one of the few non-ambiguously stated applications is for bowling alley ball return machines. Oh?
You mean a machine that spins continuously with no load, and coughs up a heavier than air ball once every minute? Funny that.

And how much more deceptive can one be? Blenders, water pumps, ice cream churners, conveyor belts, electric cars, they are all designed to operate way up on the load curve, often at 50, 70, or 90 percent!!! Uh, this circuit will do nothing for them except sap a little current for itself.

And it turns out that AC induction motors are most efficient under load, not freewheeling. And they draw much less current free-wheeling, meaning that his device is operating on the design curves where no one cares, save the very special case. All of this was spelled out to my friend, no? Yes, but very cryptic! But the folk who gave DM the $grands might lack the conceptual framework to understand it. My friend is an engineer and it took me several nights of repeating drawings and drawn-out explanations to explain the test results to him.

We have in the DM device an efficiency improver for the rare consumer that has a device that is rarely loaded. Can it be useful? Things that jump to mind are pool filter and heating fan motor. Maybe. But I am turned off by the misled scene, and my subsequent research revealed that the device had an initial flurry of marketing furor ten years prior!! Mr. Device, if you are such a great ... device, then what happened to your career?? If anyone wants to look further, I’ll try to answer your questions, but I am done.

I see an emotional swindle. How would you ID folk who do not have the expertise to see your ruse? Perhaps by questioning? Perhaps by creditor database look up after you have their deposit? Perhaps by issuing them numbered seats, filming them all, and ID’ing the rapt?

No matter. Success at ID gains you $grands per sting. Others can be dealt with.

And that is one guesswork by me.

But then my friend even recalled, after all my work had shown the nature of the device, that he remembered suddenly something about that.

“Yes,” he said, DM did say something about that.

Now here you go. The device does work as advertised. It does reduce consumption in a rare number of cases, at least one of which is clearly labeled in the product literature. But most motors are loaded motors, and the applications examples in the literature don’t give examples of loaded motors.

But my friend is belief in full-force. He has found the perfect match! Defeating the brotherhood’s attempt to suppress energy-saving technologies, and being green at the same time!! What could be better??

But wait! The product literature doesn’t say anything about the motor controller being a suppressed technology. In fact it is safety instructions only. No guidance is provided about how the LED is to be interpreted, or what kinds of loads the device will function properly with.

Yohhh! Anybody hear that!? Playing a “fight the evil bankers card” while passing a deceptive device they cannot be sued for?

Ok, my friend is a proud accountant. We determined the price of the device per circuit is five year ROI. And the price of the device is high per unit (for a simple, black plastic-looking power puck) Note the fine print now. One device per motor. Device price is 1000x+ (EDIT: oops, that's 100x+) the chip price. (That’s for a circuit board, a box, and some standard power cables). (EDIT: Maximum profits does not equal fighting tyranny)

My friend, now armed with knowledge, took the device home and tried his big fancy blender. He added successively thicker dough to the blender to load it and determine for himself where the cut-off was. Genius idea!! I was impressed. Teach a person to fish... His emotional response was along the lines of: “That d@#$ thing doesn’t do sh^& if the load is more than 10%. Fair enough, without a dynamometer, a difficult DIY device, this is about as good as we could do. We punted the idea of sampling the waveform to dig deeper. He is a franchise holder, but his money is gone.

The chip is both a current sensor and a variable current source. Two separate parts of the circuit. Hard coded digital logic, FPGA etc., is used to translate current measurements into settings for the controlled current source. The ability to judge current and phase in the input current and voltage waveforms requires filtering, likely DSP-type software is at work. And that would be hand-coded software that is pre-programmed not to try the magic unless the load is very light. Tsk tsk tsk.

I’m just sayin’.

Oh, one thing I re-affirmed: I love the investigation part.
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