Engineer's Guide to Cats


Jedi Master
This is hilarious. Wait...can't type while I'm rolling on the floor laughing... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

here's the link: _
This is uber cute. Love how the lil' kitty paw comes up for the tuna. Whole thing is hilarious!
Okay, now that I have stopped laughing, I can tell you one of my favorite parts was the "corporal cuddling". It is a technique I have used a lot with my kitties. Especially the one who likes to yell at me.
Ok - have to admit that the 'corporal cuddling' was my favorite part too, having used it so often in the past - laughing out that loudly at my computer screen made me thank goodness that no one else was here.

FireShadow said:
Okay, now that I have stopped laughing, I can tell you one of my favorite parts was the "corporal cuddling". It is a technique I have used a lot with my kitties. Especially the one who likes to yell at me.
Just watched it. It's certainly clever and hilarious. I laughed at the bit about "corporal hugging", because it's something I've always done with one particular cat when she's naughty!
As I was telling my husband about posting this, I remembered that we have a familiar refrain at our house: "If you don't behave, I am going to hug you!"
Corporal hugging is sublime...I did really like Ginger's little tap dance at the beginning of her dance segment. Also the still art presentations lol.
I'd really like to see this, (I could use a good laugh), but when I cut and paste the link, the only response that I get is that the site could not be found.
webglider said:
I'd really like to see this, (I could use a good laugh), but when I cut and paste the link, the only response that I get is that the site could not be found.

Are you taking the "_" off from in front of the http ?
Very strange. I just tried _ again and got the video. I can't think of what the problem may be.
FireShadow said:
Very strange. I just tried _ again and got the video. I can't think of what the problem may be.

For me it's working. Here is the link.
The link worked!!!!! (I stll couldn't get it with - It's soooo adorable. Thanks, Belibaste and Fireshadow and Nienna. I adore serious silliness.
webglider said:
The link worked!!!!! (I stll couldn't get it with - It's soooo adorable. Thanks, Belibaste and Fireshadow and Nienna. I adore serious silliness.

Yeah, I had to watch it again. :D The whole thing was very well done.

Thanks, Fire Shadow, for the link.
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