Eulogy for an Orange Tree

Mac said:
Recently, when I take my walks in the woods I am very aware the that the trees are ALIVE. They have their own level of being, their own relationship with the Universe. Their own love of life.

Yes they do!

When hurricane Isabel came right over top of Blackwater...60+ HUGE trees were torn up by their roots. Some of the root balls were 12-15 feet high. It was a disaster area, BUT not one single tree landed on a camper or building...and there were about 16 RV's in the woods. It was absolutely amazing, we thought our RV's were going to be destroyed in the 150+ mph winds but when the storm passed and we went out to look, not ONE SINGLE RV was touched. The trees fell all around them, and actually protected them from the wind. I have pictures of our little tin campers, sitting up on blocks, completely surrounded by HUGE fallen trees. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

One large tree had to fall INTO the wind to land in a narrow little spot between Mrs Dorothy's and Susan's RVs and the bathhouse. I really can't see any way ALL our property could have been spared except that the trees tried not to hurt us as they died. I think they knew how much we cared for them (pounding a nail in a tree would get you thrown off the grounds) and returned the love.

I cried for WEEKS as we cleared away the debris. Even though they had been uprooted, all the trees weren't dead was just terrible. I could feel them suffering and dying. We actually saved a few by lifting them back up with a track hoe and replanting them in their holes, but most did not make it. Even thinking about them's got me bawling again please don't feel "silly" Mac. It's the people who can't feel other living things who have the problem.
Mac said:
Recently, when I take my walks in the woods I am very aware the that the trees are ALIVE. They have their own level of being, their own relationship with the Universe. Their own love of life.

So true Mac. I can think of many times as a child when upset I would clamber up the big tree in my yard and find comfort there. Even today, at stressful times, a walk in the woods among the trees helps me put it all in perspective. I actually chose my avator because of my love of trees.

Guardian said:
I really can't see any way ALL our property could have been spared except that the trees tried not to hurt us as they died. I think they knew how much we cared for them (pounding a nail in a tree would get you thrown off the grounds) and returned the love.

I'd bet that they did as you say - what an amazing story!
I had a tangerine tree in FL that froze when it was quite young and then my husband mowed it-it came back the next spring! So, don't give up on Aurthor yet.
I just talked to my friend and she confirmed that if there are still green leaves on Aurthur, he's not dead yet...not even close. :clap:

She needs more info before she can make any suggestions, but says that in addition to over-watering, one of the most common problems with potted fruit trees is that the tree's roots outgrow the pot and get "bound"

She has questions:

How long has Aurthur been in his current size pot?

How often do you water him?

Has he experienced any sudden temperature change?

Is he losing twigs too or are the small twigs at his extremities still supple?

Edited to add:
My friend is a Master Arborist (she grows the BEST Apples) and when I told her about how yawl had raised Aurthur from a seed back in the 60's we both started bawling. She did say Aurthur is very old for an Orange tree, but with love, he can live to be over 100. She also said she will be happy to help him recover...and might need a picture or two if it comes to that. She doesn't have a computer, but if she needs them, you can send the photos to me and I'll print them out and take them to her.
[quote author=Guardian]
I really can't see any way ALL our property could have been spared except that the trees tried not to hurt us as they died.

I had a huge maple tree come down in my back yard (it was hit by lightning) and we were amazed, it laid down perfectly - missing the roof of the garage, the backyard fence and the clothes line! Even the insurance agent commented on the perfect landing and no stucture damage. He was of course happy, they only had to pay for tree removal!

[quote author=Manitoban]
I can think of many times as a child when upset I would clamber up the big tree in my yard and find comfort there.

I was a tree climber too! My mom was so upset to find me at age 3, 15 feet up the walnut tree. I never really gave it much thought until now, but I spent alot of time in trees! My older brothers teased me constantly with nicknames like "monkey" and "frita the chita". I always felt safe up in a tree. And most people never look up!! My girlfriend and I would sneak out of church, climb a tree & smoke cigarettes. No one ever knew we were there. :evil:

[quote author=Guardian]
I just talked to my friend and she confirmed that if there are still green leaves on Aurthur, he's not dead yet...not even close.
That's great news, Guardian!! It sounds like there may be hope for Aurther. :thup:
Guardian said:
I just talked to my friend and she confirmed that if there are still green leaves on Aurthur, he's not dead yet...not even close. :clap:

She needs more info before she can make any suggestions, but says that in addition to over-watering, one of the most common problems with potted fruit trees is that the tree's roots outgrow the pot and get "bound"

She has questions:

How long has Aurthur been in his current size pot?

How often do you water him?

Has he experienced any sudden temperature change?

Is he losing twigs too or are the small twigs at his extremities still supple?

Edited to add:
My friend is a Master Arborist (she grows the BEST Apples) and when I told her about how yawl had raised Aurthur from a seed back in the 60's we both started bawling. She did say Aurthur is very old for an Orange tree, but with love, he can live to be over 100. She also said she will be happy to help him recover...and might need a picture or two if it comes to that. She doesn't have a computer, but if she needs them, you can send the photos to me and I'll print them out and take them to her.

Yes, has Aurthur been repotted recently? Sometimes if you put them into too large a pot, the roots don't like it. Conversely, if they have outgrown the pot, they could die. Also, try and take a cutting, they make stuff to put on plants and bushes when you put them in the ground to help the roots take, I think it's called Rootone (at least around here), and try and start a Baby Aurthur! Also, has he ever been fertilized/fed plant food?

I've taken cuttngs from plants and grown new ones after putting the cutting in water till it developed roots. I have several plants that are years old, that have been given to me by people who have since passed away. It's a nice way of remembering them.
Aurthur's pot is probably too small. My wife says she has root pruned it several times. She said that if he were in a bigger pot we probably couldn't move it in and out of the house. I can see her point on this. It takes two of us to lift the pot out the door and then a two wheeled cart to haul it out to the gazebo.

I checked the twigs, they seem supple not dry or crackly. There is one small branch that has about a dozen live leaves on it. She takes care of the watering so I don't know the frequency. When it is outside if the soil in the pot looks dry I will water it.

She seems content to see what being outdoors will do so I guess we'll see.

Mrs Peel, when you say "cutting" do you mean cutting a twig from the plant and putting it in water until it starts to root? I really know very little about plant care. A little Aurthur might be fun to try.

Mac said:
Mrs Peel, when you say "cutting" do you mean cutting a twig from the plant and putting it in water until it starts to root? I really know very little about plant care. A little Aurthur might be fun to try.


Well, my experience with cuttings is mostly with plants and not trees. You could try putting a cutting in water, how about breaking off a stem where there are leaves coming out. Then, break off the leaves at the point where they branch off from the stem. Submerge all that in water, in a large glass or vase and make sure you keep the water level high enough. Usually the roots will start forming at the areas where you broke off the leaves from the stem. At least with houseplants.

Maybe do a little research on the net for how to take a cutting from a tree and grow a new one? Aurthur would live on for another generation! :)
Just an update.

The first night Aurthur was out in the gazebo it rained almost all night. Next morning I dumped the water from the tray underneath the pot so it could dry out.

Next day some twigs turned green, then a few new leaves appeared. I thought he was on the way to recovery. Two days later the new leaves drooped and died.

He still has a cluster of live leaves on one branch. So there is still hope.

Very touching story Mac

Orange trees generally only live about 30 yrs although this can be extended with care. So if Arthur were human he would be about 120 yrs old....

How long has it been since the soil in his pot has been renewed? Over time it will become depleted of nutrients if not supplemented.

I think rooting a "cutting" is a good idea

Be sure to take Gaurdian up on his offer with help from the Arborist. I used to be one but have no real experience with fruit trees.

Best wishes to you and Arthur :flowers:
Mac said:
Just an update.

The first night Aurthur was out in the gazebo it rained almost all night. Next morning I dumped the water from the tray underneath the pot so it could dry out.

Next day some twigs turned green, then a few new leaves appeared. I thought he was on the way to recovery. Two days later the new leaves drooped and died.

This sounds like the "root bound" my friend described.

He still has a cluster of live leaves on one branch. So there is still hope

If I understood her correctly, all his leaves can fall off and he can still survive. Until his trunk is completely dried out, he has a good chance. :)
Mac, I hope your love and care for Aurthur will bring him back to life again. Best Wishes. :flowers:
Caring for something, even a plant is no small thing. Years ago, when I was another person entirely I would have scoffed at such things as nonsense. After Hurricane Katrina and seeing the damage to all life, even plant life humbled me greatly. I used to care for the lake swans of a nearby park. I managed to get parish ordinances passed making it a nature preserve to protect them. Upon returning to a neighborhood I barely recognized shook me up. Old, huge trees were uprooted and toppled like children's toys over the wreckage of houses. My swan pals survived and I swear I've never had such a tearful reunion as I had with those swans. Later my favorite, a grey female swan was, I was told, torn to pieces by wild dogs in the aftermath. I've mourned for her as if she was my sister. So by no means is your concern for Nature's gift small or unnoticed.

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