
From the Wiki page of the Irish EV contestant, whose real name, presumably after the nutbar changed it by deed poll, is Cuntry Ray Robinson. Note that the eejits who wrote her Wiki are using 'gender-neutral pronouns'... 🙄

They are known to mix numerous genres in their music, coining their own term, "ouija-pop"... In April 2023, Robinson released their first single of that year, "Egregore"...

As a child, Robinson was diagnosed with ADHD... [Niall: In her case, this is possibly a misdiagnosis for one or another form of psychopathy]

In their spare time, Robinson has occasionally worked as a party princess at events for disabled children...

Robinson identifies as non-binary...

Robinson practices neopagan witchcraft, particularly sigil and manifestation magic. They have also stated to have done blood magic during their period... Witchcraft has had a major influence on Robinson's music; numerous spells and hexes are included in various songs, with Robinson making their own sigil as their own official logo.
So now we see that the envelope has been pushed further.

It's no longer enough to passively slip 'The Message' through to European youth - via a tranny here or a bearded lady there... it's now more akin to consciously and aggressively mainlining full-on perversion direct from 4DSTS into children's brains.
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What's your thoughts why most of these degenerates actively supported Palestine? There apparently was some pressure from other competitors against Israel's representative and some media stunts by them to support Palestine.

Is it just coincidence because artists are often leftists with a history for this cause (i.e "even a broken clock is right twice a day"), or is there something more sinister, where the woke hive mind took the Palestinian cause on purpose in order to muddy the waters? As when lies are sprinkled with little bit of truth to make people link them together and reject the truth.

There's also some rightwing/conservative type influencers (for example Jake Shields) who are actively supporting Palestine, but at the same time bringing in Nazis/Hitler and suggesting that they were the "good guys". Although this could be just natural to people like him, seeing the insanity of Israel, but then in a black and white manner letting to be vectored to make this false conclusion - as there is disinformation program for everyone.

I've just found this whole thing a bit perplexing, as usually these celebrities and woke NPC's automatically support the 'current thing', i.e lies. But maybe we're witnessing this evolving straight from 4DSTS level, where they use those who are "in tune", -like this weird LGBTQ witch-, to make them support Palestine, in order to create confusion and to lead normal people astray, and to reinforce the left/right division on this matter, at the same time while those who are not staying vigilant keel falling into various disinformation program traps and create the same end results (division, confusion, chaos etc).
What's your thoughts why most of these degenerates actively supported Palestine? There apparently was some pressure from other competitors against Israel's representative and some media stunts by them to support Palestine.

Is it just coincidence because artists are often leftists with a history for this cause (i.e "even a broken clock is right twice a day"), or is there something more sinister, where the woke hive mind took the Palestinian cause on purpose in order to muddy the waters? As when lies are sprinkled with little bit of truth to make people link them together and reject the truth.

There's also some rightwing/conservative type influencers (for example Jake Shields) who are actively supporting Palestine, but at the same time bringing in Nazis/Hitler and suggesting that they were the "good guys". Although this could be just natural to people like him, seeing the insanity of Israel, but then in a black and white manner letting to be vectored to make this false conclusion - as there is disinformation program for everyone.

I've just found this whole thing a bit perplexing, as usually these celebrities and woke NPC's automatically support the 'current thing', i.e lies. But maybe we're witnessing this evolving straight from 4DSTS level, where they use those who are "in tune", -like this weird LGBTQ witch-, to make them support Palestine, in order to create confusion and to lead normal people astray, and to reinforce the left/right division on this matter, at the same time while those who are not staying vigilant keel falling into various disinformation program traps and create the same end results (division, confusion, chaos etc).
I am pretty sure it is double false representation to antagonize both parties, Israel and Palestine.
From the Wiki page of the Irish EV contestant, whose real name, presumably after the nutbar changed it by deed poll, is Cuntry Ray Robinson. Note that the eejits who wrote her Wiki are using 'gender-neutral pronouns'... 🙄

Apparently she also changed her name:
Ms Thug, it should be said, is not some rebellious teenager. She is thirty-one years of age, and until her middle twenties was a heterosexual woman called Linnea Lagerqvist – a name that will appear in no other Irish media outlet because that is now her “dead name”, and it is allegedly offensive to refer to non-binary people by the name given to them at birth, or even to mention the fact that they were once known by that name. The most you’ll get in the Irish media is a reference to the fact that she “was born to the Swedish Lagerqvist family”. If the facts offend, they must be suppressed.
Is it just coincidence because artists are often leftists with a history for this cause (i.e "even a broken clock is right twice a day"), or is there something more sinister, where the woke hive mind took the Palestinian cause on purpose in order to muddy the waters? As when lies are sprinkled with little bit of truth to make people link them together and reject the truth.

If I had to guess, I would say it's both. Maybe also with Zionists pulling the strings or the money in the background.
What's your thoughts why most of these degenerates actively supported Palestine?

That's been going on since shortly after Oct 7th. I'd say it's the Israeli lobby types in the US encouraging and funding "pro-Palestinian" marches among the gay/trans/drag "communities", in a deliberate effort to associate the two and thereby discourage normal Americans from supporting Palestinians and keeping them in the Israeli camp.
From the Wiki page of the Irish EV contestant, whose real name, presumably after the nutbar changed it by deed poll, is Cuntry Ray Robinson. Note that the eejits who wrote her Wiki are using 'gender-neutral pronouns'... 🙄

They are known to mix numerous genres in their music, coining their own term, "ouija-pop"... In April 2023, Robinson released their first single of that year, "Egregore"...

Where the hell did she get the term "egregore" from??
Where the hell did she get the term "egregore" from??
I've noticed that term becoming increasingly popular in the last few years, on "paranormal" type podcasts I listen to. I hear it all the time.. not surprised someone who's into the "flavour" of that kind of occult themed stuff, witchy/goth/chaos magick etc etc, knows the word. My idea is maybe it entered the popular superficially occulty zeitgeist when the TV show Twin Peaks used the word "tulpa" in its season 3 in 2017.
Is it just coincidence because artists are often leftists with a history for this cause (i.e "even a broken clock is right twice a day"), or is there something more sinister, where the woke hive mind took the Palestinian cause on purpose in order to muddy the waters? As when lies are sprinkled with little bit of truth to make people link them together and reject the truth.

Perhaps not absolutely surprising, the liberals in America tend to support whoever they think are the victims and have been historically anti-war. And the woke gang should be no different in essence, albeit more radical. But in this case it really seems that more is going on than it meets the eye.
That's been going on since shortly after Oct 7th. I'd say it's the Israeli lobby types in the US encouraging and funding "pro-Palestinian" marches among the gay/trans/drag "communities", in a deliberate effort to associate the two and thereby discourage normal Americans from supporting Palestinians and keeping them in the Israeli camp.
I actually have started to see it as such too, and in the US the conversation has been completely channeled towards left v right again and Palestinians continue to die, like a massive psyops.

I've noticed that term becoming increasingly popular in the last few years, on "paranormal" type podcasts I listen to. I hear it all the time.. not surprised someone who's into the "flavour" of that kind of occult themed stuff, witchy/goth/chaos magick etc etc, knows the word. My idea is maybe it entered the popular superficially occulty zeitgeist when the TV show Twin Peaks used the word "tulpa" in its season 3 in 2017.
Perhaps, the same way terms like Kundalini made their way to mainstream with no understanding of what it actually means, or Karma. some of these words seep into the consciousness of the west without much context.
It's no longer enough to passively slip 'The Message' through to European youth - via a tranny here or a bearded lady there... it's now more akin to consciously and aggressively mainlining full-on perversion direct from 4DSTS into children's brains.
As we don´t watch TV at home, my son (14 years old) asked me this morning if I have seen the Eurovision. I said no and that that´s all satanists and disturbed people there and I haven´t watched it since I was a kid. He said that one of his friends also told him in the school that Eurovision was full with godless people. This all situation in the West is so disturbing that even (properly raised) kids see the things for what they really are.
Sadly I have been somewhat exposed to this eurotrash malarkey via facebook. All I can say is that those who follow it will definitely need an exorcism.
It is interesting to see social engineering in action, now my facebook feed is flooded with online portals normalizing "non-binary".
That's been going on since shortly after Oct 7th. I'd say it's the Israeli lobby types in the US encouraging and funding "pro-Palestinian" marches among the gay/trans/drag "communities", in a deliberate effort to associate the two and thereby discourage normal Americans from supporting Palestinians and keeping them in the Israeli camp.
I agree, I see it working here in my family in Sweden who are right-leaning in the sense that "normal Americans" are.

I also recall how the C's said that these movements would get blamed, maybe that is what we are seeing also?

I haven’t been paying any attention to Eurovision song contests for a long time, so watching that clip posted by Zakharova was quite a shock! Such filth with a satanic vibe.

Vigilant Citizen’s take on Eurovision 2024:

Watching Eurovision 2024 was a sad experience. It wasn’t about music that happens to contain social messages; it was social indoctrination that happens to contain music. Things got even sadder when, before each performance, viewers were shown Eurovision snippets from the 20th century. From the healthy, beautiful, and wholesome artists of lore, we suddenly cut to the weird, perverted, tormented, gender-confused, gremlin-like “artists” of today. Every time, we find ourselves asking: “What the hell happened?”

The answer is simple, as the same phenomenon can be observed across all mass media: Eurovision was co-opted by the elite. And this year’s edition heavily revolved around two elite obsessions: Gender-blurring and the celebration of satanism. As seen in previous articles, these two agendas go hand in hand and are often tied together through symbolism in mass media. This shouldn’t be surprising, as Baphomet—the main “deity” of the occult elite—embodies both genders.

Eurovision 2024 was not a “competition”; it was a scripted narrative where a product of the elite’s gender-blurring agenda was “crowned” by a satanic witch.
Irish priest Father Brendan Kilcoyne argues that Ireland's entrant at Eurovision 2024 (and similar could be said for other entrants) presented "the perfect face of modern Ireland," making the philosophical case for no longer getting all worked up about disgraceful 'wokery' and instead distancing oneself from it and remembering that we "all know how this ends."

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