Alderpax said:
I agree that the most blatant barbs came from jacjon, and maybe what I saw as "hidden" barbs from you were just my own misinterpretation. Here are the two statements of yours that I interpreted as hidden barbs, or at the very least somewhat provocative:
SAO said:
Do you like the idea of being a pawn in a STS control hierarchy?
(My POV - It's clear that jacjon doesn't consider himself an STS pawn, so how should he have responded to this?)
I based that one 2 things. First, he said Jesus was his Lord - isn't that a direct reference to a STS hierachy of control where some "God" is perceived to be the one in charge aka "Lord"? Also, he obviously chose to hold this belief, and I know that when you assume or believe, you surrender your free will - and if what you believe was created by someone else, you surrender your free will to that person/entity. That, in my understanding, simply means becoming a pawn in a STS control hierarchy. I know what I asked was kinda a loaded question since it assumes that he IS part of an STS hierarchy, but that is not a baseless assumption because it is based on what he said, aka, he has a Lord and he blindly accepts certain things as truth without question.
jacjon says -- OK, SAO...where did you read that I " blindly accept certain things without question "???
Can I ask for your basis of fact that allowed that conclusion. Or, is it your opinion??(end)
jacjon says -- You and I are going to disagree. Probably on a lot of things. But that doesn't mean we can't converse.
Firstly, my ground rules not only allow for opinion, I BELIEVE that intelligence is garned through fact and experience but succeeds to its fullest when wise men gather insight through such methods but can transcend the experience and move to hypothesize the future.(end)
Alderpax said:
(My POV - jacjon surely considers himself quite interested in truth, so again, how should he have responded?)
But if he has beliefs, meaning, he assumes certain things to be true without question, is that not a direct opposite of what "seeking truth" means? Unless you mean he only seeks truth in some areas, but holds on to other sacred cows in other areas.
jacjon says -- SAO---well, one man's passion is another's poison.
Who gets to decide what " seeking truth " means??
To get back on topic, I believe that those Ministering to and through the Evangelical process are taking advantage of - some - who may not be able to think for themselves quite as well as others. The character of my remarks really have not so much to do with Christianity, in its most acceptable sense, but the way I see it being proselytised to a certain group of people while offering something that is speculative at best: ie: a righteous and pious life leads to salvation and life everlasting.
Remarks, please.(end)
I'm definitely reading some frustration in ring these statements, but it seems that I'm wrong about them being malicious. So I apologize again.
No worries, I know that malicious does not necessarily have to be consciously malicious, your predator mind or ego or some other subconscious impulse can make you say something that is essentially a "barb" without you even realising you did that. So I mean, knowing that I had some emotional reaction to jacjon's original reply, I was definitely open to the possibility that although I tried my best not to react/respond mechanically in any way, something might've slipped through anyway.
Regarding the actual topic of the thread, I find it interesting how different perspectives lead to complete opposite conclusions about the role of the PTB in the Christian religion. While you (and I) see Christianity as created BY the PTB as a control system from the get-go, jacjon sees Christianty as a fundamentally true belief system that's been "hijacked" by the PTB and turned INTO a control system.
jacjon says -- Very astute. That's it exactly!!(end)
I actually don't exactly think that either. It seems to me that religion wasn't created by one being or one person for one purpose. It's a compilation of many things, with many different intentions, many different purposes on many levels all in one place. So while I perceive the entirety of religion itself as a control mechanism, the very same things that are used for control within that religion could be profound esoteric truths that were distorted in meaning intentionally. Like if Jesus says "I and the Father are One" - is he talking about himself being as THE son of God and/or God incarnate, or is this a general reference to the unity of all creation, the idea of God being inseparate from us all?
jacjon says -- Unfortunately we have few FACTS to support either view. In my opinion, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit do dwell in us all.
That is my opinion, based on my inspection of the available facts and then using my mind to reason what, for me, is faith.
However, I do not consider myself overly religious. In fact, I am much more spiritual than religious.
It does, however, bother me immensely when an almost 'brainwashing-like' dogma is inserted into "religion" for completely secular reasons. ( I assume no one re4ading this wants to get into the more reconizable 'Evangelsits' so I'll leave that for a more opportune time. (end)
Well the former interpretation leads to elitism and control structure, the latter does not (although in the New Age religion, the latter concept of "we're all one" is used to disempower by distorting it as well).
jacjon says -- I'm not sure disempower is the correct term in that - for those that lead the movement - power is a necessary step toward control.(end)
But although I cannot state with certainty that the "initial intention" of religion was for control (because the question I'd have, if it was a compilation of many things from many sources, is there even such a thing as the initial intention?), the overall effect is one of control of the mind, because that's what it is used for.
jacjon says -- Or, in the case of my original words.....misused for......(end)
One could say that his mind NEEDS to see the situation in this way, as he so strongly identifies with the basics of the Christian faith.
jacjon says -- please see above(end)
Well he might say the same thing about us, maybe for whatever reason, we NEED to see religion as something that was designed from the start to be a control mechanism instead of as having been corrupted along the way? But certainly parts of it were designed from the start as a control mechanism. Maybe not necessarily all parts though, but certainly the parts that promote unquestioned blind faith in what they say.
Or maybe he can somehow synthesize his beliefs with the truths discussed here and he'll do just fine. I could never manage such a balancing act, but maybe he can.
To some degree I think it's possible, but I mean if you're gonna question political things and see the lies there, why not take it further and question religion as well? After all, they are very similar, so if you can SEE the lies in one, it is not a huge stretch to see the same exact kinds of lies that use the same hooks etc in the other, osit.
jacjon says -- If I didn't think I would incur your wrath I just may be tempted to say "God bless both of you" LOL
That's just the point. I, me, jacjon.......don't NEED religion to supplant empitness in my life. Spirituality perhaps....but not religion and the omnipresent dogmas.
It is this 'blind trust ' phenomena that scares me. Although I don't believe in the 'Warriors for Jesus' literally means a rush to arms...I do believe it is anethema to a well balanced society. At the same time I recognize that as a global society we are moving away from secularized governments ( perhaps the last in the west being the Clinton administration ) to those based on religious dogma -- the Middle East -- and of course, the recent coup d'etat in Thailand.
Blind trust by its very nature is evil and history clearly points out the tradegy that is most always imposed upon the masses by the few. ( ps: a good read about controlling the masses is Eric Hoffer's the True Believer (end)
In any case, challenging each others' paradigms is what this forum is about. There are no sacred cows. So if jacjon chooses to get huffy when you question the Lordship of Jesus Christ, that's his personal issue. I was just hoping that both you and he could move beyond that and have a discussion.
jacjon says -- I hope so as well!!(end)
But if there are no sacred cows as you say, why should we just ignore Jac's sacred cows? Jac wants to discuss sacred cows that HE considered silly that someone else has, but in the same sentence he proclaims to have sacred cows that are just as silly, so it just seemed like a very good reason to point that out and question them. We can certainly just "move beyond that and have a discussion", but it's kinda difficult to discuss someone else's sacred cows with someone who has the exact same kinds of sacred cows. It just seems hypocritical.