Expats 'will be pivotal in White House outcome'


The Living Force

Expats 'will be pivotal in White House outcome'

EXPATS living in Britain are crucial in deciding the outcome of the US race for president, experts said today.

A record number of the 350,000 Americans across the country, the majority of whom live in London, are expected to be voting in next week's election.

Many of them will be voting in key battleground states where a shift of just a few percentage points could put either candidate in the White House.

Democrats Abroad, a group that campaigns on behalf of the party outside the US, has more than doubled its membership numbers in London since January.

The opposition group, Republicans Abroad, has seen an even larger increase, with 80 per cent more members since the beginning of the year. Becoming a member of either group is not required to vote, but the surge indicates more could be voting than ever before.

Four crucial swing states Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Florida are among the top 10 states Americans living in London have emigrated from. These votes could be pivotal in deciding whether Barack Obama or John McCain claim victory.

Figures released by the Overseas Vote Foundation, which helps the 6.6 million expats worldwide participate in elections, reveal that eight per cent of those who have registered to vote in Florida have done so from abroad. Five per cent of those registered in Ohio and Pennsylvania are also overseas. These crucial swing states could each receive 250,000 votes from Americans living overseas.

Steve Morgan, a Labour strategist who has advised Al Gore and John Kerry on winning votes from Americans abroad, estimated three million expats will vote and the largest proportion will come from the UK. "When you consider the 2004 election was decided by 120,000 votes in Ohio the significance of the expat vote this time becomes apparent. It has never been more crucial," he said.

Democrats Abroad spokeswoman Margo Miller said: "Americans in London could be critical to the outcome. Many more want to be involved."

Visits from both Mr Obama and Mr McCain to the capital to whip up support are another indication of the role the expat vote will play this time round.

Miki Bowman, chairman of Republicans Abroad, said: "There has been a particular focus on expats. It is the first time candidates have come to the UK to visit and drum up support."

Britain has the third largest American population outside the US, after Canada and Mexico.

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