
A Disturbance in the Force
:cool2: here's whats on me/mind, does anyone have any internet links to solutions to the money/problem??? and check Ellen Brown out2............................................................
hope their are some closet/geniuses out there, that can explain this in simple terms, as well as wherever way you are comfortable to state the case/solution............and please have some compassion for the people enslaved in the money racket/system, who also are enslaved by it as they help to enslave all of the 'masses'...................................

Our money system is not what we have been led to believe. The creation of money has been "privatized," or taken over by a private money cartel. Except for coins, all of our money is now created as loans advanced by private banking institutions — including the private Federal Reserve. Banks create the principal but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out, expanding the money supply, inflating prices — and robbing you of the value of your money.

Not only is virtually the entire money supply created privately by banks, but a mere handful of very big banks is responsible for a massive investment scheme known as "derivatives," which now tallies in at hundreds of trillions of dollars. The banking system has been contrived so that these big banks always get bailed out by the taxpayers from their risky ventures, but the scheme has reached its mathematical limits. There isn't enough money in the entire global economy to bail out the banks from a massive derivatives default today. When the investors realize that the "insurance" against catastrophe that they have purchased in the form of derivatives is worthless, they are liable to jump ship and bring the whole shaky edifice crashing down.

Web of Debt unravels the deceptions in our money scheme and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. If you care about financial security, your own or the nation's, you should read this book.


[Moderation : web address modified]
Magoo said:
does anyone have any internet links to solutions to the money/problem???

check out aaron russo's "freedom to fascism" - _http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173 - for some good investigative research on the federal reserve and the american tax system.

however, having said that, i would also suggest reading political ponerology - http://redpillpress.com/retail/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=45 - precisely because the "solutions to the money problem" are not going to work towards fixing what's going on, i.e. "the psychopathy problem." attempting to change the way our currency functions without addressing the issue of psychopaths in power is akin to putting a wet, soggy band-aid on a gaping flesh wound.

webofdebt(dot)com said:
...and robbing you of the value of your money.

the value of "our" money has long been suspect, since the american colonies and before. we are so mired in this situation - so vast and secured in place - there is (in my own opinion) nothing we can do about the system itself. having suggested freedom to fascism and political ponerology, i would further suggest concentrating more on understanding one's self and one's own machine-nature. (read "buffer, programs, the "predator's mind" - http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6419.0) i say that in response to this:

Magoo said:
and please have some compassion for the people enslaved in the money racket/system

those people, including yourself and myself, are enslaved by the nature of our being and our lack of continuous, conscious awareness. the money racket is only part of the equation, and works at a more surface level than that of our machine nature. we are continually lying to ourselves about our own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, reactions to stimuli, and everything else.

as an example, perhaps imagine you are presented with two "problems."

1. on one hand, you are shown that you do not know yourself, do not truly know why you do or say anything, and your conscious mind is completely enslaved in a series of robotic reactions over which you have no conscious control at the moment.

2. on the other hand, you are shown that the money system is a lie and when you use a dollar bill it isn't really worth anything.

which problem would you first choose to address?
JonnyRadar said:
1. on one hand, you are shown that you do not know yourself, do not truly know why you do or say anything, and your conscious mind is completely enslaved in a series of robotic reactions over which you have no conscious control at the moment. 

2. on the other hand, you are shown that the money system is a lie and when you use a dollar bill it isn't really worth anything. 

which problem would you first choose to address?
I don't even think you can address the money thing. I mean, all we can do is research it to understand it more objectively, and tell others about it. But nothing can be "done" about it until we all fix ourselves first. In fact, it would be a waste of everyone's time to talk about the money problem without also talking about our machine. No matter how many revolutions we throw, how many governments we topple, how many financial systems we bring down, as long as we're machines, anything that replaces them will be just as bad because we have no ability to consciously construct our society in a "better" way without being different ourselves. The reason the world is the way it is is cuz we are the way we are, it's not cuz bad people just got lucky and set up a bad system, it's because this system is *inevitable* given our collective mechanical nature. It cannot be any other way until we change ourselves fundamentally.

So #2 is bad, but nothing will ever change without collectively addressing #1. Only the outer forms can change (like names of governmental systems, names of economic systems) but no matter the outer form, we'll always end up being used and manipulated and controlled and we won't be able to see it or stop it - because we're blind and asleep and mechanical. As long as we don't know ourselves and our programs, they'll just use those aspects of ourselves that we have no control over or knowledge of to get what they want, every time.
It reminds me of the entire STS cycle of growth... based on all empires as the follow this path of forceful expansion. It is the same in business as politics etc. They all expand until they start to collapse. In the USA, the policy has become the forced denial of the natural cycle of expansion and contraction. They have, since the early 80-83 recession, tried to stop all recessions. This has worked to some degree, but have come to the same nexus of STS/STO choice. To expand further, they have to include the rest of those in the boat. They have not done so. They have stripped all profit and kept to for themselves. This denies the consumer from further ability for consumption. This is the real crisis that is bringing us the current crisis. The current USA led financial empire is based in not only consumer confidence as it is elsewhere, but in consumer overconsumption. Without more resources, the consumer can no longer consume the exports of others, thus the cycle ends. They want to pump it up more but the balloon is starting to stretch creadibility and the stretch marks show the strain on the fabric of this empire's construction and they know it will soon burst. They will not let nature run its course. They want to dam every river and force it into submission. This policy and mindset ignores reality in favor of its own preferred one, which will end in collapse as all empires do. The only question is how fast and this serves up the question of the CHOICE in their very behavior. It seems designed by nature to force them into this Choice between STS and STO. The former seems destined by blindness to a black hole of infinite proportions.

Just my opinion of course. ;)
gdpetti said:
It reminds me of the entire STS cycle of growth... based on all empires as the follow this path of forceful expansion. It is the same in business as politics etc. They all expand until they start to collapse. In the USA, the policy has become the forced denial of the natural cycle of expansion and contraction. They have, since the early 80-83 recession, tried to stop all recessions. This has worked to some degree, but have come to the same nexus of STS/STO choice. To expand further, they have to include the rest of those in the boat. They have not done so. They have stripped all profit and kept to for themselves. This denies the consumer from further ability for consumption. This is the real crisis that is bringing us the current crisis. The current USA led financial empire is based in not only consumer confidence as it is elsewhere, but in consumer overconsumption. Without more resources, the consumer can no longer consume the exports of others, thus the cycle ends. They want to pump it up more but the balloon is starting to stretch creadibility and the stretch marks show the strain on the fabric of this empire's construction and they know it will soon burst. They will not let nature run its course. They want to dam every river and force it into submission. This policy and mindset ignores reality in favor of its own preferred one, which will end in collapse as all empires do. The only question is how fast and this serves up the question of the CHOICE in their very behavior. It seems designed by nature to force them into this Choice between STS and STO. The former seems destined by blindness to a black hole of infinite proportions.

Just my opinion of course. ;)

Hi gdpetti,

I have difficulties to understand the above message, could you please explain it ?
I think that gdpetti is referring to some connections he has made between STS and the Rhodes philosophy of "expansion".

"Expansion is everything," said Cecil Rhodes, and fell into despair, for every night he saw overhead "these stars ... these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could." He had discovered the moving principle of the new, the imperialist era (within less than two decades, British colonial possessions increased by 4.5 million square miles and 66 million inhabitants, the French nation gained 3.5 million square miles and 26 million people, the Germans won a new empire of a million square miles and 13 million natives, and Belgium through her king acquired 900,000 square miles with 8.5 million population) {These figures are quoted by Carlton J.H. Hayes in "A Generation of Materialism," New York, 1941, p. 237, and cover the period from 1871-1800} ...

And yet, in a flash of wisdom Rhodes recognized at the same moment its inherent insanity and its contradiction to the human condition. Naturally, neither insight nor sadness changed his policies. ...

"World politics is for a nation what megalomania is for an individual," said Eugen Richter (leader of the German progressive party) at about the same historical moment. ...

That statesmen (who thought primarily in terms of the established national territory), were suspicious of imperialism was justified... They knew by instinct rather than by insight that this new expansion movement in which "patriotism ... is best expressed in money-making" and the national flag is a "commercial asset", could only destroy the political body of the nation-state.

Conquest as well as empire building had fallen into disrepute for very good reasons. They had been carried out successfully only by governments which, like the Roman Republic, were based primarily on law, so that conquest could be followed by integration of the most heterogeneous peoples by imposing upon them a common law.

The nation-state, however, based upon a homogeneous population's active consent to its government, lacked such a unifying principle and would, in the case of conquest, have to assimilate rather than to integrate, to enforce consent rather than justice, that is, to degenerate into tyranny. ...

Expansion as a permanent and supreme aim of politics is the central political idea of imperialism. Since it implies neither temporary looting nor the more lasting assimilation of conquest, it is an entirely new concept in the long history of political thought and action. The reason for this surprising originality - surprising because entirely new concepts are very rare in politics - is simply that this concept is not really political at all, but has its origin in the realm of business speculation, where expansion meant the permanent broadening of industrial production and economic transactions characteristic of the nineteenth century. ...

Imperialism was born when the ruling class in capitalist production came up against national limitations to its economic expansion. The bourgeoisie turned to politics out of economic necessity. For, if it did not want to give up the capitalist system whose inherent law is constant economic growth, it had to impose this law upon its home governments and to proclaim expansion to be an ultimate political goal of foreign policy. ...

Imperialism in its initial stages could indeed still be described as a struggle of "competing empires" and distinguished from the "idea of empire in the ancient and medieval world (which ) was that of a federation of States, under a hegemony, covering the entire recognized world." ...

How a competition between fully armed business concerns - "empires" could end in anything but victory for one and death for the others is difficult to understand. In other words, competition is no more a principle of politics than expansion...

In contrast to the economic structure, the political structure cannot be expanded indefinitely, because it is not based upon the productivity of man, which is, indeed, unlimited. Of all forms of government and organizations of people, the nation-state is least suited for unlimited growth because the genuine consent at its base cannot be stretched indefinitely, and is only rarely, and with difficulty, won from conquered peoples.

No nation-state could with a clear conscience ever try to conquer foreign people, since such a conscience comes only from the convictions of the conquering nation that it is imposing a superior law upon barbarians. ...

Wherever the nation-state appeared as conqueror, it aroused national consciousness and desire for sovereignty among the conquered people. ...

The early British "empire builders," putting their trust in conquest as a permanent method of rule, were never able to incorporate their nearest neighbors, the Irish, into the far-flung structure either of the British Empire of the British Commonwealth of Nations. ... when, after the last war, Ireland was granted dominion status... the oldest "possession" and newest dominion unilaterally denounced its dominion status (1937) and severed all ties with the English nation when it refused to participate in the war.

England's rule by permanent conquest, since it "simply failed to destroy" Ireland (Chesterton), had not so much aroused her own "slumbering genius of imperialism" as it had awakened the spirit of national resistance in the Irish. ...

Instead of conquering and imposing their own law upon foreign peoples (as the Romans did), the English colonists settled on newly won territory in the four corners of the world and remained members of the same British nation (as the Greeks did). ...

The Napoleonic failure to unite Europe under the French flag was a clear indication that conquest by a nation led either to the full awakening of the conquered people's national consciousness and to consequent rebellion against the conqueror, or to tyranny. And though tyranny, because it needs no consent, may successfully rule over foreign peoples, it can stay in power only if it destroys first of all that national institutions of its own people. ... {Hannah Arendt - The Origins of Totalitarianism}

And Lobaczewski points out that Imperialism, another name for political expansionism, is pathological and characteristic of pathocracy:

Pathocracy survives thanks to the feeling of being threatened by the society of normal people, as well as by other countries wherein various forms of the system of normal man persist. For the rulers, staying on the top is therefore the classic problem of “to be or not to be”.

We can thus formulate a more cautious question: can such a system ever waive territorial and political expansion abroad and settle for its present possessions? What would happen if such a state of affairs ensured internal peace, corresponding order, and relative prosperity within the nation? The overwhelming majority of the country’s population would then make skillful use of all the emerging possibilities, taking advantage of their superior qualifications in order to fight for an ever-increasing scope of activities; thanks to their higher birth rate, their power will increase. This majority will be joined by some sons from the privileged class who did not inherit the pathological genes. The pathocracy’s dominance will weaken imperceptibly but steadily, finally leading to a situation wherein the society of normal people reaches for power. This is a nightmare vision to the psychopaths.

Thus, the biological, psychological, moral, and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the pathocrats, a “biological” necessity. Many means serve this end, starting with concentration camps and including warfare with an obstinate, well-armed foe who will devastate and debilitate the human power thrown at him, namely the very power jeopardizing pathocrats rule: the sons of normal man sent out to fight for an illusionary “noble cause.” Once safely dead, the soldiers will then be decreed heroes to be revered in paeans, useful for raising a new generation faithful to the pathocracy and ever willing to go to their deaths to protect it.

Any war waged by a pathocratic nation has two fronts, the internal and the external. The internal front is more important for the leaders and the governing elite, and the internal threat is the deciding factor where unleashing war is concerned. In pondering whether to start a war against the pathocratic country, other nations must therefore give primary consideration to the fact that such a war can be used as an executioner of the common people whose increasing power represents incipient jeopardy for the pathocracy. After all, pathocrats give short shrift to blood and suffering of people they consider to be not quite conspecific. Kings may have suffered due to the death of their knights, but pathocrats never do: “We have a lot of people here.” Should the situation be, or become, ripe in such a country, however, anyone furnishing assistance to the nation will be blessed by it; anyone withholding it will be cursed.

Pathocracy has other internal reasons for pursuing expansionism through the use of all means possible. As long as that “other” world governed by the systems of normal man exists, it inducts into the non-pathological majority a certain sense of direction. The non-pathological majority of the country’s population will never stop dreaming of the reinstatement of the normal man’s system in any possible form. This majority will never stop watching other countries, waiting for the opportune moment; its attention and power must therefore be distracted from this purpose, and the masses must be “educated” and channeled in the direction of imperialist strivings. This goal must be pursued doggedly so that everyone knows what is being fought for and in whose name harsh discipline and poverty must be endured. The latter factor – creating conditions of poverty and hardship - effectively limits the possibility of “subversive” activities on the part of the society of normal people.

The ideology must, of course, furnish a corresponding justification for this alleged right to conquer the world and must therefore be properly elaborated.

Expansionism is derived from the very nature of pathocracy, not from ideology, but this fact must be masked by ideology. Whenever this phenomenon has been witnessed in history, imperialism was always its most demonstrative quality. {Political Ponerology}

This, of course, reminds one of a series of comments by the Cs:

22 Oct 1994

....And those who are described as the Lizards have
chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self.
And, since they are at the highest level of density where
this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts
of negative energy
from those at the third level, second
level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This
also explains why their race is dying, because they have
not been able to learn for themselves how to remove
themselves from this particular form of expression to
that of service to others. And, since they have such, as
you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at
this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it,
and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why
they are dying and desperately trying to take as much
energy from you as possible and also to recreate their
race metabolically.

And we know that STS "increases" itself by "expansion" as conceived by Cecil Rhodes.

However, as Arendt mentions above, the economic idea of increase and expansion which applies to human effort is valid and the Cs have talked about this as well:

25 Nov 1995

Q: (L) You said we should multiply our money and that storing
it is not making it work for you....
A: If you notice, all successful business people do this.
They multiply their money, expand their horizons,
continuously. They multiply their money by multiplying
their output, thus their intake likewise. And the process
is never ending, because they understand instinctively
that it is part of a cycle. For the intake to continue,
it must not be only retained, but must increase in order
to keep pace with the ever spiraling cycle of increase and
expansion. And, for this to happen, the output must be
expanded accordingly. When it stops, it collapses. And
this is how the Illuminati AKA The Brotherhood AKA The
Antichrist creates a "Panic," by stemming the flow, even
only slightly, and then broadcasting the created
impression aggressively.
Q: (S) Well, investing is fine if you have money, but Laura
and Frank don't have any money to invest. What would be
a way for them to do this?
A: One example would be to share their experiences, insights,
and learnings. One way to replicate such would be to
publish, for example.
Not Rhodes though I've heard the name no doubt from other materials, most of what I have encountered is more basic geopolitical and historical stuff like looking at the patterns of nature. Actually, I find that as I digest the information or knowledge, that it becomes a part of me and I don't always remember the original source as they start to merge into the consciousness, sort of like that choosing which radio station to listen to once you realize you have a choice. Nature does seem to present the basics patterns. Sort of like that mention by the C's in "Wolfen" as the wolfen packs expand into the cities too far and suffer the consequences of human recognition. They got too greedy. Lobaczewski's 'Ponerology' has great analysis in it, though I do wish he could have taken off the psychiatrist hat and simplified the lingo some as it can be difficult to understand like Spengler when I first came across his Decline of the West. It's was like learning another language at the time, but perhaps that's what's really required for exiting this round robin trap of limited self awareness? Learning to be a travelor and not a tourist means learning the local language patterns.

I personally don't think capitalism is anything new, just modern covert means of infiltration of STS energies into civilization instead of overt methods like in the East, in history as we know it. It seems to me that it is just basic + vs - energy expressing itself, and I wonder if this 'innate' (as the C's called it) feeling doesn't start from the beginning in 1d. Look at the difference in the four elements of fire, wind, earth and water. Active vs passive etc. I wonder if this innate energy expression doesn't continue into 2d as a preference for predator roles instead of prey? A representation of a line of ascent that allows the innate tendencies to express themselves first in 3d STO and later in the rise and fall of civilizations within 3dSTS. Empires whether in business, politics, religions, militaries, cultures etc seem built into the system of our realm and a further genetically refined expression of those energies from the animal kingdom of which our bodies come.

Wasn't it one of the more recent C sessions that said this psychopathic introduction into the OP genetics was around 50,000 yrs ago? I wonder if that again didn't have something to do with Altantean STS tendencies that then called for a balancing mechanism to develop? Perhaps in response to treatment of those 'things' as Cayce put it? These psychopaths present a challenge not just to those seeking + polarity but also - polarity as they present an opponent to understand whether for ones' sanity or means of exploitation of others which seems genetically programmed into all STS types to sooner or later seek 'top dog' status, which would make the 'failed' OP's/pyschopaths even more determined as they don't have an ego getting in the way. If not introduced on purpose, they were 'lucky', :lol: as they seem such a 'lovely' device to wreck negative energy on the masses, be it on a personal level or public level in business or politics. A built in control that allows sort of an autopilot feature for 4dSTS. Or is it some sense of detachment from an STS point of view? :/

I wonder if this 'downcycle' is the STS energy expressing itself? As the energies of nature return to a positive expression eventually after the storms of any civilization, when given the chance. Or are they just part of the shortwave cycle which includes STS orientation experience? Wouldn't that continual expansion be more of a longwave process? More STO sort of pathway in time/space?

Either way, money seems just a tool or means of control and perhaps a better one for STS feeding purposes in our world today. It gives them the ability to enslave the mind without awareness as Marciniak's Pleidians sort of mention about the USA. The most controlled and lest aware of being controlled, thinking they are the freest until the safety blanket is pulled away not just from the masses but from the wannabe greedy types on Wall Street as well. Catalyst for waking them up to greater STS orientation perhaps?

I can't find alot to agree with on Mr Rhodes article as I find imperialism natural STS expression in our realm. It seems to be how nature does it in 2dSTS in this realm as well. A pack will expand if given the chance until conditions prohibit further growth and then it contracts back to 'fit in' within the changing environment. It ususally means alot of death for the pack as the demand/supply curve rebalances. Every business or political/military empire does the same thing. They expand until they are forced to contract. They seem to represent a part of nature's pruning, which is perhaps only necessary in the STS physical planes. The more STO oriented packs would serve as prey to these more STS packs. The prey and the predator situation again which seems to continue into 3d once the desire to remain physical is brought into the equation and a STS realm is entered. Money is just shorthand for all the other more basic tools like food and housing. If limitations can be kept on these basics, then the masses can be kept contained like sheep and fed off of. Artificial means of control, with Mother Nature replaced by 4dSTS and their 3dSTS 'helpers' amoung the flock. It just seems these machinations of empire and money etc are just more reflections of the two energies in the universe.

The mosaic revealing itself perhaps? The only difference seems the personal choice in which pattern we seek to follow given those innate feelings/biases. A question of which puzzle pieces interest us first and later connect us to the bigger picture. STS seems to follow a very narrow set of pieces and force of will is more needed to ignore the rest, a narrow field of vision which allows pin pointed concentration of power as all successful empires need demonstrate to conquer their opponents. Divide and conquer, one region at a time, or one group, one idea, one business, one policy etc at a time. Classic. Never allow full field vision for oneself or your subjects lest either glimpse, even for a moment, the true depth of vision possible.

This seems to be the classic use of money in our financial empires today. Willing participation by all available players in this empire of choice we call the Free Trade or WTO etc. Force is slowly applied through various 'legal' means as the 'stick and carrot' routine builds an ever growing fence that both surrounds them and suffocates them with its demands for submission and acceptance without dissent. Either they consent to the game or they pay the price of nonparticipation which reminds me of the 'Native Americans' as the 'White Men' came to conquer their lands. The game in this realm is competition for control and you either play with the pack or the pack destroys you. Most in power have the necessary greed for self-aggrandizement that allows them to be 'played' this way and drawn into this web of deceit that they then play on their own people, perpetualizing the process. Again, the pack/empire expands until the conditions no longer are fertile for their growth or a competing pack/empire is stronger/greedier or the resources are used up or all the sheep have been penned in and there are no more to exploit. Rome does seem a good example here only with more time for the game to play out.

Expansion in Rhodes analysis seems STS in orientation as the only businesses that over expand are those that want to 'rule the world' or at least their local branch of it. Greed gets control of them and they are milked even as they milk others. Either they have risen to STS graduation level or they are just fattened calves for the feast. They've played their part and are no longer necessary. The original builders long since passed from the scene who started out filling a void.

It just seems so predictable. The cycle closes, the game resets, the lessons go on until learned. Empires rise and fall as does the money supply that is manipulated into existence for that very reason. Paper money to replace reality one step at a time until it has become totally meaningless. The seeds of destruction nearly always there at its birth as that classic States Rights vs Federalism USA model shows. Money playing its hand in the debt issue from the beginning. A tool to get the ball rolling. Money has always been 'privatized' as an instrument for expansion by artificial means. It allows the middlemen to slowly move in and take over control and in their midst arises the psychopaths or STSers who know a good thing when they find it. Like moths to a flame until it goes out. All good things come to an end. All empires end as they began with the destruction of these artificial tools of control. It's like slow quicksand that eventually gets the better of us when we aren't paying attention, same in our personal lives. It sort of reminds me of the plotline to the Terminator films/tv show. They can try to change things, but in the end the game ends as designed with destruction, death of the old so that the new seeds can grow from the ashes. Perhaps those psychopaths are going to be our fertilizer? ;D

We should say thank you while they we still can. :P I could be wrong, but it reminds me of what Marciniak's Pleidians said about the Lizards needing to remember who their creators were just like us, because they are returning. Perhaps their curtain is closing same as our own? The creation mirrors its creator.
The government borrowing money from the private investor owned central / federal bank at an interest that cannot be paid back. This is the gist of all corruption of the banking system - the impossible contract, where interest becomes so large that it never can be paid back and people are forever indebted to corrupt bankers - today.

The central bank was lost to greedy, psychopathic private investors.

As opposed to the prosperous colonial times:

When the government owned the central bank and all money-operations were publicly overseen - nothing was "Sorry this is classified!" to people.

By the way, its the perfect indicator, when you ask the government about any topics and if they don't answer or simply give sorry this is "classified TOP SECRET", etc: that branch of the government becomes target for demolition under the New Civil Rule of New Earth. Hopefully we will be able to start from a clean slate, building up a colonial system with no banker / bankster presence.

Within five years, the government had borrowed $8.2 million from
the bank. The additional money was obviously created out of thin air,
just as it would have been if the government had printed the money
itself; but the government now owed principal and interest back to
the bank. To reduce its debt to the bank, the government was eventually
forced to sell its shares, largely to British financiers
. Zarlenga
reports that Hamilton, to his credit, Hamilton opposed these sales.
But the sales went through, and the first Bank of the United States
wound up largely under foreign ownership and control.

This is the gist of all web of debt style scheming today. Interest and taxes. There were no taxes in the prosperous colonies and the government managed money release and paying all debt successfully:

that Government will furnish its
own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt.
It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the
civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all
countries will go to North America.

This is the New Banking System we need, without psychopaths. No matter how [deliberately] convoluted financial terms become, the key to corruption is always debt, interest, compounded interest that just grows and cannot be paid back.
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