extremely emotional / an urge to cry.

Without question I have become more emotional in the last few months. It will happen when I hear a piece of music (whether beautiful or sad) or if I see a specific scene (whether fictitious or not). Like others have said, I have to suppress the urge to cry when in the company of others. With respect to getting emotional at beautiful things, I am reminded of the quote from the film 'American Beauty': Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world, I can't even stand it, and it feels like my heart is going to burst. That just about sums up how I have been feeling recently. And I think that all of the horror that goes on in the world simultaneously is what makes that beauty all the more tragic and heart-rending for me, despite acknowledging that this is all to do with the "Yin and Yang" of the universe.
I just about cried today at work. I went to a vending machine to get something to drink but all I had was a five dollar bill. Luckily, the Coca-cola guy was there stocking the machines and gave me some change for my five. I then walked over to the vending machine and saw that he had yet to re-stock the machine with the beverage I was going to get. So I walked over and grabbed the beverage from one of the cases he was using to re-stock one of the other machines. I gave him the necessary funds and he told me not to worry about it and gave me the drink. And yes this brought tears to my eyes because as of late it seems small acts like these are very few and far between. Thus, it causes me to appreciate every such moment that much more. When one seeks to give to all who ask and even to the trivial type of asking without expecting/wanting anything in return, it seems the emotional center becomes more and more sensitive to the smallest and most trivial events of actually being given anything.
I find myself mildly confused about this. :cry: Right from my earliest years, I have always found myself somewhat easily moved emotionally, watching movies, listening to music and I also always thought this was just evidence of being a soft sort of a person. And frankly, growing up it was a real problem particularly in the catholic boys school I attended where boys were meant to be MEN and not cry or be emotional, and to do so was to be persecuted mercilessly as some children are so good at.

But it continued right along anyway. In recent times, I have started resisting it when it comes, and just refusing to be manipulated, something which was worked to surprising effect. (I was seeing it as my being manipulated to provide emotional food and I was tired of it) Now, it is also true that in the last couple of weeks, the number of times I have felt strongly emotional at some of the silliest times has increased dramatically, but I have been resisting that too.

So,as a consequence, while I would love to think so, I am not sure at all that this is my emotional centre opening because as I discussed above I have always been what in Australia would be described as a bit of a "sook".
Flashgordonv said:
I find myself mildly confused about this.  :cry: Right from my earliest years, I have always found myself somewhat easily moved emotionally, watching movies, listening to music and I also always thought this was just evidence of being a soft sort of a person. And frankly, growing up it was a real problem particularly in the catholic boys school I attended where boys were meant to be MEN and not cry or be emotional, and to do so was to be persecuted mercilessly as some children are so good at.   

But it continued right along anyway.  In recent times, I have started resisting it when it comes, and just refusing to be manipulated, something which was worked to surprising effect.  (I was seeing it as my being manipulated to provide emotional food and I was tired of it)  Now, it is also true that in the last couple of weeks, the number of times I have felt strongly emotional at some of the silliest times has increased dramatically, but I have been resisting that too. 

Well, the devil is in the details, as always.  For someone who has had a sleeping emotional center most of their lives, such things can indicate a cracking of that shell, as it were.  For someone who's emotional center has run them their whole life, it can be quite important and powerful to learn to not let the horses lead the carriage with no guide - or as you put it not be manipulated for emotional food.  However, the other factor is the type and depth of emotion involved - context is key, I suppose.

fg said:
So,as a consequence, while I would love to think so, I am not sure at all that this is my emotional centre opening because as I discussed above I have always been what in Australia would be described as a bit of a "sook".

Well, your lower emotional center may not have ever been blocked, shut down or asleep - though it may have been working in an unbalanced way. You're really the only one who can say, and to be able to say, you have to Know yourself.  The 'sook' comment does indicate that the societal programming was embedded quite well - just imagine what you might be able to accomplish with an active, balanced emotional center divested of all societal programming?
i've experienced it too!, last couple of months me and my girl have drawn rather closely when an emotional movie comes up, it used to be she cried when an emotional movie came up and i held her and made her laugh, made "fun" of the way she was so emotional but reassure her that i liked it, then we started to get closer on that respect, i remember the movie I Am Sam, and i couldn't hold my tears , but she didn't know until the next morning i didn't know what was happening and why did it hit me so hard, after that day i had to, i mean i had this internal drive to watch movies like Shindler's list, Life is Beautiful , V for Vendetta (specially the scene where Ivy screams in the rain), matrix revolutions, the last kiss, p.s. i love you, and on and on..., the music i heard at the time all started to go from very energetic kind of juvenile music to a more meaningful-deep-worded like style i even posted on What are you listening to?, about the song from Pink Floyd, The Great Gig in The sky, (specially that one!, i feel this thing in my chest and throat that makes me wanna scream to her rhythm).
I really need to get back to my guitar to channel all that ;p
i know!, i do that! and concerning guitars this song specially hits me Por que es tan dificil amar - Rata Blanca.
another song that gets me is this one: Blue - Yoko Kano
and ever since this emotional awakening if you will started, listening to Damien Rice drives me nuts! Damien Rice - I remember.
Thanks Bo For Bringing this up, i as mentioned before also saw it as a way to make me a more abundant source of emotional energy, and yes i realized that it depended on the context and how ignorant i am of what negative energy is....(just had a dejavu!),so i decided to be more careful as to tag everything so rappidlly, and meditate about everything that occurred more carefully, as my way to let it out, as i said earlier i play guitar, and since i walk to work almost everyday i put on music with me , it is a pretty unbusy if you will road the one i walk on , so i just let the music flow through my body, i get goosebumps in my back! and legs, my neck feels this bolt from my ears, not stopping does seem like the best solution. thank you!!
I've always been the type of person who sees the sadness in the world. I've always been aware of the horror and the injustice to the point where I just shut myself down and not let myself feel anything at all.

Last week I went to a reunion and approached a man for whom I used to work - the good boss who was there during the "Golden Age" before the psychopathic boss who destroyed everything was hired.

The first words he said to me were, "Do you know?" and I said "Yes".

What I knew was that his son had been murdered. I had not written to him because when I heard the news, I went completely numb and couldn't feel anything, or think of anything to say.

In the conversation that followed, as he spoke about what he was going through and how hard it was to be in the setting we were in - (we were reconnecting with former students) - how he would often suddenly burst into tears and have to leave wherever he was, but he was hopeful that while things would never be the same, they were better than they had been. He was, as he has always been, looking squarely at the situation in which he found himself, but not with bitterness. He was hoping that a project that his son had started would come to fruition.

I told him that as long as I know him he has always looked for the good in everything.

He answered. "I thought that that was what I was supposed to do."

Well, ever since then, everytime I think of him saying, "I thought that was what I was supposed to do", I burst into tears. I'm actually sobbing as I write this.

I'm crying because he is such a good, good man, so much braver than I am, and so generous that he could reach out to me when I could not reach out to him.

And later, after we had said goodbye and each of us had gone to talk to someone else, I saw him suddenly walk quickly out the door of the room we were in and I imagined that the sadness had come over him again. And a little after that I had to leave too because I was suddenly overwhelmed by how much courage it must have taken to come to that place and do what he always has done - connect with others, and find the good where others would see only the bad, even when he knew that he would never have a reunion with his own son.
LOL guys what's happening? I had this a year ago or so. In the beginning it was literally impossible to contain as if something has been opened and that emotion contained for a long time has been released suddenly. Crying for hours with no apparent reason scared me! Now I try to use this emotion flow as a source of energy rather than letting it flow with no purpose. How? don't know exactly, just trying. Today I am more sensitive then yesterday but at the same time feel stronger. The experience is truly bizarre because I was conscious of the evolving of my intellectual awareness so to say, but after this episode I discovered a new form of awareness, an "emotional awareness", like a new sens. This organ (emotion) is hurt when it comes to such news as suffering people (sometimes it is overwhelming and suffocating) but at a lesser extent this organ permits to understand others in a less intellectual way. I don't find words for it. It is not being at their place, it is an understanding but not with brain, like being in contact without taking their feelings.
The other side effect I noticed, and I don't know if it fits here in this discussion, is the impression to see some things while closing the eyes in the dark. In the beginning it was just some random lights, like moving clouds, mostly green and violet. Now the shapes evolved and became more sophisticated, with faces and landscapes, but I'm still not able to understand them. I consider it as a symptom of lake of sleep or anxiety. Could it be related to this new emotionality described above? have anyone noticed something like that?
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