Face Book and face recognition software?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Recently I uploaded some pictures and this time for the first time, FB offered automatic option to tag friends in the photos.
What I found scary was that the suggestion for the tag was precise, is it possible they are running some face recognition program?
If this is the case the implications are quite disturbing...
thanks to the face book today I became aware of this

they already started I can vouch for this and there is no possibility to opt out, at least I was unable to find it.

I wonder if this system can be confused if we all start posting random photos of other people, animals, cartoon characters etc and tagging ourselves
Herr Eisenheim said:
I wonder if this system can be confused if we all start posting random photos of other people, animals, cartoon characters etc and tagging ourselves

That will probably give them more test data to fine tune their applications. There have been some references from the Cs about supercomputers. Methinks this is a neglected point of observation, and this tech may be hidden from us to observe. Since the old Star Trek days, I used to think... If I can think of it, they're probably working on it, or already have it. Like an old Outer Limits show, maybe some computer soon will protect us from ourselves. Methinks we should not underestimate technology.
Al Today said:
Herr Eisenheim said:
I wonder if this system can be confused if we all start posting random photos of other people, animals, cartoon characters etc and tagging ourselves

That will probably give them more test data to fine tune their applications. There have been some references from the Cs about supercomputers. Methinks this is a neglected point of observation, and this tech may be hidden from us to observe. Since the old Star Trek days, I used to think... If I can think of it, they're probably working on it, or already have it. Like an old Outer Limits show, maybe some computer soon will protect us from ourselves. Methinks we should not underestimate technology.

That's why I don't have any pics of myself on the internet. If you ran a search for a pic, you'd get an image of baby elephant, or reclining sun bear. :lol:
Herr Eisenheim said:
thanks to the face book today I became aware of this

they already started I can vouch for this and there is no possibility to opt out, at least I was unable to find it.

This from a friend on facebook
"to avoid the new facebook face recognition system. Go to Account/privacy settings/Customise settings/things you share/Suggest photos of me to friends (at the bottom) - 'edit settings' When photos look like me, suggest tagging me - I Disabled this
I opted out too but it may be too little too late according to this article: _http://www.pcworld.com/article/229742/why_facebooks_facial_recognition_is_creepy.html

Even if you happen to "opt out" of the facial recognition tagging, Facebook's technology can surely use the tagged photos of you (hey, perhaps even the tagged photos of you that you end up un-tagging) to figure out what you look like.
Away With The Fairys said:
This from a friend on facebook
"to avoid the new facebook face recognition system. Go to Account/privacy settings/Customise settings/things you share/Suggest photos of me to friends (at the bottom) - 'edit settings' When photos look like me, suggest tagging me - I Disabled this

I've noticed about this "suggestion" of tagging others when I uploaded my pictures of my hike a while ago and didn't think much of it until now. I just disabled mine.
Just put away the fb as I did and the problem disappears.
privacy on fb is getting worse so why wait?
This is not face recognition afaik. That would be hard to achieve in such a big website, I mean technology wise . There are waaaay easier options.
That is how your browsers has been profiled , because you accept all the tracking cookies and all other crap that there is out there in the wild.
They collect all kinds of stuff - IP address ,computer names, username - whatever they want.
Also keep in mind that doing a photo by smartphone that has GPS built in , you will most probably give away GPS coordinates of a place where that photo has been shot. Another thing is BSSID of an Wireless Access Point that is being collected by ggle and apple. Tons of tons of stuff is being gathered. There is no need to use face recognition IMO , people will always keep clicking "yes" without reading what it will do ...

Here you have few links with lecture ;)

access points geolocation - _http://samy.pl/androidmap/
cookies/tracking cookies - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie
video about recon - http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/footprinting-scoping-and-recon-with-dns-google-hacking-and-metadata
exiftool , to extract metadata of photos - http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

Above examples are just raindrops in the ocean....
Lukas said:
Just put away the fb as I did and the problem disappears.
privacy on fb is getting worse so why wait?

Lukas - you've made your viewpoint on facebook very clear, many times. What you consistently miss is that we are not on facebook because 'we like it' - we are on facebook because it serves a very particular purpose at this point in time. The moment it stops being useful, we will stop using it. This isn't about us, it's about reaching as many people as we can while there is still time to reach them.
Herr Eisenheim said:
Recently I uploaded some pictures and this time for the first time, FB offered automatic option to tag friends in the photos.
What I found scary was that the suggestion for the tag was precise, is it possible they are running some face recognition program?
If this is the case the implications are quite disturbing...

Congrats! At the moment, cassiopaea.org has all the google hits for the search phrase: "Face Book and face recognition software".

I think it was just a matter of time, because on the surface, Facebook and Google present themselves as being in competition with other sites.

I recalled this on SoTT from last year:

According to a SoTT article on 19 May 2010, on the surface, Google's dilemma was over not launching controversial facial recognition technology and losing some kind of advantage to other companies, such as Israeli start-up Face.com.

Even with "a barrage of criticism over its privacy policies" and what Eric Schmidt, chief executive, called "a series of public disputes over privacy issues", the launch of this kind of technology by someone or some company seemed inevitable.

K , i just asked here and there , and it looks like that FB indeed already implemented face recognition technology. Although , most probably not whole server farm is running on it ..... yet
Even if it's not Facebook, then it's someone else. Face recognition is already used throughout the web to some extent. There are people search engines which do exactly this and other things like collecting addresses, etc. (especially from Facebook; the userpics at least). Other social networks have already implemented face recognition (or as drygol pointed out, something akin to it). There are numerous ways to track users in the www. But the bad thing IMO is that most people simply "like" it. They want it. They use it ... or ignore it.

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