Facebook Censoring sites


FOTCM Member
Just wanted to report that for all of today I have been unable to post links to many alternative sites and youtube video chanels to FB.

I Keep getting the message

"This message contains blocked content that has previously been flagged as abusive or spammy. Let us know if you think this is an error."

The 'blocked content' includes Sott Report videos.
I reckon it was a trial run or something, but greenmedinfo.com is still blocked.
I just posted the "Nutrition - Connecting the Dots" video and it got through. Maybe they selectively targeted your account?
Facebook has been strange for me recently as well. They deleted a post of mine of a child's drawing of aliens which had about 20 comments under it. That is the first time I have noticed that they deleted one of my posts and also some of my friends had the same post removed. Also on that one post my friends had said that their comments were being censored. One friend had some bible quotes removed out of her comments and another friend said her comment was deleted.

I was able to post the latest SOTT report but I cannot even get onto greenmedinfo.com right now. Maybe their site is down? If I click a link from facebook it still says that it has been reported as abusive and blocks me from going there.
Maybe the site (GreenMedInfo.com) doesn't have their code set up right.

To get a link to show up in FB, you need to add an image source meta tag to the head of your document. The tag looks like this: < link rel="image_src" href="http://site.com/image.jpg" /> (Remove the space between < and link) Make sure you change the href to where the image is hosted, using the full URL. In order to get Share Preview and other features to read the image correctly, you need to make sure it's between the head tags in your html. It also helps to have the meta tags "title" and "description".

GreenMedInfo's site has this (I put a "*" beside the line of code that should be corrected). They aren't actually showing the full link, only part of it (missing the http://www.greenmedinfo.com/ part. :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>GreenMedInfo | Alternative Medicine | PubMed | Vitamin Research | Natural Therapies | Medical Database | Disease | Toxic Chemicals | Natural Substances | Pharmacological Actions | Complementary Medicine | Herbalism | Integr</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="Z9XuoBaKgrnyv8OA3VDNmBDsD5NQBpFKQOUH77-HGkg" />
<meta name="y_key" content="32294b99c5f0fe06">
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="5816FF94D2DDAAF8F3A7BF020AC2DFD2" />

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
*<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/sites/default/files/wilderness_favicon_0.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<meta name="keywords" content="alternative toxicology,consumer health advocacy,natural medicine,natural medical database,greenmedinfo,integrative medicine,alternative medicine,evidence-based medicine,complementary medicine,pubmed" />
<meta name="copyright" content="© Copyright 2008-2011 GreenMedInfo.com, Journal Articles copyright of original owners, MeSH copyright NLM." />
<meta name="description" content="Greenmedinfo.com - Natural Medical Resource - The world&#039;s only free, entirely evidence-based and solar-powered natural medical database with 17,000+ articles and growing daily" />
<meta name="abstract" content="GreenMedInfo is a free natural medicine database. It provides access to biomedical research with therapeutic values on natural substances in disease prevention and treatment" />
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 day" />
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<script type="text/javascript" src="/sites/default/files/js/js_6ec6b8f834a4bb18214979572dbee927.jsmin.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
RyanX said:
I just posted the "Nutrition - Connecting the Dots" video and it got through. Maybe they selectively targeted your account?

I tried it too and it got through as well.
Masamune said:
Facebook has been strange for me recently as well.

To the strangeness I can also add something, cause Facebook did send me every like and comment from friends on Facebook, from what I liked or commented on. The thing that it was strange, cause I switched every notification off and was switched off, nonetheless these notifications were sent.

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