false flag in Sydney?

Sol Logos

The Living Force
This is just coming out in Sydney. Just near my work so told not to come in:

alkemst, the link you posted has an error - gives the "whoops somethings wrong message".
This link shows the live update: _http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-12-15/hostages-sydney-cafe-martin-place-police-operation/5967232
Lilou said:
alkemst, the link you posted has an error - gives the "whoops somethings wrong message".

Sorry was on my mobile, so attempted to fix the link for desktop. Here's the original link:http://mobile.news.com.au/national/a-man-is-holding-several-people-hostage-at-martin-place-cafe/story-fncynjr2-1227156241649
Redrock12 said:
Article is posted on SOTT.
IMO, has all the earmarks of a false flag operation.

Yep, http://www.sott.net/article/290164-Terrorists-holding-up-to-20-hostages-in-an-armed-siege-in-a-cafe-in-Sydney - already a comment in that regard.
At the moment the building I work at nearby this is on lock-down. I believe all the buildings in the near vicinity have been advised that way, so a whole bunch of people are basically being kept in their offices. Apparently (third hand info), a police special opps friend of friend says there's multiple areas in Sydney CBD that are targeted, and that its "going to end bad". So far the news is focused on one location, so who knows.

The backdrop to this politically is that the current leadership has lost a lot in ratings, Tony Abbot's mirroring of US policy isnt regarded as well as perhaps "it should". That I suppose could turn with things like this erupting and if it does disintegrate further.

The concept of having hostages right next to a leading TV network provider (channel 7) and one of the big 4 Australian banks, I'm sure will be about maximum exposure, especially when it gets to the point of the group's demanding terms. No doubt on social media.

I was actually due to have a lunch appointment right at this spot. Now just heading home from working off site away from the city.
It has all the hallmarks of a false flag op for sure. I had a feeling that we would be next in line after Canada's terror op, and given that Poroshenko was just here last week, attending a prayer vigil with Abbott. Australia has also struck a deal to sell Ukraine our uranium, and we have apparently donated $100 million to the IMF to help bailout Ukraine. I am so disgusted with this country right now, I have no words.

Ukraine president Petro Poroshenko arrives in Australia for two-day visit
Posted Thu 11 December at 6:58am

Mr Poroshenko and Prime Minister Tony Abbott will attend a prayer vigil for the victims of the downed flight in Melbourne this morning. The plane crashed in eastern Ukraine in July, killing all 298 on board, including 38 Australian citizens and residents. Both countries have been calling for a thorough investigation into the incident. Mr Abbott said the visit would be a chance to build on cooperation between the two countries since the downing of MH17. "It is also an opportunity for Australia to reaffirm its support for Ukraine in the face of continuing threats to its territorial integrity," he said.

Australia has provided nearly $100 million to the International Monetary Fund to help support reform to Ukraine's economy, as well as $1 million in aid through the Red Cross. Mr Abbott also announced in September non-lethal assistance to Ukraine's armed forces and the establishment of an interim Australian Embassy in Ukraine. Mr Poroshenko will be in the country until Friday, visiting Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne.

Just caught this on the net:


Broadcaster Ray Hadley was reporting on Monday that the gunman had told negotiators he wanted to talk to Prime Minister Tony Abbott live on radio. Police have not confirmed this. In September this year, police conducted a series of major anti-terrorism raids across Sydney. Following those raids, police alleged Islamic extremists were planning to behead a person in Martin Place in Sydney's CBD.

Shortly after the siege began, the US Consulate sent an "emergency message" to its citizens warning them to stay away from Martin Place.

The message read: "U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to review your personal security plan, remain aware of your surroundings including local events, and monitor local news stations for updates. Maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance your personal security."
A good question was raised by one of the comments on the SOTT article of the story.

Why would a 'terrorist' clever enough to sneak two bombs into a cafe full of people and plant still more at two other locations not have a flag representing his allegiance to IS?

Also, why a cafe?

Seems like an obvious attempt to justify the militarized police forces around the world, and possibly scare the Australian people back in line to support their masters' decision to support Ukraine.
This was being broadcast on CNN late last night in the USA, allegedly as it began to unfold and allegedly before any details were available to CNN other than them saying that a woman saw a man with a blue bag with what she thought might be a gun inside so she called the police; the situation then turned into a hostage situation. That's what CNN was saying to viewers at the time.

And I was thinking well how many times does that happen all over the world in a given day - what appears to be an armed robbery where the police show and up the gunman then takes customers in the shop as hostages? And why is this suddenly news in the USA when it's happening in Sidney?

Seemed a more than a bit off to be making it into news for the USA when CNN said they had no other details at the time. As if it were being totally set up, and / or someone at CNN knew more than what was being said on air.
Looks like there was a riot police training in Brisbane 6 weeks back "serendipitously" in a cafe siege situation. Mind you it was for the G20 and in another city but it does look at lot like the final storm-in raid that occurred in Sydney.


Yet again, mentally unstable Muslim with priors and a history of being "talked to" by security forces goes postal. It's waaaaay past boringly obvious at this point. Media and politicians hyped it to the max. :rolleyes:

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