false flag in Sydney?

Rhythmik said:
Gunman dead, along with 1 hostage :(

EDIT: Second hostage died in hospital


Yup, I daresay they were caught in the crossfire, and were not shot by the gunman. What was the point of it all? Other than to strike terror and fear in the Australian public. I do wonder what draconian laws they will pass in the wake of this tragedy. I am having a hard time with external consideration, my patient base is mainly older people and believe everything they are told by the institutions, doctors media etc. Not even the younger crowd here think for themselves. This whole situation is so fishy and not remotely plausible, that I just don't know how the MSM are even able to deliver their PR (I don't call it the news anymore) with straight faces. As always, my thoughts go out to the innocents caught in the psychopath's madness. :mad:
Sydney hostage situation.

I have not seen any mention of this event on the Forum, but it's on my mind so here goes.
A lone perpetrator goes into a popular coffee shop in the heart of Sydney's CBD, taking hostage the entire staff including the owner of the shop and all the customers in there. Directly opposite one of the leading TV stations, which was on air at the time. Quite close to leading Banks, Insurances and Transport hubs.

A black flag with some white arabic writing on it was displayed. Only a very small percentage of Sydney folk would have been able to read what it said, anyway. It didn't appear to be the IS insignia.
The police showed up, followed by SWAT squads, Bomb squads, and possibly sharpshooters.
Martin Place was cordoned off, while the rest of Australia went about its business.

After 17 hours, the perp. started shooting and the various enforcement peeps went into action, killing the perp. in the fracas. Two of the hostages were killed (one was the owner), and some were injured. Tragic.
The siege seemed to occupy the whole media for the duration of the event and even the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader expressed their opinions about it.

In the aftermath, there seemed to be an outpouring of grief which I have only seen matched by the death of Princess Diana, in that there were thousands of bouquets of flowers placed in Martin Place by ordinary citizens, as well as books of condolence being signed. Even by moslems.
All very civilized, and orderly.

Lurking in the back of my mind, though, are the words "False Flag".
Or, so I think.
Re: Sydney hostage situation.

It does seem to be a false flag attack to, among other things, justify more "anti-terror" laws.
You can read about it on SOTT.





Re: Sydney hostage situation.

The topic was under discussion from the beginning here

From news.com "MARTIN Place siege victim Katrina Dawson was struck by a police bullet when officers shot it out with gunman Man Haron Monis at the Lindt Cafe. The Sunday Telegraph reports that Ms Dawson, 38, was struck by police fire that was not a direct shot and possibly a ricochet, when Tactical Operations Unit officers stormed the cafe just after 2am on December 16."

The psychic woman Lyn said this on the exact same day as the shooting "I see the police shot both the victims and the “shooter.” It was intentional because they didn’t want any loose ends available." http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/sydney-siege.html?m=1#comment-form

I still think Lyn is pretty close to the truth even though it seems like she is way off with her reading on the AirAsia disappearance.
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