I read about them in this month's Fortean Times. I could NOT believe such shamelessness. But, apparently, it is true.
So, what do they do?
Why, make more predictions, of course!
Very strange.
That's just the most recent of their numerous admissions to having been way, dead, wrong in their predictions.Stop Press! We were wrong again, that was our 24th nuclear prediction error. Phrasing this positively, the good news is that even according to our apocalyptic understandings/misunderstandings, there will be no terrorist nuclear bomb or dirty bomb anywhere in the world before January 16th/17th 2007!
So, what do they do?
Why, make more predictions, of course!
If you scroll down the page you see the history of this group.Announcing the Good News that the Kingdom of God begins in 2008
This will mean an end to the injustice, the corruption, the abuse, the lawlessness, the murder, theft, rape, infidelity, genocide, the institutional dishonesty, the self interest, the win lose dynamic of this system. It will mean a start to truly transparent government, true peace and security, incredible creative and technological prosperity, and genuine love between all humans and our angelic brothers and sisters in an environment of righteousness, which is the soil in which love grows best. This coming Kingdom is the Kingdom that Jesus taught us to pray for in the Lord's prayer. No politician and no global organisation can stop it coming. It is the kingdom that Jesus preached saying...
Very strange.