Farewell to incandescent light


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A while ago EU has passed the directive to gradually phase out normal (incandescent) light bulbs with those wretched energy saving halogen ones. This should start in September 2009 and by 2012 normal light bulbs will be completely replaced and thing of the past.
I have already filled the cupboard with normal bulbs since i first heard this news. As dreaded September 2009 approaches I am contemplating throwing out some of my clothes and stocking the wardrobe with normal bulbs while they are still available to last me for eternity.
In the process I am wondering if I have turned into bizarre obsessive compulsive freak :nuts:.

The thing is I cannot stand energy saving halogen bulbs, they give me headache, my vision becomes slightly blur under these lights, kind of everything looses its sharpness and becomes smudged with peculiar silverishness. If I enter the room lit with these lights I immediately become depressed, funnily enough I feel like chicken in broiler house.
Honestly, I really have to strain my eyes in order to see properly under these lights.
I like reading in the evening, with these lights reading will be impossible, pretty much everything will be impossible. Hence the very tought of night world under these lights brings utter panic.

I even spun conspiracy theory about this. PTB dont want us to see properly in years to come. As many significant changes and unusual occurrences will be happening as 2012 approaches they want to numb and zombify the masses with halogen lights.

Am I overreacting? I am sure I am . I didn't come here to ask you this - I was just wondering does anyone else react so badly to halogen lights.

I can imagine a future in which I will need to make a trip outside the EU - possibly to Armenia, Turkmestan or Kazakhstan to buy normal bulbs. :umm:
There's nothing wrong with you! If you're interested, I just found these articles: http://www.examiner.com/x-4291-Baltimore-Christian-Conservative-Examiner~y2009m7d29-Light-bulb-hoarding-begins

and here: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2009/07/31/looming-bulb-ban-has-germans-in-a-lather.aspx

You're definitely not alone in this. I don't like them either, it gives everything a bizarre look and color. I'd rather have no lighting in the day and candles at night if it really comes down to it. I couldn't imagine being at home and absolutely hating being there.

With a little more searching, I found a few sites and someone doing research that suggests there may be health problems caused by these bulbs (I'm not sure how true this is but there have been people who complain of headaches). This info is here:
CM, you’re not alone! I find the light from CFLs to be really depressing. I had a couple in my living space before I found about the mercury content, in an area that receives very little daylight. As soon as I replaced them with standard incandescents I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

I’ve stocked up on incandescent bulbs, in particular the daylight simulation bulbs which I find are easier on the eyes and give a very relaxing, slightly blue light – very good for extended reading. Normal incandescent bulbs give a warmer, yellowish light.

A UK supplier of daylight bulbs is: _www.thelightbulb.co.uk

The UK Government’s DEFRA website has this page _http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/products/lightbulbs.htm with information about CFLs. It’s full of placating nonsense, mostly telling Mr & Mrs Public how the mercury in the CFLs really isn’t harmful at all, and then we find the following, which should give anyone cause for concern:

DEFRA said:
How should I deal with a broken CFL?

Although the accidental breakage of a lamp is most unlikely to cause any health problems, it’s good practice to minimise any unnecessary exposure to mercury, as well as risk of cuts from glass fragments.

Vacate the room and ventilate it for at least 15 minutes. Do not use a vacuum cleaner, but clean up using rubber gloves and aim to avoid creating and inhaling airborne dust. Sweep up all particles and glass fragments and place in a plastic bag. Wipe the area with a damp cloth, then add that to the bag and seal it. Mercury is hazardous and the bag should not be disposed of in the bin. All local councils have an obligation to make arrangements for the disposal of household hazardous waste at a civic amenity site or household waste recycling centre. The National Household Hazardous Waste Forum runs a website with details of these centres for chemicals, but which also applies to other hazardous wastes (_www.chem-away.org.uk/). Alternatively contact your local council direct.
Didn't even know about mercury,
this is ridiculous. Energy saving and mercury dumping
Hi All..

I'm just curious, is it all types of CFLs that affect you? They do have colors that range from regular florescent bulbs to sunlight spectrum. The building I work at has recently replaced most of their lighting to CFLs and mostly no one even noticed the difference. They used ceiling fan CFL bulbs that give off almost the exact same light as incandescents. Don't get me wrong, I realize they are more dangerous if broken but regular florescent bulbs have been that way for years. So is it all colors that look that bother you or just the bright office spectrum type?
I live in Canada, where incandescent light bulbs are no longer sold in stores. So all of the bulbs in our house are now the energy-saving ones. I've always been very sensitive to lighting -- cannot bear to under fluorescent lighting for long, for example -- but have never noticed a difference with the new bulbs, and have never heard anyone here complain about the quality of light they give off. Perhaps the ones we have here are of a better quality or different technology than those sold in your country....
perhaps, so far whenever I would enter room with such lighting, as well as common area of my building I would instantly start feeling bad. Someone quoted article from USA (christian conservative - yikes) is claiming similar bad effects.
Dunno, I thought I was being oversensitive but now I see that I am not alone.
what a heck, I am going to be hoarding bulbs and hoping the wave will arrive soon to end this misery :)
PepperFritz said:
I live in Canada, where incandescent light bulbs are no longer sold in stores....

It's been brought to my attention that the availability of incandescent light bulbs is not the same across Canada. A couple of years ago the Canadian government announced that there would be a gradual phasing-out of the bulbs and an all-out ban as of 2012, on a national level. The province I live in -- Ontario -- announced its own province-wide phase-out and 2012 ban almost a year earlier. Therefore, it seems that, as a result, the "phasing out" has taken place in Ontario sooner than in other provinces.
No, you are not alone Corto Maltese. I was just curious. I know ever since these bulbs have come out people have been saying bad things about them but they don't seem that different to me and they do last a long time. I hate changing blown bulbs and I work in a ten story building :rolleyes: Once again thanks for your input.
September 1st 2009 is when it will be illegal for stores to sell the 100W incandescent bulb in the EU.

What insanity is next?
I work at a Canadian Tire store in Saskatchewan, Canada, and we have a more than ample supply of incandescent bulbs (40, 60, 100 watts), as well as tri-lights, heavy duty bulbs, and lights for chandeliers, appliances, you name it. And, of course, those cursed fluorescents, which are significantly more expensive than the incandescents.
Whenever someone asks for the fluorescents I make them aware that they contain mercury, cost much more than a standard incandescent (like 20 times more in some cases), don't give off as much light as a comparable incandescent, and the savings on one's hydro bill are questionable.
Of course, I have a built-in bias against anything the government tells me is good for me. I automatically assume it's just the opposite.
Hello Corto and other posters; As some have said you are not alone. From my understanding the mercury aspect is only one of the issues. Just don't breath it in. Months ago I heard that these so called new lights cause ultraviolet burns. Mentioned this to a few friends that would listen and I was basically laughed at. One of the friends who was basically programmed to run to her nearest outlet and outfitted her whole house with these energy saving lights, ended up becoming a believer in the real truth regarding these :evil: demon lights. In the evening she has her favorite chair to sit and read before going to bed. Low and behold her right arm started to get a weird rash on it, then it started to spred down to her right hip, no creams etc helped. She remembered our conversation as she removed the new light from her reading light that was next to her when she read before bedtime. Within a few days the rash or possible the ultraviolet burns were gone. My thought is that one should be at least 6 to 8 feet from light and or have them covered with a proper casing to block the harmfull rays. You can also bet there will be more cases of mold problems with these so called safe lights. As the incandescent bulbs actually helped in removing some of the moisture in the house, room or even a unused car during winter months. By the way these lights are more expensive and have a less enlighted glow lifespan then the high quality incandescent bulbs. That's my opinion believe it or not.
You know an odd connection just formed in my mind.....I know the C's have said that strobe lights can be a hypnotic opener.....
Something else I hadn't considered was the UV aspect. For one it probably not good for your eyes (hence the deteriorating eye sight)....
What did suddenly connect in my head though was John Keel's mentioning of how UFOs appeared/disappeared by going through the visible spectrum from UV down to infrared. So if they tend to appear in UV ranges.....could the strobing UV light be utilised by the 4D STS lot to enter our environment more, or at least conduct some sort of (mass) physical manipulation through it.....?
I can't find the quote but I seem to remember the C's saying that our DNA was shortened/altered by by the 4D STS forces with light (perhaps I am remembering inaccurately).
RedFox said:
I can't find the quote but I seem to remember the C's saying that our DNA was shortened/altered by by the 4D STS forces with light (perhaps I am remembering inaccurately).
You'll find it here: Wave online chapter 3

Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?

A: DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.

Q: (L) Well, the question I do have is, how many people were there on the planet and did they have to take each one and do this individually? How did they effect this change on all of them?

A: Light wave alteration.

Q: (L) And light waves, actual light waves, affect DNA?

A: Yes.

Regarding the frequency involved:

Q: (L) [...] They have said that light waves alter DNA. (AB) What specific light frequency?

A: 6 pt 5

Q: (AB) Angstroms?

A: Yes.

Q: (AB) That's actually the frequency of a medium red neon laser. A laser is a monochromic frequency. It's like one of those laser pointers. It puts out only one color, one exact frequency. 6.5 would be mid-orange?

A: Yes.
Thanks Csayeursost

I must get better at finding what I'm trying to reference! :)
Didn't recall the part about the frequency, so I guess that rules out the UV for DNA alteration.....still the connection between UFO appearing and the UV light from these bulbs (people getting UV burns from UFOs) is interesting if perhaps coincidental.

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