Since Mg regulates the irritability or sensitivity of the nerves & muscles, a deficiency leads to neuromuscular hyperexcitability which can be associated with muscle cramps, twitches, & tremors, tension, tightness, or soreness. It is also associated with various spasms, such as the bronchospasm of asthma, esophageal spasm ( a lump in the throat with difficulty swallowing), the vascular spasm of migraines some forms of hypertension, chest pain & other chronic pain syndromes, the urinary spasms with some forms of urinary problems & bedwetting, the spasms of premature labor & menstrual cramps, & of course the spasms of seizures. The excitability can also be associated with an easy startle response, noise & light sensitivity, numbness & tingling & strange body sensations.
Some of the most dramatic effects of Mg deficiency may occur in the central nervous system such as with the DT’s (delirium tremens) of alcoholism, general anxiety & irritability, nervousness, confusion, tantrums, insomnia, depression, The symptoms can even progress to the point of psychotic proportions. Studies have shown lower Mg in the blood of those with active schizophrenia than in those in remission.