focus said:
I’m feeling overwhelmed and have been for the past few months (if not much longer). The timeline we (or maybe better stated “I”) am in seems to only become more ridiculous and chaotic by the day. I do not watch MSM news nor do I even watch cable (local) news, I do not even have cable. Since finding SOTT 4+ years ago, I’ve used SOTT as my source for news. I’m finding myself becoming anxious and overwhelmed when I dive in to find out what is going on within the main categories at….. I’m also struggling to find employment at this time, I was laid off in July from a company and position that I knew was not right for me because it/they made me sick. It was a sales position for a document filing company that basically helped people, lawyers and law firms create new entities in all of the states. My main clients were law firms, attorneys and paralegals.. From the very first day that I started there something did not sit well or right with me.
I have learned the vipassana meditation technique and attended several 10day sits but lately and currently I have not been able to meditate. My heart appears to be racing, my breath becomes shallow and its hard for me breathe and catch my breath. So at this point, I see that I am rambling and probably not making any sense but I feel as if i need to share this. I’m positing this in the Our Orwellian World and hope someone reads it and “gets” where I’m at and can offer advice and/or provide direction.
Hi focus, I am sorry to hear the situation you are passing for. I was reading your story and it seem that you have a hard time. But some details of your post caught my attention.
First, you said that you were laid off of a job that as you describe it it seems good enough. You said "It was a sales position for a document filing company that basically helped people". Well, I can be wrong but many here (and out there) have horribles jobs. Why you feel in that way working there?. Also you said that you had others jobs and that you "worked for corp america for approx 20 years and was successful but never happy". Well, working there (I can guess why was so nasty) maybe you should appreciate much more others jobs like the job that you lost. Also you said that you started many projects but they in someway failed or they were not concluded.
It seems to me (I can be wrong here and apologize if it is so) that you, even unaware of that, maybe are boycotting yourself in someway. Can be this the case? If it is so, why?
focus said:
Regarding the creative hobbies, I taught myself to weld a few years ago and find metal work to be something that I really enjoy. the downside for me at this point is the space and area to actually do the work. I bought a welder and have all of the necessary tools but have limited space.
Also I feel that some of your explanations sounds like a kind of justification to DO NOT DO IT (whatever will be IT). But this is just my impression, and I say it again, I can be wrong here. I am not saying that what you do it is purposely, many times we can do many things without be aware of our covert reasons to to it.
focus said:
Thanks for your reply, T.C. My wife and I live in a 2bd garden apartment and are actively seeking a new rental location because of the 3 new neighbors that have moved in (#1 a smoker and cell phone talker outside of our bedroom window, #2 dogs parked inside of their apartment all day long & #3 - parking dogs outside different times day & night).
Sorry for this, but it do not seem as bad. I had have very difficult neighbors in the past, and I asure you that what you describe seems a picnic compared with them. So, I insist, maybe you are feeling worse what you really are. This can be because you need Work on you and your issues instead of think too much about what bad it is the world and how it affect you. Many times we see the life horrible and it is difficult to see the "beauty" because we feel sad and have deep inside sorrow and pain, and this dye all it is around us.
focus said:
My wife and I sold (short sale) of home in 2012, this was our 3 home we’d purchased together and sadly we bought at the top of the market in 2005 in northern CA, then proceeded to dump the majority of our savings into the home… you live and learn and this was/is a hard lesson to live and learn. So we sold in 2012 and became renters for the 1st time in over 15years. And while this was hard for many reasons it also allowed us to start the process of getting rid of our possessions. We started to shed all of the “things” we had gathered in the 20+years together… and we are continuing on this path of downsizing. Again, this is a good thing for us and we talk about & make plans for the things we still need to get rid of. Even prior to being laid off, I tend to keep to myself. More so today with being laid off. I am not motivated day to day, I have lost or misplaced that spark and feel depressed on a daily basis. I recently started taking L-Theanine 200mg 2 to 3 x's per day as a natural way to reduce the negative feelings. the 1st few days seem a little better...My wife works in the healthcare field and is currently supporting us.
Well, without turn us greedy beings, we can have "things" that are useful to life. You can have a car, a house, even a TV, a computer, etc. I think that you do not need dogmatically get rid of all your possessions. Maybe you have rationalized that hard event because it was very painful? Just a thought...
focus said:
It is comforting to know that most people on this forum understand exactly what I'm going through. A reoccurring question I have is…when will I/we get there? We are going through this and at least for me, I started “going through” in approx. 2009… I do understand there is probably not a definitive answer to this question but to me it seems like things are getting worse not better. Is this the timeline we are on? Things are going to just get worse?
It is likely that things will get worse, but I think what it is important is what we do about that. We can complain and find a good excuse to justify our depression, our lack of energy, our inaction, ... or we can try to do the best: do the Work and give to the Universe what we have to give, help others, and work hard aligned with the STO forces as much as we can.
Finally, when I started to read your post my first thought was "why here?" (Our Orwellian World). I thought that maybe a better place would be "What's in your mind" or "The swamp". But a couple of lines after, I began to feel that maybe you choosed "Our Orwellian World" because you tend to make responsable of your suffering to the "world" and not to take the bull by the horns.
Sorry if I sound too hard, but I think that many times can be more useful a sincere comment than nice words complacent.