Thank-you for writing this article Ark, educational AND entertaining! :D Your comments on SOTT form some other interesting gems and thought I would share what comes up for me when reading.
Kairos - At some point in the past, maybe 7-9 years back, I was quite excited and pondersome over the term Kairos; its association to Kronos, Chaos and even Cairo. I was looking through my MSS, studying roots, contrasting, comparing and so on. There are three words/concepts for time by the Ancient Greeks as the law of three can be made applicable to practically anything and they certainly utilized and understood this.
Aeon is the third I refer to: αἰών -
Here is something I wrote during that period:
The Spirit descends and the Spirit goes
Blessed be the One who knows
When the time is right
to seize the night
Impeccable action takes all our might;
A feeling for you, or her, or him;
Does not arise simply by whim.
But it arises when I chart,
the Path of my Life
to Follow my Heart!
When the time is right, Kairos, the sense of time implicit in which is a “fleeting moment of chance” – and in chance chaos is inherent. But that implies tension, too, for to "emerge" at the "right time" there must be some sense of Divine Providence inferred, so to speak, and the tension/pressure must be a sort of active agent that gives cause.
Really love what you did with this article and the fact you are now coining the phrase Kairons! Can we say coolio? :0
Drums up imagery of exquisite movement and also seems reminiscent, to me, of that phrase describing the periodic appearance of Krishna.
Although I am unborn and inexhaustible, and although I am the Lord of all beings, keeping nature under My control, I manifest Myself by My own self induced maya. Whenever and wherever there is decline of dharma and ascendance of adharma, at that time I manifest Myself in visible form. For the protection of the righteous and destruction of the wicked, and for the sake of establishing dharma again, I incarnate Myself on earth from time to time.
So your paper on Kairons is fascinating - I remember glancing through it maybe a year ago? I do not have the mathematics background, so when I do read the paper have to pay particularly close attention to your choice of words, syntax and structure to try and decipher/understand. And in general, I can grasp. Until page 4 or so.
wavicle, will that become a newly coined term taking roots in memory of man? And when does your second paper proposed with P. Anges come out?
Kairicity! :P
I wondered why 137 when first reading the article and glad you provide clarity on that elsewhere, but then multiply versus divide? Why does the former make more sense than the latter? If the space is uniform and it is “connection” being sought to utilize “communication” with higher self (or future self or aspect of one self, etc,) why is multiply appropriate rather than divide? There is the obvious, meaning it is generative/inclusive rather than separative, maybe as simple as that.
But then you talk about numerology now and well you’ve really piqued my interest!
And I just went bananas over the map of celestial radio sources; it is now my desktop background. Which brings up images of a revised type of “astrology” – lets call it Acoustic Astrology. Rather than an image associated with all the myth and such per constellations, hence the focus on the visual, there is a sound and frequency emitted/recorded per star cluster which is reflective/instructive in some way of the observer/participant.
Not sure how that would work of course or if it even could. If a supernova is prerequisite for your theory then I guess not, as there have been no supernova in the typical zodiac constellations (?)
And regarding an "appropriate antenna" receiver; it would be interesting to consider a qualitative assessment for I am assuming this refers to either a(n) individual or groups of such and therefore the antenna itself is the human mind? IF so, then a clear status is key as well as the central nervous system, for the receiver capabilities are tied to this, yes?
Hope I do not come off as an idiot trying to appear to know more than I do, for I assure you that the math is beyond me, but the whole research is fascinating nonetheless!
Oh, and as far as radio sources, in your model, CAN the radio source be determined, that is, selected, by the receiving end? Or is it a case of the “transmitting end” sends its signals “out there” into space and these are in turn coalesced according to radio/magnetic frequency as sort of “collector stations” of the signal.
If the location can be altered or experimented with, what about Sag A as a source?
And the expectations or intent of the seeker would seem to determine or impact the nature/quality of the communication?
Ahhh, this is one of those real Zen koans, I tell you!
With kind regards,