FERGUSON, Mo.— Michael Brown shooting


The Living Force
Problems escalating in Fergusion, Missouri over the Michael Brown shooting. Looting has occurred and is mainly blamed on "outsider's". Now there's a report of restrictive airspace above Fergusion being declared and Internet black-out in the area.

Anger Over Michael Brown Shooting Leads to Looting

Wall Street Journal
Monday August 11, 2014

FERGUSON, Mo.—A day of anger over a fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man in suburban St. Louis turned to mayhem as people looted businesses, vandalized vehicles and confronted police who sought to block off access to several areas of the city.

The tensions erupted after a candlelight vigil Sunday night for 18-year-old Michael Brown, who police said was shot multiple times the previous afternoon after a scuffle involving a police officer, Mr. Brown and another person in Ferguson, a predominantly black suburb of the city. (Etc.)

Ferguson Riots: North County Business Owners (Some Armed) Survey the Damage

Monday august 11, 2014

Nobody is robbing St. Louis Ink Tattoo Studio anytime soon. Or County Guns, for that matter.

The two north county businesses share a storefront in a Florissant strip mall less than ten minute drive from the epicenter of last night’s riots in Ferguson. After nightfall, what began as a community’s peaceful demonstration against the Ferguson Police Department’s shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown turned increasingly violent. Crowds plundered a QuikTrip and burned it to the ground, and local news began reporting brazen raids on other stores in the area.

Gutierrez, Weinstein and their group arrived to find thieves tearing through a Dollar General in the same strip mall that houses their business. Weinstein says the looters attempted moving toward the shop, but were scared off by the guns. Then the police arrived.

“There were like two SWAT vans, two dozen cop cars,” said one woman. The cops apparently checked out the situation and then tore off to some other crisis.

At least twelve businesses were hit by looters over the course of the night, reports KSDK. Daily RFT counted about a half dozen other store owners standing guard at their businesses, though none as visibly armed as Gutierrez and company. Some owners peered out from inside darkened shop windows, while others waited inside their cars in the parking lot.

Arrests continued throughout the pre-dawn hours. An attempted break-in at the Shop ‘n Save on North Florissant Road — less than three miles from the destroyed QuikTrip — ended with police detaining a man and tying him up. He or other looters also broke into a nearby Cricket Wireless.

The action appeared to calm by around 5 a.m. Police said they made 32 arrests during the riots.

Missouri Mayor: Looters were Out-of-Towners

Tuesday August 12, 2014

The mayor of Ferguson, Missouri, says many of the people who smashed, looted, burned and destroyed in the aftermath of protests following a fatal police shooting of a teenager were out-of-towners.

“Once the vigil dispersed the people who showed up saw their numbers and got really brave, then people started driving in from other areas to steal stuff,” Mayor James Knowles told WND.

“A lot of the people aren’t even from our town, but they came in and stole from our businesses and left our town in ruins, and made it look like there are racial tensions here that simply aren’t what they made them out to be. Such a shame that we have people with an axe to grind, coming here to grind it,” he said.

His comments as the town approached its second night since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, 18, whose death remained under investigation with a lot of the details still unclear.

Organizers of a website called Operation Ferguson made demands and threats directed at Ferguson authorities.

The international “hacktivist”organization “Anonymous” has demanded that Congress introduce a bill called “Mike Brown’s Law” to enact strict national standards for police conduct. They further demand that the new law “grant the victims of police violence the same rights and prerogatives that are already enjoyed nationwide by the victims of other violent criminals.”

Anonymous called on residents of Ferguson to “occupy every square inch” of their city and help the protesters in any way they can.

The group also issued threats.

Anonymous vowed that if protesters are harmed in any way, it will “take every web based asset” of the government offline. It further said that if the protesters were attacked, it would “release the personal information on every single member of the Ferguson Police Department” and any others involved.

Anonymous ominously closed with: “We are Anonymous – We are Legion – We will not forgive – We will not forget.”

The group charged in a statement that the police “shot an unarmed teen six times and killed him.”

“His body was left to lie in a pool of blood in the sweltering heat for hours while the police militarized the area against protesters and attempted to concoct a reasonable story as to why they snatched this innocent students (sic) life.”

FAA Issues Flight Warning Over FERGUSON, MO – Effective Immediately

Tuesday August 12, 2014



Airspace restriction over Ferguson, Missouri–
All commercial pilots in the country are getting this notice.
Notice to Airmen: Airspace restriction over Ferguson.

Ferguson, Missouri is located right next to Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri

FAA Just Issued No Fly Zone over Ferguson, MO

Tuesday August 12, 2014

No communications either (internet)

Charter Communications outage map

Recent reports mostly originate from: Chicago, St. Louis, Duluth, Rochester, Pasadena, Madison, Denver, San Francisco, Whitmore Lake, and Greenville
So much going on in Fergusion, Missouri, it hard to keep track of who's doing what?

Huffington Post Reporter Arrested In Ferguson

Thursday August 14, 2014

Huffington Post

The Huffington Post’s Ryan J. Reilly and the Washington Post’s Wesley Lowery were arrested Wednesday evening while covering the protests in Ferguson, Missouri after the death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, who was shot by a police officer last week. The journalists were released unharmed, but their detentions highlighted the town’s ramped up police presence, which has left numerous residents injured by rubber bullets, pepper spray and tear gas during protests held every night after Brown’s death.

SWAT officers roughed up the reporters inside a McDonald’s, where both journalists were working. Reilly snapped a photo, prompting cops to request his identification.

“The officer in question, who I repeatedly later asked for his name, grabbed my things and shoved them into my bag,” said Reilly, who appeared on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes” shortly after his release to recount the arrest. “He used his finger to put a pressure point on my neck.”

“They essentially acted as a military force. It was incredible,” Reilly said. “The worst part was he slammed my head against the glass purposefully on the way out of McDonald’s and then sarcastically apologized for it.”

Reilly said it will be difficult to hold the officer “accountable for his actions,” as the officer did not respond to Reilly’s repeated requests for his name or other identification. He said he can’t be “100 percent sure” whether the officer was aware that he’s a reporter, “but that really shouldn’t matter in this equation.”

Reilly believes he was arrested because he declined to present the officer his identification when asked for it, he said.

See tweets from Reilly and Lowery below: (view at site)

St. Louis County police will no longer be involved in policing Ferguson

Thursday August 14, 2014

The governor of Missouri will reportedly relieve St. Louis County law enforcement from policing the ongoing demonstrations in the town of Ferguson, paving the way for possible state or federal intervention.

Rep Wm. Lacy Clay (D-Missouri told Bloomberg News on Thursday morning that Gov. Jay Nixon, also a Democrat, had confirmed to him that county police will be pulled from their duties in Ferguson, where outrage continues to erupt following the officer-involved shooting and killing of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old unarmed teenager, on Saturday.

On Wednesday evening, protests in Ferguson for the fourth straight day appeared to resemble a war zone when militarized police began firing tear gas and non-lethal ammunition into the streets towards private residences. Two journalists, one from Washington Post and another from Huffington Post, were briefly detained while on assignment.

“The gov. just called me and he’s on his way to St. Louis now to announce he’s taking St. Louis County police out of the situation,” Rep. Clay told Derek Wallbank, a reporter for Bloomberg, early Wednesday.

According to Wallbank’s Twitter account, Gov. Nixon neglected to tell Rep. Clay if state police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation would take control of the situation.

The FBI has previously acknowledged that it is investigating Saturday’s shooting death, and Rep. Clay issued a statement on Monday with other members of Congress urging federal agents to expand their probe.

“In light of the foregoing developments, we ask the Department of Justice to investigate the shooting of Michael Brown, looking at both the facts of the specific incident as well as the potential for any pattern or practice of police misconduct by the Ferguson Police Department,” reads a portion of the statement, signed by Reps. Clay, John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Marsha Fudge (D-Ohio).

The Militarization of U.S. Police: Finally Dragged Into the Light by the Horrors of Ferguson

Thursday August 14, 2014

The Intercept – by Glenn Greenwald

The intensive militarization of America’s police forces is a serious menace about which a small number of people have been loudly warning for years, with little attention or traction. In a 2007 paper on “the blurring distinctions between the police and military institutions and between war and law enforcement,” the criminal justice professor Peter Kraska defined “police militarization” as “the process whereby civilian police increasingly draw from, and pattern themselves around, the tenets of militarism and the military model.”

The harrowing events of the last week in Ferguson, Missouri – the fatal police shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager, Mike Brown, and the blatantly excessive and thuggish response to ensuing community protests from a police force that resembles an occupying army – have shocked the U.S. media class and millions of Americans. But none of this is aberrational.

It is the destructive by-product of several decades of deliberate militarization of American policing, a trend that received a sustained (and ongoing) steroid injection in the form of a still-flowing, post-9/11 federal funding bonanza, all justified in the name of “homeland security.” This has resulted in a domestic police force that looks, thinks, and acts more like an invading and occupying military than a community-based force to protect the public.

As is true for most issues of excessive and abusive policing, police militarization is overwhelmingly and disproportionately directed at minorities and poor communities, ensuring that the problem largely festers in the dark. Americans are now so accustomed to seeing police officers decked in camouflage and Robocop-style costumes, riding in armored vehicles and carrying automatic weapons first introduced during the U.S. occupation of Baghdad, that it has become normalized. But those who bear the brunt of this transformation are those who lack loud megaphones; their complaints of the inevitable and severe abuse that results have largely been met with indifference.

If anything positive can come from the Ferguson travesties, it is that the completely out-of-control orgy of domestic police militarization receives long-overdue attention and reining in.

Last night, two reporters, The Washington Post‘s Wesley Lowery and The Huffington Post‘s Ryan Reilly, were arrested and assaulted while working from a McDonald’s in Ferguson. The arrests were arbitrary and abusive, and received substantial attention — only because of their prominent platforms, not, as they both quickly pointed out upon being released, because there was anything unusual about this police behavior.

Reilly, on Facebook, recounted how he was arrested by “a Saint Louis County police officer in full riot gear, who refused to identify himself despite my repeated requests, purposefully banged my head against the window on the way out and sarcastically apologized.” He wrote: ”I’m fine. But if this is the way these officers treat a white reporter working on a laptop who moved a little too slowly for their liking, I can’t imagine how horribly they treat others.” He added: “And if anyone thinks that the militarization of our police force isn’t a huge issue in this country, I’ve got a story to tell you.”

Lowery, who is African-American, tweeted a summary of an interview he gave on MSNBC: “If I didn’t work for the Washington Post and were just another Black man in Ferguson, I’d still be in a cell now.” He added: “I knew I was going to be fine. But the thing is, so many people here in Ferguson don’t have as many Twitter followers as I have and don’t have Jeff Bezos or whoever to call and bail them out of jail.”

The best and most comprehensive account of the dangers of police militarization is the 2013 book by the libertarianWashington Post journalist Radley Balko, entitled “Rise of the Warrior Cops: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces.” Balko, who has devoted his career to documenting and battling the worst abuses of the U.S. criminal justice system, traces the history and underlying mentality that has given rise to all of this: the “law-and-order” obsessions that grew out of the social instability of the 1960s, the War on Drugs that has made law enforcement agencies view Americans as an enemy population, the Reagan-era “War on Poverty” (which was more aptly described as a war on America’s poor), the aggressive Clinton-era expansions of domestic policing, all topped off by the massively funded, rights-destroying, post-9/11 security state of the Bush and Obama years. All of this, he documents, has infused America’s police forces with “a creeping battlefield mentality.”

I read Balko’s book prior to publication in order to blurb it, and after I was done, immediately wrote what struck me most about it: “There is no vital trend in American society more overlooked than the militarization of our domestic police forces.” The Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim, in the outlet’s official statement about Reilly’s arrest, made the same point: “Police militarization has been among the most consequential and unnoticed developments of our time.”

In June, the ACLU published a crucial 96-page report on this problem, entitled “War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing.” Its central point: “the United States today has become excessively militarized, mainly through federal programs that create incentives for state and local police to use unnecessarily aggressive weapons and tactics designed for the battlefield.”

The report documents how the Drug War and (Clinton/Biden) 1990s crime bills laid the groundwork for police militarization, but the virtually unlimited flow of “homeland security” money after 9/11 all but forced police departments to purchase battlefield equipment and other military paraphernalia whether they wanted them or not. Unsurprisingly, like the War on Drugs and police abuse generally, “the use of paramilitary weapons and tactics primarily impacted people of color.”

Some police departments eagerly militarize, but many recognize the dangers. Salt Lake City police chief Chris Burbank is quoted in the ACLU report: “We’re not the military. Nor should we look like an invading force coming in.” A 2011 Los Angeles Times article, noting that “federal and state governments are spending about $75 billion a year on domestic security,” described how local police departments receive so much homeland security money from the U.S. government that they end up forced to buy battlefield equipment they know they do not need: from armored vehicles to Zodiac boats with side-scan sonar.

The trend long pre-dates 9/11, as this 1997 Christian Science Monitor article by Jonathan Landayabout growing police militarization and its resulting abuses (“Police Tap High-Tech Tools of Military to Fight Crime”) makes clear. Landay, in that 17-year-old article, described “an infrared scanner mounted on [a police officer's] car [that] is the same one used by US troops to hunt Iraqi forces in the Gulf war,” and wrote: “it is symbolic of an increasing use by police of some of the advanced technologies that make the US military the world’s mightiest.”

But the security-über-alles fixation of the 9/11 era is now the driving force. A June article in the New York Times by Matt Apuzzo (“War Gear Flows to Police Departments”) reported that “during the Obama administration, according to Pentagon data, police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft.” He added: “The equipment has been added to the armories of police departments that already look and act like military units.”

All of this has become such big business, and is grounded in such politically entrenched bureaucratic power, that it is difficult to imagine how it can be uprooted.
As the LA Timesexplained:

An entire industry has sprung up to sell an array of products, including high-tech motion sensors and fully outfitted emergency operations trailers. The market is expected to grow to $31 billion by 2014.

Like the military-industrial complex that became a permanent and powerful part of the American landscape during the Cold War, the vast network of Homeland Security spyware, concrete barricades and high-tech identity screening is here to stay. The Department of Homeland Security, a collection of agencies ranging from border control to airport security sewn quickly together after Sept. 11, is the third-largest Cabinet department and — with almost no lawmaker willing to render the U.S. less prepared for a terrorist attack — one of those least to fall victim to budget. The dangers of domestic militarization are both numerous and manifest. To begin with, as the nation is seeing in Ferguson, it degrades the mentality of police forces in virtually every negative way and subjects their targeted communities to rampant brutality and unaccountable abuse. The ACLU report summarized: “excessive militarism in policing, particularly through the use of paramilitary policing teams, escalates the risk of violence, threatens individual liberties, and unfairly impacts people of color.”

Police militarization also poses grave and direct dangers to basic political liberties, including rights of free speech, press and assembly.
The first time I wrote about this issue was back in 2008 when I covered the protests outside the GOP national convention in St. Paul for Salon, and was truly amazed by the war-zone atmosphere deliberately created by the police:

St. Paul was the most militarized I have ever seen an American city be, even more so than Manhattan in the week of 9/11 — with troops of federal, state and local law enforcement agents marching around with riot gear, machine guns, and tear gas cannisters, shouting military chants and marching in military formations. Humvees and law enforcement officers with rifles were posted on various buildings and balconies. Numerous protesters and observers were tear gassed and injured.

The same thing happened during the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011: the police response was so excessive, and so clearly modeled after battlefield tactics, that there was no doubt that deterring domestic dissent is one of the primary aims of police militarization. About that police response, I wrote at the time:

Law enforcement officials and policy-makers in America know full well that serious protests — and more — are inevitable given the economic tumult and suffering the U.S. has seen over the last three years (and will continue to see for the foreseeable future). . . .

The reason the U.S. has para-militarized its police forces is precisely to control this type of domestic unrest, and it’s simply impossible to imagine its not being deployed in full against a growing protest movement aimed at grossly and corruptly unequal resource distribution. As Madeleine Albright said when arguing for U.S. military intervention in the Balkans: “What’s the point of having this superb military you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?” That’s obviously how governors, big-city Mayors and Police Chiefs feel about the stockpiles of assault rifles, SWAT gear, hi-tech helicopters, and the coming-soon drone technology lavished on them in the wake of the post/9-11 Security State explosion, to say nothing of the enormous federal law enforcement apparatus that, more than anything else, resembles a standing army which is increasingly directed inward.

Most of this militarization has been justified by invoking Scary Foreign Threats — primarily the Terrorist — but its prime purpose is domestic.

Ultimately, police militarization is part of a broader and truly dangerous trend: the importation of War on Terror tactics from foreign war zones onto American soil. American surveillance drones went from Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia into American cities, and it’s impossible to imagine that they won’t be followed by weaponized ones. The inhumane and oppressive conditions that prevailed at Guantanamo are matched, or exceeded, by the super-max hellholes and “Communications Management Units” now in the American prison system. And the “collect-it-all” mentality that drives NSA domestic surveillance was pioneered by Gen. Keith Alexander in Baghdad and by other generals in Afghanistan, aimed at enemy war populations.

One government newsletter - from “the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), a little known federal agency that equips police departments with surplus military gear” – boasted that “Fiscal Year 2011 was a record year in property transfers from the US military’s stockpiles to police departments around the nation.” The ACLU report notes: “the Department of Defense operates the 1033 Program through the Defense Logistics Agency’s (DLA) Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), whose motto is ‘from warfighter to crimefighter.’” The Justice Department has an entire program devoted to “supporting military veterans and the law enforcement agencies that hire them as our veterans seek to transition into careers as law enforcement officers.”

As part of America’s posture of Endless War, Americans have been trained to believe that everything is justified on the “battlefield” (now defined to mean “the whole world”): imprisonment without charges, kidnapping, torture, even assassination of U.S. citizens without trials. It is not hard to predict the results of importing this battlefield mentality onto American soil, aimed at American citizens: “From Warfighter to Crimefighter.” The results have been clear for those who have looked – or those who have been subject to this – for years. The events in Ferguson are, finally, forcing all Americans to watch the outcome of this process.

Anonymous claim they’ve identified the cop who killed Mike Brown in Ferguson

Thursday August 14, 2014

Hacktivists say they’ve identified the Ferguson, Missouri law enforcement officer responsible for the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager killed on Saturday following an alleged altercation with the police.

A Twitter account associated with the hacktivist collective Anonymous said on Thursday that they've named the officer who killed Brown, 18, over the weekend, and have posted photographs purported to be of the man.

Law enforcement has thus far been unwilling to publicize the name of the officer involved in the shooting death despite calls from the public and press alike. Hackers and activists affiliated with the internationally-dispersed Anonymous collective have vowed to disclose the cop’s identity if officials declined to do so on their own, however, and on Thursday said that Willman is the officer responsible.

“St. Louis County PD claims Bryan Willman doesn't work for them or #Ferguson PD. We'll see about that,” TheAnonMessage Twitter account tweeted early Thursday.

Moments later at 11:00 am CST, the same account posted screenshots alleged to have come from Willman’s personal Facebook account earlier this week, and outted him as the shooter.

One screenshot consists of a photo of the man alleged to be the officer in which his Facebook friends discuss his new user name on the social media site: “Scooby Willman.”

Yep, nobody will find me with that name!” Scooby Willman wrote in a comment accompanying the picture.

“But the job title says it all. Guessing everyone is forgetting about that,” responded a follower.

“You have a good point. All changed!!” replied Willman.

Earlier Thursday, the official Twitter account for the St. Louis County Police Department declined that Willman was an employee of either their office or the Ferguson PD.

Hacktivists involved in the Anonymous campaign known as #OpFerguson told RT’s Andrew Blake on Thursday that they would continue to steadily release information about the officer they believe to have killed Brown, and promised to post his address and other personal information later in the day if law enforcement failed to name the officer on their own.

When asked if the collective is confident they’ve identified the shooter, one Anon answered: “They shouldn't leave anyone to guess. Period.”

“The US government misfires and accidentally kills citizens all the time, especially overseas, and no one bats an eye. But if a wrong name is released because THEY refuse to release one? That's cool, because we don't have the data they do,” one Anon involved in #OpFerguson told Blake.

Later that morning, Twitter suspended the TheAnonMessage account, just short of when its administrators planned on publishing further details about the alleged officer responsible. By that point, though, Anonymous had already released a fair share of details believed to be linked to Brown's death, including 911 dispatch audio spanning from when he was killed on Saturday until later in the day when police were dispatched in droves to the scene of the crime. Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit on Wednesday requesting all public records related to the Ferguson shooting.
Who benefits from these actions? From my observation point, seems like someone(s) are trying to incite a race war by ramping up the fears of many.
1peacelover said:
Who benefits from these actions? From my observation point, seems like someone(s) are trying to incite a race war by ramping up the fears of many.

It's one strong possibility? I'm reminded - that this started out as a "Peaceful Organized Protest" until outside interference decided to intervene and open the gates of Hell.

Stirring The Pot: DOJ Sends ‘Marshals’ To ‘Coach’ The Protesters In Ferguson

Thursday August 14, 2014

Is the Obama administration looking to stir up more trouble in Ferguson? “Protest marshals” from the same Department of Justice division that organized protests against George Zimmerman in the aftermath of the shooting of Trayvon Martin have been deployed to the troubled city. It is being reported that these DOJ agents will be “conducting training” for Ferguson protesters that will focus on “best practices for participating in protests”.

Local officials in Missouri hope that this will help defuse the situation, but if history is any guide it may end up doing just the opposite. According to the head of Judicial Watch, the Community Relations Service of the Department of Justice “has a record of racially inflammatory rhetoric that is extreme in ideology and cynical in its politics”. Could these Ferguson protests ultimately be used to take us to the next level in the inflammation of racial tensions in America?

What we have seen play out in Ferguson over the past few days demonstrates so much of what is wrong in this country.

The initial rioting and looting in the city was a prime example of the extreme social decay that is eating away at the foundations of our nation. And it showed how rapidly the streets of our major cities could potentially descend into chaos.

And then the absolutely brutal response by the police was a perfect example of how our society is rapidly being transformed into a heavily militarized police state.

Now that the Obama administration is getting involved, who knows what is going to happen next.

According to the Daily Caller, two “protest marshals” have already been deployed to Ferguson so far…

Two Department of Justice “protest marshals” are in Ferguson, Mo., to help train people taking part in demonstrations over the fatal police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

That’s according to Ferguson mayor James Knowles, who spoke with The Daily Caller Wednesday evening.

We are being told that they will be “conducting training for the groups on best practices for participating in protests”.

That sounds good, but as Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has pointed out, this particular Department of Justice division has a troubled history…

Responding to news that the Justice Department has dispatched its Community Relations Service to the scene of racially charged unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the head of the Washington watchdog group Judicial Watch says it’s time for a civil rights investigation of Attorney General Eric Holder’s agency.

“Eric Holder’s Justice Department is unfortunately not to be trusted on racial matters,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in an interview with WND.

Under Holder’s leadership, he said, the department “has a record of racially inflammatory rhetoric that is extreme in ideology and cynical in its politics.”

“The idea that this Justice Department could be trusted to mediate is highly suspect,” he said.

So precisely what kind of “coaching” and “training” will these protesters be receiving?

In a previous article, I discussed how Judicial Watch has documented the fact that the Community Relations Service helped “organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman” back in 2012. This assistance also included spending quite a bit of money, arranging meetings between the NAACP and local leaders, and even providing police escorts for protesters.

Let us certainly hope that the DOJ does not choose to inflame the situation, because Ferguson is already essentially a war zone at this point.

On Wednesday night, police used smoke bombs, tear gas, flash bang grenades, rubber bullets and LRAD sound cannons against protesters. You can see footage of some of the police brutality in the video posted below…

And it isn’t just “young punks” that are being brutalized. In an Instagram photo that you can view right here, you can see the gruesome wound that was created when a white female pastor was shot while she was peacefully praying.

There is no excuse for that. The whole world is watching what is going on, and they are absolutely disgusted with us.

Thankfully, the Governor of Missouri is taking charge of the situation. Governor Nixon has put the Missouri State Highway Patrol in charge, and he is promising a change in “tone”. The following comes from a CNN report…

Gov. Jay Nixon said he decided to put the Missouri State Highway Patrol in charge of security because “at this particular point, the attitudes weren’t improving, and the blocks towards expression appeared to be a flashpoint.”

Lately, the community of Ferguson, which has been the scene of clashes in the wake of a weekend police shooting that left teenager Michael Brown dead, has looked “more like a war zone, and it’s not acceptable,” Nixon said.

Now, authorities — who’ve faced accusations that they’ve used excessive force in response to demonstrations — will be taking a different tack in an effort to calm tensions, officials said Thursday.

“We’re all about making sure that we allow peaceful and appropriate protests, that we use force only when necessary, that we step back a little bit and let some of the energy be felt in this region, appropriately,” Nixon said.
That sounds good, but what is going to happen if protesters start foolishly throwing Molotov cocktails once again?

Will the police be able to show restraint at that point?

And how will the Department of Justice “protest marshals” change the equation?

Will they calm things down, or will they end up inflaming the situation?

Missouri police fired wooden bullets at crowd during protest over teen's death
_http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/12/missouri-police-wooden-bullets-protest-michael-brown (video & Photo's)

Solid wood pellets discovered after demonstration to protest the killing by a police officer of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

Tuesday August 12, 2014

Police fired at protesters with solid wooden bullets during the latest demonstrations in Missouri against the killing by a police officer of an unarmed black 18-year-old, Michael Brown.

The morning after demonstrators in Ferguson reported being shot by what they called “wooden pellets”, the Guardian found three wooden rounds along the side of a street where clashes had taken place.

Asked to confirm that police had fired them at protesters, Brian Schellman, a spokesman for St Louis County police, said in an email on Tuesday morning: “Yes those are less lethal wooden baton rounds.”

Steve Walsh, 26, said that he was struck in the neck by a “wooden pellet” after becoming caught up in clashes while walking to the home of his two-month-old son, Saveon, and the child’s mother.

Walsh had a bloody, coin-sized wound behind his left ear. He appeared disoriented and drenched in sweat. “I almost fainted,” said Walsh. “Blood just started coming out. I was just walking through.”

Other demonstrators retreating from police said that they had seen others struck by the wooden rounds. “I saw a man get hit on the side of his face,” said Damon Bevly, 19, who works for a recycling company. “He had a fat bruise.”

On the same street on Tuesday morning were the remains of a Triple Chaser-branded CS gas canister and empty magazines for 60 Cal. Stinger 37mm rubber bullets.

Dozens of the rubber bullets were scattered around the street among some small rocks. Police said they used crowd control weapons against demonstrators after rocks were thrown at officers.

Comparable baton rounds are advertised commercially as a crowd control measure that is “suitable for administering a means of pain compliance over a greater distance than most of its counterparts”.

A report by the American Civil Liberties Union on “less lethal” weapons states: “Wooden bullets are often used to disperse protesters and in riot control situations.

“For example, in April 2003, police in Oakland, California, fired wooden bullets into a crowd protesting the Iraq war, leaving large raised welts on those hit by the projectiles.”

The Oakland police department agreed in 2004 to stop using the “less lethal” weapons against demonstrators after dozens of people injured in the protest, some by wooden bullets, sued.

FBI investigating Ferguson protests, operations

Thursday August 14, 2014

FERGUSON, Mo. – NewsChannel 5 has learned the FBI will work in parallel investigations with the state in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The FBI investigation will center on federal civil rights violations. St. Louis County will investigate Brown's death and look into state civil rights violations according to an FBI spokesperson.

We've also learned the Department of Justice will send special prosecutors to Ferguson to help with the investigation.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has ordered the Missouri Highway Patrol to replace St. Louis County Police as the agency providing security in Ferguson.

Fourth night of Ferguson protests: (Photo's)

A Second Man Is Shot by Police in Ferguson, Missouri

Wednesday August 13, 2014

Police in Ferguson, Missouri, shot and wounded a man early Wednesday morning not far from where protesters have been massing for several days following the death of Michael Brown, whose killing has sparked rioting and looting.

St. Louis County police say they got a report of shots being fired at about 1 a.m., and arrived to find a handful of armed men wearing ski masks, approaching a crowd of people. An officer shot and wounded one of the men after he pointed his handgun at the police, spokesman Officer Brian Schellman told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The suspect was taken to a local hospital.

It was actually the second shooting of the night. In the other incident, a woman was shot in the head in a drive-by shooting. The victim took a selfie after the incident and posted it to her Instagram account spookwrites.

Tensions have been high in Ferguson since Saturday, when police shot and killed 18-year-old Brown, who was unarmed. The details of the shooting are contested: Police say it followed a confrontation between Brown and a police officer, but an attorney the Brown family hired disputes that account. Following the shooting, large crowds of protesters faced off with police on several occasions over the weekend, and the FBI has launched an investigation into the shooting.

Protests continued Tuesday night, as the Reverend Al Sharpton gathered with African-American residents in Ferguson, but the demonstrations were largely peaceful.

New Ferguson Police Commander Ron Johnson Walks With Protesters

Thursday August 14, 2014

The man now leading police in Ferguson, Missouri, walked Thursday night with those protesting the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, one day after protesters faced rubber bullets and tear gas from heavily armed officers in riot gear.

On Twitter, MSNBC's Jamil Smith in Ferguson captured a scene Thursday: (Photo)

"We all want justice. We all want answers," the new commander, Capt. Ron Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, told The Associated Press.

When it was announced that Johnson would command law enforcement in Ferguson starting Thursday night, he said "it means a lot to me personally that we break this cycle of violence."

Ryan Reilly of The Huffington Post and Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post, who were briefly detained by officers Wednesday night, both tweeted about the contrast: (Photo)

At the press conference earlier Thursday, Gov. Jay Nixon (D) expressed hopes there would be a shift under Johnson's leadership.

It Turns Out Policing Is Better Than Occupying

HuffPost's Ryan J. Reilly and Christine Conetta report:

FERGUSON, Mo. -– There was a stark change Thursday from a day earlier in this St. Louis suburb, with police officers from the city of St. Louis mingling with people protesting the weekend shooting death of teenager Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer. The scene was in sharp contrast to Wednesday, when officers in riot gear led by St. Louis County police fired tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd.

On Thursday, officers allowed a crowd to peacefully assemble without forcing them from the area. Officers mingled with protesters, who gathered to march, wave signs and chant. There were no signs of violence.

"This is what we do," St. Louis Detective Kevin Bentley told The Huffington Post Thursday, contrasting his team's calm with the heightened tension earlier in the week. "The officers out here don't do that ... You can't be thin-skinned.

(Photo's and video)
Curfew imposed in Ferguson.

Missouri governor imposes curfew in Ferguson, declares emergency

Saturday August 16, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon on Saturday declared a state of emergency and implemented a midnight to 5 a.m. curfew in Ferguson, where the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager sparked a week of protests and sporadic looting.

“I’m committed to making sure the forces of peace and justice prevail,” Nixon said at a community meeting. “If we’re going to achieve justice, we first must have and maintain peace.”

But the meeting at a local church at times was tumultuous.

People repeatedly interrupted Nixon, shouting, “You need to charge the police with murder!” and “We want justice!”

And some residents said law enforcement officers had instigated the violence with their military-like tactics.

State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson, in charge of security for the town, praised local citizens who tried to stop the looting of several businesses early Saturday. He said law enforcement would not be heavy-handed in enforcing the curfew.

“We won’t enforce it with trucks, we won’t enforce it with tear gas,” he said.

But at least one resident was skeptical about whether the curfew would work.

“It’s an intimidation thing. And you’re basically suppressing people who still have questions that need answers,” said Carissa McGraw, who has joined protests throughout the week. “You have people who — at this point — do not care what authorities say right now.”

Michael Brown killed a week ago

Ferguson, a town of about 22,000 people near St. Louis, entered the national consciousness on August 9 when a white police officer, identified as Darren Wilson, shot and killed and Michael Brown, 18, on a city street during the middle of the day.

Accounts of what happened vary widely. Police said Brown struggled with the officer and reached for his weapon. Several witnesses said Brown raised his hands and was not attacking the officer.

Since then, Ferguson has become a tinder box, with regular street protests, an influx of heavily armed law enforcement officers and intense media coverage.

A new development in the investigation popped up Saturday when a Brown family lawyer, Anthony Gray, said that Michael Baden will conduct a second autopsy on the the teenager’s body. Baden is a high-profile pathologist who testified in the O.J. Simpson, Phil Spector and Drew Peterson trials.

Early Saturday morning, before sunrise, a fragile peace was shattered when looters again targeted neighborhood businesses while law enforcement in riot gear largely looked on without intervening.

Some protesters tried to stop the looting, at times standing in front of one convenience store and preventing others from doing more damage. Police, criticized days earlier for being too aggressive with protesters, now drew the ire of merchants who told CNN they weren’t doing enough.

“You still have a job to do now, and now you’re not doing your job,” Tanya Littleton said of police after thieves broke into her beauty supply shop in the St. Louis suburb and made off with bags of hair extensions worth hundreds of dollars.

At noon Saturday — the hour that police say Wilson shot Brown a week earlier — protesters outside the police station silently raised their arms into the air, mimicking Brown’s purported actions right before he died.

Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson joined loud but peaceful crowds that marched in the street carrying signs saying “Mike Brown is our son” and “The whole world is watching Ferguson.” They chanted “Hands up, don’t shoot” and “Hey hey, ho ho, killer cops have got to go.”

Looting earlier in the day

The looting began at the Ferguson Market and Liquor store, which has become part of the case. Minutes before Brown was shot, police say, a man fitting his description allegedly stole cigars and roughed up a store clerk as surveillance cameras recorded.

Ferguson police released surveillance video of that robbery on Friday, but then emphasized that Wilson stopped Brown not because of the theft, but because Brown and a friend were “walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

Release of the video on Friday angered some, who say police were using it to distract from Brown’s killing and make him look bad.

As protesters took to the streets early Saturday, more than two dozen people blocked off the convenience store with cars. Police with riot gear, tactical rifles and armored vehicles were nearby, commanding them through loudspeakers to free it up.

Instead, bottles flew, mayhem erupted, and looters ransacked the store, which the owner had boarded up. It was the first of at least three stores raided.
This document, just published this past Friday, August 15, 2014, promises to change the way the “authorities” deal with protesters, even peaceful ones.

New Army Manual Calls for the Use of Lethal Force Against Peaceful Protesters[/b

Monday August 18, 2014

The new Army manual, known as ATP 3-39.33, provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS).

This document, just published this past Friday, August 15, 2014, promises to change the way the “authorities” deal with protesters, even peaceful ones. The consequences of ATP 39.33 could prove deadly for protesters. Further, the provisions of this Army manual could prove to be the end of the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble.

In section 1-2., the manual states that “Civil unrest may range from simple, nonviolent protests that address specific issues, to events that turn into full-scale riots“. This section of the manual clearly states that protesting is a right protected by the Constitution. However, the authorities leave themselves an out to “legally” engage in lethal force toward protesters when the manual states that “peaceful protests can turn into full-scale riots” and field commanders have the right to make that determination. Subsequently, all protests, peaceful or not, need to be managed by the potential for violence. In other words, all protests are to be considered to be violent and handled accordingly. This certainly explains the violent manhandling of the media by the DHS controlled and militarized police in Ferguson, MO.

Posse Comitatus Is Violated

On the surface, the Posse Comitatus Act (18 USC 1385) act should prevent the Army from deploying the troops in the midst of a protest that is not on the scale of something like the 1992 LA Riots. However, the Army claims exemption from Posse Comitatus in the four following areas.

◾10 USC 331. When a state is unable to control domestic violence and they have requested federal assistance, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.

◾10 USC 332. When ordinary enforcement means are unworkable due to unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.

◾10 USC 333. When a state cannot or will not protect the constitutional rights of the citizens, due to domestic violence or conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized.

◾House Joint Resolution 1292. This resolution directs all departments of the U.S. government, upon request of the Secret Service, to assist in carrying out its statutory duties to protect government officials and major political candidates from physical harm.

With regard to 10 USC 331, if the local authorities have lost control in the midst of a profound display of domestic violence (e.g. LA Riots), most Americans support the use of National Guard or the military. However, in 10 USC 332, 333 and House Joint Resolution 1292 are ripe with exceptions which opens the door to federal authorities abusing the public for exercising their Constitutional right to protest.

In 10 USC 332, the phrase “unlawful obstructions or rebellion against the authority of the United States, use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized” and this permits the federal government from being demonstrated against. An act of demonstration, or the most benign demonstrations of civil disobedience gives the government the authority to take “deadly action” against the public because there are no clear distinctions on when the use of lethal and nonlethal force is appropriate (see the two charts displayed below).

In 10 USC 333, any disruption of federal law can be decisively dealt with by the federal government. The phrase “…conspiracy to hinder execution of State or Federal law, the use of the militia or Armed Forces is authorized” is a telling passage of this Army document. If 10 USC 333 is applied to the letter of the written Army policy, the protesters who recently objected to illegal aliens being deposited in Murietta, California, could be subject to deadly force. Further, the protesters in Ferguson could be subject to the use of lethal force as well (Again, see the charts below).

The next time a community decides that it does not want to accept illegal immigrants, or protest the shooting of an unarmed 18 year old, they could be met by the following:

The fourth exception claimed by the Army with regard to the Army’s right to violate Posse Comitatus, is presented to the American people under the veil of the need to protect politicians.

House Resolution 1292 claims any protest which makes a public official feel “threatened” would be illegal and subject to intervention by the U.S. Army. Hypothetically, if 100 protesters were to gather outside of Senator John McCain’s office in Phoenix, would that be enough to trigger a violent response by the Army? If McCain says he feels threatened, regardless if his claims are legitimate or not, it most certainly would justify the strongest response possible from the Army. Therefore, all a politician has to do is to say they feel threatened by any gathering to have the gathering dispersed and the protesters dealt with in any manner seen fit by the field commander. Make no mistake about it, this is the end of the First Amendment’s right peaceably assemble.

Army Depictions On How Best to Kill An American Citizen Who Expresses Disagreement with the Government

Do you remember the uproar when DHS was caught distributing target practicing sheets of pregnant women to be used for DHS agents when they were engaged in target practicing?

And of course, I am certain that you recall the use of an elderly person’s image to be used by DHS agents for the same purpose. The implication is clear; The American people are the new terrorists.

Below, is the graphic depiction of the Army’s version of a terrorist and worse yet, there are instructions on how to best maim and kill an American citizen who is engaged in their Constitutional right to protest.

How to best kill and maim an American.

The second chart is a sample guideline on when the application of lethal force is appropriate to be applied to protesters. Please note the ambiguity with regard to the application of lethal force. It is also noteworthy to point out that the following chart provides for the planned use of snipers to target the perceived leaders of a protest. These procedures remind one of the events in Kiev prior to the ouster of the Russian-friendly Prime Minister. It would appear that CIA agents were beta testing these procedures in Kiev prior to the coup.


ATP 39.33 is quite clear in its intent which is to eliminate the act of protesting from the American landscape. More disturbingly, the right to summarily execute peaceful protesters is contained in this Army manual due to the purposeful ambiguity of when it is appropriate to use deadly force against protesters.This Army manual is an example of hard core, in-your-face martial law befitting the most violent regimes in the history of the planet.

There is another message contained in ATP 39.33 and that is the clear anticipation that the American people are going to feel the need to be protesting in earnest in the foreseeable future. What exactly are the American people going to feel compelled to protest that remains unspecified in this manual? Could it be resistance to mandatory Ebola vaccinations? Could we be looking at food riots in the future? Will it be a currency collapse that puts Americans in the street? Will America rise up and say no to the plans for World War III and the coming conscription of both potential military personnel and a civilian labor slave force as described under Executive Order 13603?

Not only should this document be a frightening wake-up call for all Americans, it should also serve as a warning for what is to come.
I just watched this video by 'Jason A' - the first 6 minutes is a compilation of news clips of what has been going on in Ferguson. I have been following the case - lightly - but just for an idea (if slightly dramatized) of the militarized police, and it was also interesting to hear the news anchors say "this looks like a police state"

The last 6 minutes go into the movie 'Purge' and kids attempting to recreate the 'anarchy' then the blood moons - the last 6 minutes are pretty weak :)

' Something Is Going On Across America: CIVIL UNREST (2014) '
Published on 17 Aug 2014
'ferguson missouri new world order riots michael brown martial law blood moon end days police'
Three stories which raise the question, "Who benefits from these events??

Mississippi man savagely beaten by 20 men after restaurant warned him it wasn't safe for white people to eat there

West Point police said a man received life-threatening injuries in what they are investigating as an aggravated assault at a restaurant.
Ralph Weems IV, who was injured early Saturday, was in fair condition Sunday at North Mississippi Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Genie Causey said without elaborating.

A relative, Bradley Barnes of Madison, told The Associated Press by telephone on Sunday that his brother-in-law was in a medically induced coma following brain surgery. "They're going to try and wake him up tomorrow and see what damage was done," Barnes said, describing Weems as a 32-year-old former Marine who had served in Iraq.

David Knighten of West Point told AP earlier by phone that he and Weems had gone to a Waffle House early Saturday. He said a man waved him over outside the restaurant and told him politely that people were upset by the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and it wasn't a safe place for whites. When he went in, he said, Weems was inside and was arguing with other men.

Read the rest @ http://www.newsforage.com/2014/08/mississippi-man-savagely-beaten-by-20.html

Report of black mob beating white men in Mississippi smells fishy: Jarvis DeBerry

I'm skeptical of the report out of West Point, Miss., that a black mob beat up two white men to exact some kind of revenge for a white police officer killing an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo. I know that it comes at a risk for me to say that the story sounds embellished - if not completely fictionalized - but I'm going to take that risk: It sounds made up.

I don't doubt that something happened. After all, Ralph Weems IV, a Marine who had served in Iraq, was reported in fair condition at a Tupelo hospital Sunday. A relative told the Associated Press that Weems had had brain surgery and was in a medically induced coma. But the reported sequence of events that preceded Weems' hospitalization sounds like Susan Smith, sounds like Charles Stuart. That is, the story sounds like some of the legendary hoaxes starring black monsters.

Smith was the white woman in South Carolina who drowned her kids and then told police a black man separated her from them in a carjacking. Stuart was the Boston man who said a black carjacker killed his pregnant wife. If I'm proved wrong, I'll admit it, and if a group of black men just up and attacked these white men, they ought to be punished, but it's hard to believe this story as it's being reported.

David Knighten, a friend of Weems who served in Afghanistan with the Air Force, told the Associated Press that they stopped at Waffle House in West Point about 1 a.m. Saturday but that outside he was warned by a polite stranger that it wasn't a safe place for white people. The black people inside were reportedly angry about Michael Brown being killed in Missouri.

According to that statement, the police are reviewing surveillance video and trying to find the owner of a car that left the scene before police arrived.[/i]

Again, Weems' injuries seem to attest to the report that something happened, but the allegations that he was harassed, stalked and beaten by black people mad about Michael Brown's killing seems like an old story with new details plugged in.

Read the rest @ http://www.nola.com/opinions/index.ssf/2014/08/report_of_black_mob_beating_wh.html

Georgia cops fired Taser 13 times ‘as a cattle prod’ to make tired man walk before he died

By David Edwards
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 10:59 EDT

A Georgia man died after police shocked him with a Taser as many as 13 times because he said he was too tired to walk due to a foot chase, his attorney said this week.

At a press conference on Tuesday, attorney Chris Stewart said that police records showed that East Point officers had discharged their Tasers 13 times to make Gregory Towns, who was handcuffed, get up and walk.

“This is a direct violation of their own rules,” Stewart explained, according to WSB-TV. “You cannot use a Taser to escort or prod a subject.”

“They used their Tasers as a cattle prod on Mr. Towns.”

Stewart said that he pieced together what led up to Towns’ April 11 death using official city records and eyewitness accounts.

“He wasn’t cursing. He wasn’t being abusive. He was saying, ‘I’m tired,’” the attorney pointed out.

Read the rest @ http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/08/27/georgia-cops-fired-taser-13-times-as-a-cattle-prod-to-make-tired-man-walk-before-he-died/
The decision came in tonight from the grand jury, which was to not charge Darren Wilson in the murder of Michael Brown.


I was watching a CNN live stream of the aftermath in Ferguson and as you can imagine the coverage was beyond shameful. Initially, the reporter was was through the streets pointing out all the vandalism, the tipped police car, brick throwing etc., but then he started talking to the protesters. The first was a woman who was shouting about another woman who had a heart attack. He started talking to her and she described how people were carrying her and the police still tear gassed them. CNN quickly switched over to another reporter who was blathering on about the violence and need for safety. They switched back and the reporter was standing by a crowd who were around an unconscious man, and when someone told him he was tear gassed they again switched to someone in the studio. They did this same routine again, each time when it became clear that it was the people who were being attacked. Truly despicable.

These protests have been going on for a number of months and the flames of unrest are surely being fanned.
I have to let the outcome settle in me a bit, but right now I'm angry. :mad:
I knew they would let Wilson off. Cops are the last people who should be
allowed to have guns it seems.

I remember the Andy Griffith show, my how things have changed.

Is this the start of their long awaited plan? The race baiting is off the charts!

Why not show the news coverage focused on the mixed raced individuals sweeping broken window glass from a business's floor, or the people of the area that have come together to help one anouther protect their property?

Well, most of us here know the answer.... :(


SOTT Podcasts / TRANSCRIPT- Podcast #13- Cyclic Catastrophes« by D RusakMay 24, 2007, 11:18:19 PM »

So are we going to have a war here?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are we going to have more terrorist attacks in the US? They already said no, but that's because we already know it wasn't terrorist. Are we going to have more violence in the US that may not be as a results of terrorists?
A: Yes.
Q:(L) Can you designate any of the areas where this violence may occur in the near future?
A: Indianapolis.
Q: (A) What is that? (L) Indianapolis is a city in Indiana. Well that's something that has never been mentioned. What kind of violence?
A: Hit by focusing beam of the HAARP array.
Q: (L) Well that's weird. (A) By mistake? An accident?
A: No.
Q: (L) What will be the outcome of Indianapolis being hit by this focusing beam of the HAARP array?
A: Mind controlled violence.
Q: (L) Can we know what form it will take?
A: Shootings.
Q: (L) Are there going to be any other kinds of violence, such as bombs or airplanes being flown into buildings, or release of anthrax, or small pox, or any other kind of chemical or germ warfare activities. Any of those?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Which ones?
A: Fair chance of germ disbursement.
Q: (L) What kind of germ?
A: Influenza.
Q: (L) Do you mean a deadly form of flu?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But nothing like anthrax or small pox or any of those really sick ones? Is that it?
A: No. Keep looking and listening.
Renaissance said:
I was watching a CNN live stream of the aftermath in Ferguson and as you can imagine the coverage was beyond shameful. Initially, the reporter was was through the streets pointing out all the vandalism, the tipped police car, brick throwing etc., but then he started talking to the protesters. The first was a woman who was shouting about another woman who had a heart attack. He started talking to her and she described how people were carrying her and the police still tear gassed them. CNN quickly switched over to another reporter who was blathering on about the violence and need for safety. They switched back and the reporter was standing by a crowd who were around an unconscious man, and when someone told him he was tear gassed they again switched to someone in the studio. They did this same routine again, each time when it became clear that it was the people who were being attacked. Truly despicable.

These protests have been going on for a number of months and the flames of unrest are surely being fanned.

Here at work, someone was pointing out that even the 'timing' of the announcement of the grand jury's decision was pretty suspicious... why did they wait so long? Until mid-evening? While increasingly anxious and angry people waited...and waited...for hours...?

Someone really wanted those riots...and they made sure they got them. And after dark, to further emphasize the fires and violence.
Just noticed this over on zerohedge about a motorist running down Ferguson protesters in Minneapolis, Minnesota US:

"Caught On Tape: Car Ploughs Into Demonstrators During Ferguson Rally In Minneapolis"


Suddenly the countrywide Ferguson protests, which today had progressed peacefully [maybe peaceful country-wide, but Ferguson is erupting, and the country seems to be reaching a boiling point, too ... see also RT article links below this article] at least until now, took a turn for the ugly, when as the Star Tribune reported moments ago, A vehicle plowed through a group of demonstrators in Minneapolis several hours ago during a march and rally in the wake of last night's grand jury decision.

Star Tribune has the details: "A solidarity rally and march for Michael Brown, who was killed by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, was planned for 4:30 p.m. near the Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct building at E. Lake Street and Minnehaha Avenue. A Star Tribune reporter who was at the rally says that witnesses say the vehicle started honking at protesters blocking the intersection before running down a woman."

Here is more from Star Tribune reporter Libor Jany, who is at the protest and sending updates via Twitter:

Libor Jany @StribJany
Witnesses say the car, a teal station wagon, started honking at protesters blocking
the intersection, before running down down a woman.

5:39 PM - 25 Nov 2014 Minneapolis, MN, United States

Libor Jany @StribJany
Other demonstrators are now standing, hand in hand, around the woman, who's being
treated by paramedics in the middle of the intersection.

5:40 PM - 25 Nov 2014 Minneapolis, MN, United States

Libor Jany @StribJany
Witnesses say that the woman's leg was caught under the car. She's being wheeled
into an ambulance.

5:44 PM - 25 Nov 2014 Minneapolis, MN, United States

The conclusion:

Libor Jany @StribJany
via @LavinskyStrib MT @StarTribune Video of the car hitting the woman and going through
the crowd in Minneapolis: _http://strib.mn/1zW1Dj5

Libor Jany @StribJany
Police say the hit-and-run suspect is in custody.
6:25 PM - 25 Nov 2014 Minneapolis, MN, United States

And a clip of the dramatic crush-and-run, in which the driver, about to be lynched by the protesters, went pedal to the metal.

"Coast to coast, US boiling with rage over Ferguson verdict (PHOTOS, VIDEO)"

And this is live from NYC now:

"On Air: Thousands demand justice for Michael Brown in NYC"

And it's relevant that the article that's viral right now on RT is the story that was also put up on SOTT about the absolutely despicable police shooting of a 12 year-old boy in Cleveland:

"12yo boy carrying toy gun shot dead by Cleveland police"

And, in the meantime, there's this:

"As Ferguson Trembles Ahead Of Night #2, Obama Pivots Back To Immigration Reform - Live Feed"

edit: inline comment in blue
CNN is reporting that at least 20 major cities have protesters taking to the streets.

I haven't seen anything resembling this since the Rodney King trial and ensuing protests/riots over 20 years ago.
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