Films I like

"Last year in marienbad", I remember this one. I have learn the way to never loose playing the game presented in the movie.
Prometeo said:
The other day I saw Braveheart from Mel Gibson, when he shouts freedom was incredible.
Mel is a good actor. He appears to enjoy roles relating to revenge which is curious.
Goemon_ said:
"Last year in marienbad", I remember this one. I have learn the way to never loose playing the game presented in the movie.

This movie is perfect for working PATIENCE. :cool:
caballero reyes said:
Quote of Loreta. July 16, 2012, 04:05:38 PM »

" Surely Alain Renais was impressed with the movie because I see in the movies of Renais an influence or is vice versa?"

Hi, Loreta: "Last year in marienbad" (l'annee dernier a Marienbad) of Resnasis was first (1961), La Jetee is 1962 film.

Thanks Caballero Reyes. The two movies are representative also of a movement in literature at that time in France, "le nouveau roman". Not bad at all, specially Renais.
"DREAMS" (Japan/usa) 1990 Dir. Akira kurosawa.

Following up on his critically acclaimed, blood-splattered epic Ran, master director Akira Kurosawa looks inward with this collection of eight brightly colored dreams. The first section centers on a young boy (Mitsunori Izaki), who witnesses a forest wedding procession of fox spirits in spite of his mother's (Mitsuko Baisho) warning. The second section concerns the same lad who converses with peach-tree spirits after the trees have been cruelly cut down. This is followed by a party of mountain climbers struggling to make it back to base camp in the midst of a terrible blizzard. The fourth dream deals with a man (Akira Terao) -- a Kurosawa stand-in complete with the director's trademark floppy white hat -- who encounters ghosts of Japan's militaristic past in a forlorn tunnel. In the following dream, the same man ventures into a Van Gogh painting called The Crows and meets the artist himself (Martin Scorsese). The sixth and seventh dreams venture into nightmare territory -- one deals with a nuclear meltdown that threatens Japan while the other concerns post-nuclear mutants. In the final dream, Kurosawa meets a 103-year-old man (played by Ozu regular Chishu Ryu) in a utopian rural village. ~ Jonathan Crow, Rovi's+Dreams+Dream1+

During the late 16th century, Catholics and Protestant Huguenots are fighting over political control of France, which is ruled by the the neurotic, hypochondriac King Charles IX (Jean-Hugues Anglade), and his mother, Catherine de' Medici (Virna Lisi), a scheming power player. Catherine decides to make an overture of goodwill by offering up her daughter Margot (Isabelle Adjani) in marriage to Henri de Bourbon (Daniel Auteuil), a prominent Huguenot and King of Navarre, although she also schemes to bring about the notorious St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 1572, when thousands of Protestants are slaughtered. The marriage goes forward but Margot, who does not love Henri, begins a passionate affair with the soldier La Môle (Vincent Pérez), also a Protestant from a well-to-do family. Murders by poisoning follow, as court intrigues multiply and Queen Catherine's villainous plotting to place her son the Duke of Anjou (Pascal Greggory) on the throne threatens the lives of La Môle, Margot and Henri of Navarre. A book with pages painted with arsenic is intended for Henri but instead causes the slow, agonizing death of King Charles. Henri escapes to Navarre and sends La Môle to fetch Margot, but Guise apprehends him. La Môle is beheaded in the Bastille before Margot can save him, and King Charles finally dies. Margot escapes carrying La Môle's embalmed head as Anjou is proclaimed King of France as Henry III.
Mine Favourite is Amélie.Amelie, an innocent and naive girl in Paris, with her own sense of justice, decides to help those around her and along the way, discovers love
Hi Jamesjackson.

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I like to watch horror films and diary vampire of tv series is the best of film I watched :D :D
Hello newpen.

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I have just seen SHOCK CORRIDOR. Freaking.

Then I happend to see LA TETE CONTRE LES MURS (meaning THE HEAD AGAINST THE WALLS) from french director George Franju - 1958.

I is on the same subject but more realistic.
"PAULINE AND PAULETTE" (Belgic ) 2001 Dir. Lieven Debrauver

A delightfully bittersweet story of four elderly sisters and their relationship with each other. For Pauline (Dora van der Groen), life is simple. She lives with Martha (Julienne De Bruyn), the eldest of her four sisters, in a small town between Brussels and the seacoast. When Martha suddenly dies, everyone's world is turned upside down. Neither Paulette (Ana Petersen) or their youngest sister Cecile (Rosemarie Bergmans), feel their lives can include the responsibility of caring for their sister.
I used to like The Sopranos... Till now. I was seeing for the third time the series then I have to stop. It is so depressing.

It is depressing because it is a soap about psychopaths but more than that. The violence is extreme, drugs, sex, desperation. Every chapter is abysmal. There is no light in it, some humor sometimes but. Women are bad treated. People are bad treated. Characters are bad treated. Sufferance is everywhere.

I have to say, nowadays, that the series is well done, very well done (every chapter costed one million dollar). But at the end it is disgusting and depressing. In fact the analysis of psychopathy is analyzed with superficiality. Some psychos in the series are perceived also as good people. The ambivalence is false.

Even if sometimes it is a good critic of American society, the result is pathetic. Characters, in this series, are really pathetic. Too much for me. Seeing this series gives me a bad taste in my mouth.

I ask myself: how come this series was so popular? Are people happy to see all this violence, this sex, this abuse? Are they happy to see sadism?

As I said, I used to like the program, but the fun stopped suddenly when I saw the feeling I was having watching it.

Edit: I don't know if I put this comment in the right section. :-[
I saw a few weeks ago a movie however which doesn't seem really known for what I know around me: Take Shelter a 2011 movie starring Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain and written and directed by Jeff Nichols.

Hereafter a video of the trailer:

This movie has received critical acclaim with mostly positive reviews and was released in Sundance, Deauville, and others.

Hereafter the synopsis:
[quote author=wikipedia] Elyria, Ohio, Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon) has apocalyptic dreams of being harmed by people close to him, but he keeps them from his wife Samantha (Jessica Chastain) and their deaf daughter Hannah (Tova Stewart). He focuses on building a storm shelter in his backyard, but the strange behavior strains his relationship with his family. Curtis goes to see a counselor at a free clinic, with whom he talks about his family's psychological history. His mother (Kathy Baker) suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which presented about the same age that Curtis is now.[/quote]

This film also has been reviewed here:,28469.msg354456.html#msg354456

I truly recommend it for many aspects (relevant) of it without wanting tell too much. Is anybody else saw this film?
MK Scarlett said:
I saw a few weeks ago a movie however which doesn't seem really known for what I know around me: Take Shelter a 2011 movie starring Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain and written and directed by Jeff Nichols.

Hereafter a video of the trailer:

This movie has received critical acclaim with mostly positive reviews and was released in Sundance, Deauville, and others.

Hereafter the synopsis:
[quote author=wikipedia] Elyria, Ohio, Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon) has apocalyptic dreams of being harmed by people close to him, but he keeps them from his wife Samantha (Jessica Chastain) and their deaf daughter Hannah (Tova Stewart). He focuses on building a storm shelter in his backyard, but the strange behavior strains his relationship with his family. Curtis goes to see a counselor at a free clinic, with whom he talks about his family's psychological history. His mother (Kathy Baker) suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which presented about the same age that Curtis is now.

This film also has been reviewed here:,28469.msg354456.html#msg354456

I truly recommend it for many aspects (relevant) of it without wanting tell too much. Is anybody else saw this film?

We saw this movie because I think it was you who talked about it. It is a strange movie, I think very interesting. It is difficult to talk about it without being spoiler. :) The actor is very good, the situation is very "now", the final is excellent. Thanks, anyway, for talking in another thread about it.
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