Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every home


The Force is Strong With This One
If you own a television set people are obliged to pay the license fee. Now, the public broadcasting company plans to replace this system with a new household fee (175 €/year). If you have a home, you must pay - regardless if you have a TV or not. They call it "Media fee".


Anybody ever heard of this kind of household tax?
What was the Finnish reaction to this news?
See cartoon that appeared in main Helsinki newspaper 2009.4.24


Rough translation:

Driver: "I was not driving too fast"
Finnish Cop: "But you could have. So here is the public service speeding payment"
Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

[quote author=Breton]
What was the Finnish reaction to this news?
[/quote] "It's a good proposition because my neighbour who watch TV without paying, would be compelled to pay" :)
Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

Kasimir said:
[quote author=Breton]
What was the Finnish reaction to this news?
"It's a good proposition because my neighbour who watch TV without paying, would be compelled to pay" :)
Yes, Kasimir , that seems to be also the typical reaction I see from Finns: they keep pointing out that there are people who don't pay their TV tax. But sometimes I wonder: most Finns pay their taxes, and I would not be surprised this non-payment of TV tax is exaggerated. However that is an opinion, not based on any hard facts.

Then, why doesn't anyone question the need for any kind of tax of this kind? I have never seen so many taxes for various reasons than this country! There is a tax for owning a car. If you use diesel, a typically cheaper and (probably) more efficient fuel, the tax is higher! What sense is there in that?

I often wonder what kind of "social experiment" is going on in this country.

Sorry for ranting without giving much data ...
Finns have come to expect someone bigger to come and take our fruits away. We may bitch about it, but most everyone thinks nothing can be done to change anything, or that government will handle it. But if someone mentions the big bogeyman Russia or immigrants, the attitude zaps to "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!". Yes, some basic "divide and conquer" and most Finns have their heads spinned well enough.

And overall, when it comes to big issues, most Finns will rather forget about them and just drink beer and if it is on, watch ice hockey, if it is not on, discuss ice hockey. The essence of Finland. I know that I'm ranting here and I don't mean to be especially harsh on them, I just see very little positive about anything when it comes to the usual attitudes here.

On the Yle-tax specially, one thing that comes to mind is that it will have most effect on poor people and students, as I see it. And that it will definitely annoy MANY people. Perhaps it is supposed to gauge just that, what the reaction will be to an obvious ripoff law such as this one. And it of course could be a diversion from something else. I have only paid some nominal attention to it frankly, so I can't say for sure. Maybe Yle is just dying. I wouldn't mind a whole lot.
Finns have come to expect someone bigger to come and take our fruits away. We may -bee yatch- about it, but most everyone thinks nothing can be done to change anything, or that government will handle it. But if someone mentions the big bogeyman Russia or immigrants, the attitude zaps to "WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!". Yes, some basic "divide and conquer" and most Finns have their heads spinned well enough.

I have noticed something similar, especially with the immigrant issue. Despite the fact that Finland accept ten times fewer refugees than say Sweden, and is one of the more ethnically homogeneous countries in Europe, it's still very popular and acceptable to rant about immigrants, as if all our problems stem from this very issue.
Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

It seems that they're really pushing it through:
Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

Kasimir said:
It seems that they're really pushing it through:

What I keep hearing is that it is likely to be pushed through.

Although I ask - says who? I guess the powers that be have decided this and they are letting everyone know what they have decided.

I have heard discussions about how unfair this is: a poor old lady in the backwoods has to pay the same tax as a millionaire CEO?

It will start at 175 euros per household, but you can probably count on it going up each year. By the way, define household please?

Is this part of the PTB's message to Finland now? "We do what we want, even if its unfair, and you sheeple have to put up with it?"

Even though Finland seems to be quite a bit behind the USA in going downhill (that is my opinion, of course), yet I think it is good to be watching and try to be aware of the effects of psychopathy, and the ponerization process, in this country too.

Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

Let's see how they are going to implement this in practice. We Finns are sometimes very stubborn people and I can imagine that there will be some public figures who will not pay this fee. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings ;D
Re: Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE proposing mandatory licence fee for every h

Aragorn said:
We Finns are sometimes very stubborn people and I can imagine that there will be some public figures who will not pay this fee. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings ;D
I am hoping to see some of that Finnish sisu (guts).
[I may not be a Finn but I do have Finnish blood in me.]

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