Fireball over Castelsarrasin, France


FOTCM Member
Yesterday right around sundown, which was at 17:52, we spotted what seems to be a fireball in the sky.

Here is a high-res photo:


Note the plane flying in the image, and the fact that the plane's contrail is white, while the fireball trail is more smoky, dark, and uneven. The following image is a close-up of the plane and the fireball trail:


The fireball trail seems to go through the clouds, but while the clouds themselves are reflecting the light from the setting sun (like the plane contrail), the fireball trail does not.

Finally, we have a close-up of the very end of the fireball trail:


According to Ark, the apparent splitting of the trail would result if the object was heated to an incandescent state.

So, it seems Ark got a fireball for his birthday! :thup:
This is beautiful, and in France! And you saw it! And it was for Ark! Congratulations. :)

Thanks for the pictures.
Great pic! And a perfect one to show to people that don't know the difference!

Lisa Guliani said:
Great photos! What better gift than a fireball for your birthday?
When is Obama's birthday? :lol2:

Very good photos. Thanks for posting them. The increase in fireballs just continues to accelerate. It's a good Birthday present when you get to watch and photograph it and it doesn't cause any damage. :)
Lisa Guliani said:
Great photos! What better gift than a fireball for your birthday?
When is Obama's birthday? :lol2:

Well, Obama needs a different kind of fireball. :whistle:

A symbolic gift from the universe? Splitting of the tail = splitting of realities? Just a thought.

Amazing photos, Gandalf.
Wow. In broad daylight with a plane and clouds to compare with! Rock on! What a cool birthday surprise. Thank you for sharing. :cool:

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