First post also after invasion/fight back type dream


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi all! I only just found this site yesterday, though I've been a reader of for a few months now.

This post may be similar to others but I don't know yet as I've not read others' posts. It is written in terms of a letter/message to the site admins (well I kinda wrote it for Laura tbh coz that's who I was told it would be ok to write to) as I didn't see initially that there was a forum link. But now I saw it I just registered and thought I'd share with all as I'm sure it'll be ok to share this kind of thing here. Anyway here is about a dream I just had. I've had others lately as well, but not wuite so full-on as tonight and also not quite so full of a righteous hope!!! At no point was I scared in this dream. The main things were like a vigilence and righteous vengeance or something lol. Who knows....I'm totally a peaceful person. But then again I know I can have wrath. Don't really hate though as far as I can recall I never have.

Hi there. I hope I may be writing to Laura or one close. For I've just had a dream and afterwards was let known to write her could well be a good idea. There is way too much to write so I will do my best. It's 2:45 am now so I must have woken up around 2:20 I'd guess. From quite a lengthy dream (possible in two parts). Every second now is hard to remember but will do my best. Started peaceful/normal. Was kind of a work environment. I don't recall knowing anyone. People bust in (look like people) and start rounding us up. They are faster and have some technology and people try to fight back but can't (seems some mind control as well). I manage to be slightly away from the first action and avoid initial capture. There is a small group of us who can resist. But they all fall everntually but for a small few of us. There are many details here I'm not including but they basically looked just like us but pity was not in them. We manage to set some booby traps to catch some of them unawares. They come after us and capture most easy. Out of desperation a rage fills me and I call "NO" and clear a wide area through what can only be described as Telekinesis (threw them of a roof essentially). The few of us left are surprised. There is a gap now but the fight goes on and they are purposely hunting me down. Somehow they counter this ability and I'm captured. But still a nuisance and manage to escape. There's not many of them left now, just two. But not many humans either. During that time there was some horrors (basically being treated like sheep to slaughter). At one point I pretend to be one of them I think? Getting a bit hard to remember now. I'm put in a machine which a big one is controlling (not like the first, this one was like a larger more simple minded creature). I manage to sabotage the machine from within. I'm found out and caught again. This time there's two of these greedy large ones and they decide the best way is consume the ones of us left. They eat us whole, but we do not die. They can't contain our spirits and we leak out and one by one escape even as they consume us again. We over power these two and destroy one of them. The last one leads us to (I think our) captain's hideout. This "captain" is my direct superior. He is showing the other around who is now once again like initially (looks human).... It's possible during this there was a gap where I woke up and went back to sleep.... The captain is basically tricked. The other finds a large jar (maybe 20-30 litres of Holy Water is the label) and this is dangerous to all of us for some reason. He casts it down and the water flows out covering the floor and we are all racing to dodge it (including this other last one). Captain goes down. It seems I'm the last left and the last 30 sec or so I'm running through the water and the pain is excruciating. But it doesn't destroy me I just become transparent. up to my neck (travels up me ...water is only an inch on ground). I leap to a bench and return back to form. My feet are now like molten fire and I think I'm part of them and part human or something by this point. I confront the other with no fear. There is a battle and there humans who ultimately finish him off. At the last moment I toy with him as he is destructing and he returns and I have to fight again. I cut off his tongue....there is something then at the end that I can't remember. Then I woke up.

I was tingling when I woke up and the little fingers on both my hands had slight pins and needles. I wasn't feerful, just like "Woa wtf was that!?". I almost went back to sleep but thought best not to immediately. I got up, went to toilet and left bedroom door open for my cats. But they didn't come in as I expected them to. I lay back in bed and started asking "myself" about it. This asking myself I've slowly been doing over the past 3-4 months and started consciously ding it when I started living another way (after reading the Kolbrin Bible and also Sambhodi Dharma Sangha regarding moral code). I have changed some things to be more in line with a moral way (e.g. stopped watching porn was main one).I made these changes partly from feer due to a feeling that blackness was come for felt evil for want of a better word. I even gave my television away as it was doing my head in (the graphic and propagandic nature of the news mostly). Sorry I sidetrack.

When I asked myself about this dream many things came back to me and I was asking direct questions. One of the first answers was "you are God's soilder". I asked about this and "you will help destroy them". I ask them/me that I'm peaceful and don't want to destroy anything. Again "you are a soilder" and "you have not hate in you". This might not be in exact order sorry even though I was awake now it's still a bit difficult to remember exact order. The whole time I was asking and receiving asnwers I had a growing tingling all up my back through the back of my neck and my head...this "feeling" grew and grew as certain questions were asked. I struggled with this warlike/destroying of things and doubted still about this. They kept insisting that this. They said "you wont kill them, you will help destroy them". And "because they will try to destroy you and all those around you". I asked many other things and most received an answer. The two main ones were when I asked what I can do now. This answer was "meditation", which by the way I've just started again and am not an expert on by any means. The second one was interesting. See I've been reading article on for maybe 3-4 months now (similar time frame yes lol). But it was only yesterday I found the Cassiopaea site from the main article on Sott at the moment. I was intrigues and read that and some others. As well as Dharma Sangha I have been on a wide-range of search this last 12 months. From the Bible, to the Quran, to the Kolbrin bible, to Drunvalo M (who I'm still somewhat confused about what on "Earth" IS he doing), to Marshall Masters (my survive Planet X phase lol), to Youtube and all sorts really...even things like and NASA. Sambodhi Dharma Sangha has resonated with me most...and now this site as well has high resonance of truth for me. OK so I read you article about diet and health. I'm a smoker so that was the main reason I went to that one hehe. But it was the vegetarian bit that ended up interesting me the most in the end. I have gradually moved towards vege diet over this last 12 mosths and really it's helping me I think. I do have mineral suppliment and still have dairy. Anyway the question I asked to "me/him" was what about vegetarian then, should I continue with it? He said back after a pause "is up to you, but what is it that this makes you strong?" and somehow I fumbled around a bit but out of it in the end was when I said "Plants have roots in the Earth"...and Me/Him was very pleased with that answer...something about plants having roots in the earth. By the way I've built up a garden this year as well and it's all ready to go now and I just love growing things.

There were so many other questions I asked....some about how to live now in this worl, how to be with others, how to be with my daughter, when to be able to share things with others...much of it was very simple answer of basically "don't talk about it unless someone talks to you" ROFL!!! So basically I told me "just let everyone be on their own path and stop the trying to warn and change people"> See I've been guilty of this over this 12 months as well...mainly with my facebook links...Luckily I am origianlly from Australia and most of my family live there so they can't hunt me down to throw me in an asylum hehe. Just there seems to be very few people (both in Australia and here in South Wales) who want to know about anything that is happening right now...I found that difficult to accept...possibly even one of the most difficult things. I was linking them all sorts of things on facebook :p. "I" did say to myself it was ok to link some things if the essence was not about insisting someone change, but just to say hey check this out sort of thing. For example I link and feel thats ok as long as I don't go on a rambling speech about it after about how there's no moral code in our society anymore lol.

OK sorry it's so long, but I've left so much more out. I'm not really asking for anything specific here. Just that "I/Him/They" told me it would be ok to message you guys and even I was excited about it. I was in a high vibration at the time and almost felt like I wasn't "here" in a wierd sense...but at the same time more alive that usual. Similar but different to sometimes when I meditate. I should say I don't know anything about channeling, but just that this last few months I have been asking for truth within and been getting asnswers back often times. It's all "in my head" so to speak, but they answers just seem to come (not always though...sometimes I'm not asking the right question or there is no answer forthcoming).

Thanks for reading, Mark.
Hmm I might end up adding to this as certain things come back. Here is one thing that just came back after reading

Makes me wanna beat feet...

in another invasion type dream post. Why? Well coz of the aboriginals (Indigenous Australians) :O

With one of the questions I asked I came to ask about the aborigines. I'm not sure why. I was asking alot of questions and getting lots of answers that I didn't include above. It was something I asked about my Australian family and I was told they would be fine as they have each other (I have a strong family...even if they don't look in to any of this at all currently). I was told it was me who have to do it "alone" but somehow I asked would the aborigines be with me and I got the answer back "YES!!". And immediately I had images of this beating of feet (aboriginal style dance). See when I was younger (7-8 years old) we did a trip around Australia and were with quite traditional aboriginies at times. I even witnessed a corroboree in secret hiding hehe :D
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