Fish along the Florida Keys are spinning in circles until they die


The Living Force
“Watch the skies and land and oceans.”

Fish along the Florida Keys are spinning in circles until they die—and no one knows why​

Scientists are chasing clues, but haven't yet found what's causing the strange behavior. “It is very strange to see such a prolonged event affecting so many different species.”

Seems to have been happening for several months, noticed first last November:
“In the middle of the night in November 2023, scuba diver Gregg Furstenwerth shone his flashlight on a fish swimming through a seagrass meadow in the Florida Keys.
What he saw surprised him: The distressed pinfish was spinning and whirling in upside-down circles. Puzzled, he recorded the behavior with his underwater camera.
When he heard more and more similar reports of spinning fish from friends and other divers, Furstenwerth began to document more incidents, both from his boat and from walking docks at night.

At first, the sightings occurred mostly along a 35-mile stretch of water in the lower Keys, a tropical archipelago of islands south of mainland Florida. Then, three reports surfaced in Miami, according to conservation group Bonefish Tarpon and Trust, and most recently, one case in the upper Keys.”

I was thinking could it also be related to change in timeline, and some kind of vibrational 'echo' of the alternative timeline - but the reports about animals doing this ave been around longer than the recent timeline change.

I also wondered if it was 'wave' related - along with something happening to the magnetic field...
a bit like when the C's talk about 'soul smashing', but something clashing energetically because of constant tweaking of timelines...
some kind of 'overlap' occurring which creates strange dynamics and unforeseeable or unavoidable events? 🤷‍♀️
There's a well-known parasite (at least in Canada) that causes Whirling Disease in fish. So my guess is that this phenomenon is parasitic, a new Gulf version of the parasite.

General information​

Whirling disease is an infectious disease of finfish. It is caused by a parasite called Myxobolus cerebralis, which belongs to a group of microscopic parasites in the Class Myxosporea.

There is no treatment for whirling disease. Once introduced, the elimination of the parasite in wild finfish populations is not usually possible.

Whirling disease is not a health risk for humans or pets. The parasite that causes whirling disease does not affect humans or animals other than finfish, such as trout and salmon. There is no risk associated with swimming or eating fish caught from infected waters.

Species of finfish that can be infected by whirling disease​

Each species of finfish may have several common names, but only 1 common name is listed.

Species susceptible to whirling disease that occur in the natural environment in Canada:

  • Oncorhynchus clarkii (cutthroat trout)
  • Oncorhynchus kisutch (coho salmon)
  • Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)
  • Oncorhynchus nerka (sockeye salmon)
  • Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (chinook salmon)
  • Prosopium williamsoni (mountain whitefish)
  • Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon)
  • Salmo trutta (brown trout)
  • Salvelinus confluentus (bull trout)
  • Salvelinus fontinalis (brook trout)
  • Signs of whirling disease​

    Whirling disease can cause death in the younger life stages of susceptible freshwater finfish. Overall deaths of infected young fish can reach 90%.

    Affected finfish may exhibit any of the following signs:
    • behaviour
      • whirling swimming pattern
    • appearance
      • skeletal deformities of the body or head, for example, shortening of the mandible and indentations on the top of the head
      • tail may appear dark or even black


      • Disease prevention and control​

        Whirling disease is not spread directly between finfish. The parasite is spread through contact between finfish and a freshwater worm (Tubifex tubifex).

        People can spread whirling disease by moving any of the following:
        • infected live or dead finfish
        • infected worms
        • contaminated equipment, or
        • contaminated water or sediment

Another option is electromagnetic anomalies. Many animals use earth's electromagnetic field as a navigational guide, and our field is shrinking, and maybe changing in other ways.
The article is locked for members, but I managed to scroll down super fast and take a snapshot.
They seemed to have ruled out the parasite hypothesis.
I've had fish tanks for some time in the past, and to me it seems like some neurotoxin or neurodegenerative disease. But the electromagnetic anomalies also seem plausible. There is also the big Atlantis Crystal close to that location that could be acting up.
Bear in mind that the C's once said that the famous disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle were caused by the unstable operation of the 5000 ft crystal pyramid built by the Atlanteans and now submerged 300 miles off the coast of Florida.

Another option is electromagnetic anomalies. Many animals use earth's electromagnetic field as a navigational guide, and our field is shrinking, and maybe changing in other ways.
Or it could be both, they also just announced the "hyper sexual" cicadas last week, so it's funky times all over.

I also thought about the spinning sheep when I first read this post. it also reminded me of that wormnado from a few years ago.

Yeah for some reason, it feels 'vibrational' to me.

Iamthatis, you posted something about that water anomaly in the South Atlantic and I wondered if it was connected to something to do with that, but the animals have been picking up on magnetic deviations or 'glitches' for some time, so maybe it is something that has been building up or 'turning on and off'. Maybe the wildlife are responding to something they feel vibrationally that is affecting their natural sense of direction / magnetoreception?? Something that is affecting the electromagnetic field from within the earth in conjunction with effects of 'The Wave'.

Spinning suggests a spiral influence, a bit like a tornado?
I definitely don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto.

Another thought: undergrounder technology or like meadow_wind said, a big Atlantis crystal being activated in some way...
or maybe the crystal interfacing with undergrounder technology?

Heck, after what I have learned from this forum, anything is possible. If this 'spinning phenomena' is a precursor to where the animals and critters decide they are non binary and wish to be identified by pronouns, then BOOM! - that's me done, I'm super happy to exit stage left.
I also thought about the spinning sheep when I first read this post. it also reminded me of that wormnado from a few years ago.
The thing is that both events seem different in the sense that the sheeps and worms are a group thing, while the fish are alone.
Check out the video where they show many examples. All the fish filmed are on their own.

Recently watching an episode of " the secret of the skinwalker ranch" ( episode 9 season 5 ) , they had a young calf spinning in circles , also with damaged eyesight , from some form of radiation. ( someone testing haarp ?)
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