Fist size hail and about 15,000 lightning strikes a night in Flanders (Belgium)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A pretty bad storm went over Flanders the night of Monday (5/25) into Tuesday (5/26) with some major hail pounding down and about 15,000 lightning strikes.
I don't think I've ever seen any hail that large when growing up.


Damage of hail bombardment:
I woke up at around 3 o'clock (I think) and I saw the lightning constantly pulsing behind the curtains but no sound, at all.
Obviously other people got the worse of it.
I don't think the hails ever were that big either.
mkrnhr said:
What's their average size? They look like 8 to 10 cm in diameter no?

The local press says they were around 5cm large but from what I've seen on tv they looked much bigger indeed.
Hey Domi,

My boyfriend told me about this when he got back home. I'm currently in Antwerp and didn't see anything. I was wondering if the weather so far last month is usual for Belgium this time of year? Thanks

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