
While lying down I experience a flash in what felt like a Self rememberance. Only much greater in its magnitude. Not the self remembering of viewing yourself while in movement or thought, ect... It was a quick flash when remembering it but the impression was much much much in depth and explosive or very intense. It was a burst of an enviroment, knowing and knowledge. I saw a skinny brown Man in a lotus position wiht his eyes open. Another older man was facing him but his perception was mine and he was not in the glimpse. It might have been me facing this Man I'm not sure. What I ws able to retain was his immense presents which shock me of course and within this shock I viewed the "Man" Ancient, Scroll and knowing or knowledge. It would take 4 oo years to know the Man and or the Scroll as he opened it. The enviroment was sand/desert loud with a rich music or as in this place was very alive and real. The only relation I can make to the music is Egypt but this is a much failed attempt to discribe it. I was left with my hurt pounding and a image of this I quickly wrote it down. Very encouraging for me as I have been working on faith and will to discover an unknown. Now I have been having experiences that is bringing my consciousness on board Um meditaion was the help of this
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