Forced Christianization of Russia and Tartaria Magna


FOTCM Member
According to official history pagan Slavs were baptised by Vladimir the Great in 988 AD ( and since then Kievan Rus' and later Russia have been practising Christianity. Before that there was no monotheistic religion among Slavs. So who was this Vladimir the Great? Did the Slavs want to have a new monotheistic religion instead of the old one?

Sviatoslav I of Kiev, father of Vladimir the Great, (_ conquered the capital of Khazar kaganat - Itil (Итиль) in 969. After that the Khazar empire officially ceased to exists and many Khazars, who by that time had Jewish religion, fled to Kiev (Arthur Koestler suggests in his book The Thirteenth Tribe that Kiev was actually founded by Khazars, Slavs came only later and conquered Kiev, but that's another story) because they were attracted by the importance of Kiev as a big trade center at that time.

Mother of Sviatoslav I, princess Olga, hired a young girl Malusha (it's hypocoristic form of Malka, derived from Old-Hebraic Melekh – king or mal’akh - angel, ambassador) as a housekeeper. The father of Malka was an influential Khazar rabbi with name Malk from the town of Lubitch which was a vassal of Khazar kaganat till 882 AD (see Emeljanov Desionization p.5, only in Russian available: В. Емельянов Десионизация). The town of Lubitch was liberated from Khazars by prince Oleg in 882. Instigated by his father Malka seduced Sviatoslav and got pregnant from him with a boy who we know now as Vladimir the Great. In the Primary Chronicle (_ Vladmir was called as rabbich (раввиныч), in later translations it was interpreted as "son of a slave" (in Russian "rab" means "slave", according to official history Malka was a servant/slave) though there never was slavery in Russia.

Here is some info (in Russian) with citations from Russian Chronicles: _ Unfortunately the English version states something complete different about origin of Malka: _

In the original Old-Russian text of the chronicle Sermon on Law and Grace (_ Vladimir was called a kagan. In a later Russian translation the word "kagan" was replaced by "prince". (Compare here the orginal Old-Russian excerpt with a later Russian translation: _

Being still an underage prince, he was invited to govern the big town Novgorod with his oncle Dabran (brother of Malka). So Vladimir got his education from his Jewish relatives and was later instigated to take revenge on his relatives (on father line) who freed the town of Lubitch (prince Oleg in 882) from the influence of Malk and other Khazars. The idea was to explode from within the old pagan religion of Slavs by converting them to the export version Judaism - Christianity.

After coming back on the throne in Kiev he started to carry out his plan to comprise the old religion of Slavs. He called people to worhsip previously unknown in Russia idols and to sacrifice them innocent boys (the original Paleo-Religion of Slavs didn't accepted any sacrifices of humans/animals). The sacrificial blood was collected and delivered to Jewish customers. 10 years later many people were dissatisfied with such practices AND with their original pagan religion. Feeling that the time was ripe he ordered to destroy the old idols, converted himself to Christianity in 988 and made it an official state religion. He ordered thousands of people to go to Dnepr and other rivers forcing them to baptize.

During 12 years of forced Christianization 270 towns (out of 300) were destroyed and 9 million people (out of 12 million) were killed. Mostly olderly people were killed in order to erase the memory about the old pagan religion. Deprived of parents children were brought up in the Christian traditions, with the denial of all the great heritage of their ancestors. All connected with the old pagan religion was burnt and destroyed.

Check these articles and books for additional info and citations:

_ (in English)
_ (in Russian)
_ (in Russian)
German historian Boris Altschüler about the origin of Vladmir and Christianization of Slavs in his book Geheimbericht aus der grossen Steppe. The book is translated into Russian: Последняя тайна России

Tartaria Magna

After Vladimir there were many internecine feuds for new territories and so by the beginning of the 13th century several princely states were formed which is now known as Kievan Rus' (_ Actually, it's an artificial name created by historian М. Pogodin (М. Погодин) in his dissertation "About Origin of Rus" ("О происхождении Руси" ) in 1825 and promoted by German historians of allegedly Jewish origin Theophilus Siegfried Bayer, Gerhard Friedrich Müller and August Ludwig von Schlözer who actually rewritten the history of Russia in 18-19th centuries which we know today (as suggested in the article in Russian _


The word "tartar" was distorted later and became "tatar" and

was used by Russians and Europeans to denote Mongols as well as Turkic peoples under Mongol rule (especially in the Golden Horde)
See _

Actually this substitution of names was done by a Russian Jew and communist Lazar Kaganovich in 1935 (_ to as suggests this article in Russian _

Many Slavs who lived further to the east of Kievan Rus' remained loyal to the old pagan religion and called their territories Tartaria which is derived from the names of the children of their old pagan God Perun: Tarh and Tara. Under this name the big part of Euroasia was known to Europeans:





The emblem of Tartaria:



In 2013 Putin declassified old archives about Tartaria and presented them to the Russian Geographical Society (_ Some of them you can find here _

In this speach (_ he admits that in Battle of Kulikovo in 1381 which we know as a battle between slavs of Kievan Rus and mongols of the Golden Horde there were "Russians fighting on the both sides".

So in 1222 in Asgard (modern Russian city of Omsk) followers of the slavonic Paleo-Religion decided to establish a special governing body for the protection of the old religion. It was caled "орден" (orden) which literally means "power of light" , later this word was distorted to horde/orda. This governing body had it's own army consisted of slavs who remained loyal to the old pagan religion and it was formed to free the western territories from forced Judeo-Christianity. In the official history it became known as Golden Horde which was allegedly a new empire of mongols (_ who according to the official explanation invaded "Kievean Rus" in 1237 and were governing their till 1480.

The last known conflict between Christians and followers of the slavonic Paleo-Religion took place during Pugachev's Rebellion of 1773-1775 (_ which official history presents us just as another "peasants unrest". The rebellion was crushed and after that there were no mentions of "Tartaria" in official Russian History (till Putin's declassification of the relevant documents in 2013).

There is almost nothing about Vladmir's orgin, forced Christianization of slavs and Tartaria in languages other than Russian. Till recently all that was carefully concealed from Russian people.

What do you think about that? If it's all true then Ashkenazi Jews/Khazars managed to distort belief system of Russians at least twice: in 988 by forcing them into the export version Judaism - Christianity and in 1917 by forcing them into Communism. Do you see a pattern with what happens nowadays in Kiev as Poroshenko forces slavs into the religion of war and rewrites the history of Russia? Do you see a pattern, a big plan of 4D STS behind all that?
Sounds like the same pattern everywhere the Aryans went... Native Americans received a similar treatment... and any so-called 'religion' that is enforced on you from the local royalty crew always turns sour like rotten tater tots, right? Because who doesn't like a good tater tot? ;D But these conversion specialists never share the good stuff, just the rotten stuff which has to be forced down the people's throat lest they throw it all up again and spoil their dinner. Though I must say that 9 out of 12 million sounds a little excessive, even for that time, which reminds me of the numbers thrown out about Stalin's kill list or any other. Those percentages aren't good for future imperial growth, something a budding conqueror has to think about. Of course, devastation tends to have friends, so I wonder if there was anything else going on at the time to spread the misery?
gdpetti said:
Of course, devastation tends to have friends, so I wonder if there was anything else going on at the time to spread the misery?

Halley's Comet allegedly appeared in 989 AD (_'s_Comet) and some Russian Chronicles mention a severe earthquake in 1000 AD and plague and famine between 1000 and 1006 AD all over the world.
Putin has become a more prominent player and hero on this forum. I think Putin's Tartaria archive creation and map gift (2013) should get re-mentioned. Why? Tartary and the Mongol empire may have been one and the same. It is also important to note the the gradual shrinkage and decline of Tartaria coincides with the Little Ice Age which would have hit those northern regions much harder than elsewhere. (timeline below) I don't think of Tartaria as some JKF-esque camelot with amazing technology but it was a real thing. It was a name for a region and an empire. The golden Horde swept into Eastern Europe in the 1200's (if historical dating is to be believed). They also dominated Muscovie and Ukraine.

(Sidenote - a rapid thawing after the mini ice age coupled with the many volcanic eruptions in the mid 1600's after the little ice age could have resulted in the so-called mudflood which would have been not global but localized. We are seeing that effect today as the eruption in Tonga has thrown a bunch of water into the atmosphere which has pummeled many areas such as California, as per D Dubyne who was recently validated by the C's. Just sayin')

As regards to the previous posts, I would think the Mongol/Tatar Invasion counterbalanced the western Christianization of a big chunk of the Slavic world. Of course, my wife's family in Poland is still Roman Catholic and Poland/Hungary is about where the Hordes stopped. As to how the Eastern Orthodox aspect fits into the battle for minds and souls and it's expression on the maps of the world, IDK.

Why has Tartaria been scrubbed from any modern mention since around the 1920's? Your guess is as good as mine.

Putin gifted this map in 2013 - right before the C's said things changed (the new year 0) and right before the regime change in Ukraine in 2014)

Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?​

09:00, 01.02.2017
Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have recently met with first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev on the eve of his 80th anniversary. The head of the state presented Shaimiev a map of ancient Tartary by a Dutch cartographer of the 17th century Willem Blaeu. What is this map? How often did Tartary appeared on the maps of the European travellers? What was the ''Western'' view of these territories in the Middle Ages and the modern era? What exactly did Tartary include? A Kazan historian, our columnist Bulat Rakhimzyanov, who studies the history of the Tatars and Moscovia in the Middle Ages, answered to these and other questions of Realnoe Vremya.
Source : Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?


Putin has become a more prominent player and hero on this forum. I think Putin's Tartaria archive creation and map gift (2013) should get re-mentioned. Why? Tartary and the Mongol empire may have been one and the same. It is also important to note the the gradual shrinkage and decline of Tartaria coincides with the Little Ice Age which would have hit those northern regions much harder than elsewhere. (timeline below) I don't think of Tartaria as some JKF-esque camelot with amazing technology but it was a real thing. It was a name for a region and an empire. The golden Horde swept into Eastern Europe in the 1200's (if historical dating is to be believed). They also dominated Muscovie and Ukraine.

(Sidenote - a rapid thawing after the mini ice age coupled with the many volcanic eruptions in the mid 1600's after the little ice age could have resulted in the so-called mudflood which would have been not global but localized. We are seeing that effect today as the eruption in Tonga has thrown a bunch of water into the atmosphere which has pummeled many areas such as California, as per D Dubyne who was recently validated by the C's. Just sayin')

As regards to the previous posts, I would think the Mongol/Tatar Invasion counterbalanced the western Christianization of a big chunk of the Slavic world. Of course, my wife's family in Poland is still Roman Catholic and Poland/Hungary is about where the Hordes stopped. As to how the Eastern Orthodox aspect fits into the battle for minds and souls and it's expression on the maps of the world, IDK.

Why has Tartaria been scrubbed from any modern mention since around the 1920's? Your guess is as good as mine.

Putin gifted this map in 2013 - right before the C's said things changed (the new year 0) and right before the regime change in Ukraine in 2014)

Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?​

09:00, 01.02.2017
Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have recently met with first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev on the eve of his 80th anniversary. The head of the state presented Shaimiev a map of ancient Tartary by a Dutch cartographer of the 17th century Willem Blaeu. What is this map? How often did Tartary appeared on the maps of the European travellers? What was the ''Western'' view of these territories in the Middle Ages and the modern era? What exactly did Tartary include? A Kazan historian, our columnist Bulat Rakhimzyanov, who studies the history of the Tatars and Moscovia in the Middle Ages, answered to these and other questions of Realnoe Vremya.
Source : Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?



a very interesting map; IS IT RELIABLE??
If you read the attached article, it admits the map is not perfect and that the cartographer was piecing together various accounts. The basic point is that Tartaria is just a name on a map - a designation for an area - on many maps throughout a long history. There are plenty of distorted maps, at least according to modern satellite images, from the 1200's through the 1700's that show all sorts of mistakes which are understandable. (and not really a surprise there is no Alaska)
I read what you wrote, it's interesting.
But what makes me incongruous is that most of the countries are well configured and Alaska, which is a fairly large region, does not appear. I don't know if it seems normal to other people who read the article, or those who see the map, but it seems very strange to me.
BHelmet said:https:

Not sure what Alaska has to do with it. How many other maps the 1400-1600’s miss Alaska? All? Alaska seemed to be a rumor until the early 1700’s. At least as far as I could find.


This seems even more confusing and strange to me.
Ignoring on a map or on several maps as you say, and in that period of time an area as large as Alaska, gives me the impression that it was ignored on purpose.
So in 1222 in Asgard (modern Russian city of Omsk) followers of the slavonic Paleo-Religion decided to establish a special governing body for the protection of the old religion. It was caled "орден" (orden) which literally means "power of light" , later this word was distorted to horde/orda. This governing body had it's own army consisted of slavs who remained loyal to the old pagan religion and it was formed to free the western territories from forced Judeo-Christianity. In the official history it became known as Golden Horde which was allegedly a new empire of mongols (_Golden Horde - Wikipedia) who according to the official explanation invaded "Kievean Rus" in 1237 and were governing their till 1480.
I have always avoided this thread when it has come to my attention, as well as the "Russian Vedas" thread, but I will ask anyway. Altair, have you ever read these "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"? Because I've read it and I won't dare to call it anything more than a low-grade work of fantasy genre... And written by a racist and anti-Semitic sect called "Inglishism". I agree that the Abrahamic religions are necessary for enslavement etc., but if we are speaking specifically about Russian Paganism (or more specifically about Russian New Age) then apart from such sects there's no reason to believe in this. Perhaps I am biased as a person with an historical education but many of the "disclosures" from the post above are not something to hide, it may not be very well known to the average citizen who is not interested in history, but it is known to anyone who has not skipped at least part of the pair at the history department. But in any case, even if I'm wrong and it's a cheap fantasy book and it really is ancient, it doesn't matter because it has nothing to do with the objective reality given to Cs.
I have always avoided this thread when it has come to my attention, as well as the "Russian Vedas" thread

have you ever read these "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"?
Are they available anywhere in English?

Because I've read it and I won't dare to call it anything more than a low-grade work of fantasy genre...
Would you mind expanding on that with what you consider fantasy and low grade?

And written by a racist and anti-Semitic sect called "Inglishism".
On what do you base that conclusion?

I agree that the Abrahamic religions are necessary for enslavement etc.
Could you explain that statement? I have not read work you are referring to so I have no context to reflect on.

but if we are speaking specifically about Russian Paganism (or more specifically about Russian New Age) then apart from such sects there's no reason to believe in this.
Why so and how do you connect it to Russian New Age? What do you mean by Russian New age?

Perhaps I am biased as a person with an historical education
Are you referring to our current, accepted western history or something else?

many of the "disclosures" from the post above are not something to hide, it may not be very well known to the average citizen who is not interested in history, but it is known to anyone who has not skipped at least part of the pair at the history department.
It would be helpful if you would elaborate on that for the average citizen who may not know and doesn't have access to a history department.
We are all here to learn, after all.
Putin has become a more prominent player and hero on this forum. I think Putin's Tartaria archive creation and map gift (2013) should get re-mentioned. Why? Tartary and the Mongol empire may have been one and the same. It is also important to note the the gradual shrinkage and decline of Tartaria coincides with the Little Ice Age which would have hit those northern regions much harder than elsewhere. (timeline below) I don't think of Tartaria as some JKF-esque camelot with amazing technology but it was a real thing. It was a name for a region and an empire. The golden Horde swept into Eastern Europe in the 1200's (if historical dating is to be believed). They also dominated Muscovie and Ukraine.

(Sidenote - a rapid thawing after the mini ice age coupled with the many volcanic eruptions in the mid 1600's after the little ice age could have resulted in the so-called mudflood which would have been not global but localized. We are seeing that effect today as the eruption in Tonga has thrown a bunch of water into the atmosphere which has pummeled many areas such as California, as per D Dubyne who was recently validated by the C's. Just sayin')

As regards to the previous posts, I would think the Mongol/Tatar Invasion counterbalanced the western Christianization of a big chunk of the Slavic world. Of course, my wife's family in Poland is still Roman Catholic and Poland/Hungary is about where the Hordes stopped. As to how the Eastern Orthodox aspect fits into the battle for minds and souls and it's expression on the maps of the world, IDK.

Why has Tartaria been scrubbed from any modern mention since around the 1920's? Your guess is as good as mine.

Putin gifted this map in 2013 - right before the C's said things changed (the new year 0) and right before the regime change in Ukraine in 2014)

Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?​

09:00, 01.02.2017
Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev have recently met with first president of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev on the eve of his 80th anniversary. The head of the state presented Shaimiev a map of ancient Tartary by a Dutch cartographer of the 17th century Willem Blaeu. What is this map? How often did Tartary appeared on the maps of the European travellers? What was the ''Western'' view of these territories in the Middle Ages and the modern era? What exactly did Tartary include? A Kazan historian, our columnist Bulat Rakhimzyanov, who studies the history of the Tatars and Moscovia in the Middle Ages, answered to these and other questions of Realnoe Vremya.
Source : Tartary’s map of Putin: what West travellers saw in alien countries?


If you could also find a chart showing collapses of civilisations and climate chart, that would be great. My PC won't play ball lately.
Here is a good note on Russian faked history. The ‘Romanoff’s’ dynasty (in russian - it could be translated as a man of Rome), as many prominent historians believe, totally erased and written ‘again’ our history by germans. And it was only 2-3 centuries ago💁‍♂️
It could well lead to the answer what was Tartaria (descendant of Hyperborea).

From TG private channel:

Why was the great Russian academician and historian Lomonosov sentenced to death?

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov fell into disgrace because of his disagreements with German scientists who formed the backbone of the Academy of Sciences in the XVIII century. Under Empress Anna Ioannovna, a flood of foreigners poured into Russia. Russian Russian Russian Russian history foundation was altered from 1725, when the Russian Academy was established and until 1841, arrived from Europe poorly speaking Russian, but quickly became experts in Russian history and the "benefactors" of the Russian people.
As a result of the struggle with foreign educators:

1. The Synod of the Orthodox Christian Church also accused the great Russian scientist of distributing anti-clerical works in the manuscript, and Archimandrite Sechenov demanded the burning of the scientist!

2. The Commission stated that Lomonosov "for repeated discourteous, dishonest and disgusting acts both in relation to the academy, and to the commission, and to the German land, is subject to the death penalty, or, in extreme cases, to punishment with whips and deprivation of rights and wealth. By decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Mikhail Lomonosov was found guilty, but released from punishment. His salary was only halved, and he had to apologize to the professors "for the abominations he had committed."

3. As expected, Lomonosov's archive was confiscated immediately after his death and disappeared without a trace. We quote: "the archive of Lomonosov, confiscated by Catherine II, has been lost forever.
The day after his death, the library and all of Lomonosov's papers were sealed by Count Orlov on Catherine's orders, transported to his palace and disappeared without a trace."
It turned out that the "Lomonosov's work on history" at our disposal today is strangely and surprisingly consistent with Miller's point of view on history. It is even unclear why Lomonosov argued with Miller so fiercely and for so many years? Why did he accuse Miller of falsifying Russian history when he himself, in his published "History", so obediently agrees with Miller on all points.
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