Yes, with the numbers they're using in the pie pieces it should be roughly a pie and a half chart. Not sure how many people would pick up on this while hypnotized in front of the TV though.
Yes, with the numbers they're using in the pie pieces it should be roughly a pie and a half chart. Not sure how many people would pick up on this while hypnotized in front of the TV though.
I got the impression that people were allowed to pick more than just one candidate, otherwise it would be really stupid mistake especially to make it on television.
But it could also be my false perception, that I still keep the intelect of humans in general in too much of esteem.
[quote author=Albert Einstein]
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
probably they are testing how dumb people are , so that they can add more floride in water, more dumbening signals or may be pump more porn in prime time, if required. If that doesn't work , they can send patsy bomber with bomb some where hiding - shoe, underwear is alredy up , next time they have to find another location.
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