France's CRIF-Run Regime Unleashed Vicious Persecution Campaign On Dissidents


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

(has some typos - also there's a video, images, and hot links imbedded in the original)

Note: for those who are not familiar with the real political situation in France, please read the following background material:

Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.

Yehuda Bauer

Since many months already the political situation in France has been largely overlooked by events in Greece or the Ukraine and even on this blog I have mostly been mentioning France in relation to the debacle with the sale of the French Mistral class ships to Russia. But that hardly means that the political situation France did not changer over the past year or so. In fact, it did change, dramatically. Dramatically, and for the worse. Here is a short summary of what has happened since last year:

1. The French economy is in free fall. Reading the French corporate media, however, you would never find out about it. One of the very few specialists who regularly reports about this is Pierre Jovanovic, an independent economy/finance reporter (if you speak French, check out his YouTube channel where he makes a monthly and very interesting press review). There are a few others, but they have no access to the mass media.

2. The French Zionist Lobby has now completely broken cover and is now engaged in a campaign of persecutions against those few who dare openly challenge its influence in France. All parties have not been given an ultimatum: submit or be destroyed. The level and nastiness of the propaganda on French TV is now worse than anything I have seen in the USA or Soviet Russia.

3. As I had predicted a long time ago, Marine Le Pen has caved in to the pressure of the Zionist Lobby and has turned against her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the National Front who has now been basically booted out of his own party (for his allegedly anti-Jewish views). The Zionist Lobby appears to be unimpressed and continues to ostracize even this emasculated National Front.

4. Alain Soral and Dieudonne are not the object of an open and systematic persecution by the French authorities, especially the Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The kind of persecutions methods used very much remind me of what the Soviet regime did under Leonid Brezhev: constant bureaucratic harassment, police searches, lawsuits, smear campaigns, threats, etc. I don’t even know how many lawsuits both Dieudonne and Soral are facing right now, but the total sum for which Soral is being sued right now is 264 523 Euros. Since Soral cannot and will not pay (on principle) it looks like he will have to go to jail, though before that he promised to appeal as high up as the European Court of Human Rights.

5. The political scene in France is dead. With the sole exception of the tiny Égalité et Réconciliation there is no more resistance against the Zionist regime in power. Like in the rest of Europe, the Left and the Right have more or less merged into an “extreme center” which caters to the need of the comprador elites in power and which is totally subservient to the USA.

It is important to keep in mind that the French Zionist Lobby is even more powerful and more arrogant, in a uniquely “in our face” kind of attitude, than, say, AIPAC in the USA. The French CRIF – a Likud controlled outfit – is basically in full control of the three branches of government and the French media. To even mention that fact is a death sentence for the career of any politician, author or journalist. Even the National Front has now caved in and made a pretty clear, if futile, attempt at showing a total subservience to this Zionist Lobby (Marine Le Pen’s betrayal of her father).

“Fascist” vs “Defenders and Friends of the Republic”

[Sidebar: Of course, formally, the CRIF has no power whatsoever and it would be incorrect to assume that the CRIF leaders have a direct organizational control of all the numerous agents of the Zionist lobby in the French state or media. The CRIF is the ultimate symbol of the Zionist control of France, but those who are actually in control of that Lobby are in Israel, not in France]

There are now rumors that some new *real* opposition party or movement might be created by Jean Marie Le Pen. Soral has already indicated that Égalité et Réconciliation might support such efforts. Under the current circumstances I personally expect the repression to only get harsher and overt – the goal being not only to crush those who dare oppose the CRIF, but also to terrify everybody else. And since everybody else is, indeed, scared shitless of being labeled as, or even associated with, anything “anti-Semitic” this terror tactic works very well. All the other parties and movement make truly heroic efforts not to notice what is being done to Soral and Dieudonne. It is as disgusting as it is amazing.

To illustrate all of the above, I want to share with you a recent press conference of Soral and Dieudonne which Paul Matthews has translated and Marta Begemot subtitled (my most heartfelt thanks to both of them!).

I love France and I have an immense affection and respect for the French people whom I do not blame for what has been done to them. The story of how de Gaulle was “regime changed” by the US CIA in 1968 and replaced by what can only be called an occupation regime spearheaded by a cabal of international bankers has happened to many other countries before and after that date. And I am sure that France will, eventually, come to see the day of her liberation. But before it gets better, it will get worse, much worse. Once the crackdown on dissent becomes as vicious and ruthless, as it has now become in France (just think of the “Charlie” false flag), there is no turning back, things will only get worse. But I am confident that the values of social justice, national tradition, equality and reconciliation will inspire enough young French patriots to eventually overthrow the regime in power and create a new, multi-confessional and multi-ethnic France.

The Saker

(please make sure to click on the ‘cc’ button to see the English captions)
Hi Seekintruth,

Thank you for having posted it. I'm surprised to see CRIF mentioned on the forum. As a French citizen, I’d like to make a few comments.

It is so dangerous to criticize the zionist power in France (incarnated by CRIF, LICRA, UEJF and consorts) that I wonder if it does not jeopardize the Cassiopaea team to have it there. It could be charged with antisemitism, incitement of racial hatred, defamation, and much more. Such an article could not be published in France.

Basically, I agree with everything the author says. CRIF holds a yearly dinner in Paris to which all influent politicians (including French republic president) and system puppets are invited. Their presence is a proof of subservience. During this dinner, the French republic president humiliates himself in a formal speech during which he calls the president of CRIF “mister president” several times. This would never happen with someone like Charles de Gaulle in power.

To go a bit further in the economic and social analysis, I’d like to add that the French domestic system has chosen a strategy of symbiosis with the international system, ie the Empire’s system, through its corrupt and anti-french elites. At its level, CRIF is involved in it. Its major sayanim support war on Libya, Syria, Ukraine, gender theory, gay wedding, anti-russian propaganda, pro-debt speech…

1. The French economy is in free fall. Reading the French corporate media, however, you would never find out about it. One of the very few specialists who regularly reports about this is Pierre Jovanovic, an independent economy/finance reporter (if you speak French, check out his YouTube channel where he makes a monthly and very interesting press review). There are a few others, but they have no access to the mass media.

Indeed, the real economy indicators speak for themselves. Joblessness rate is continuously increasing (there would even be at least an unemployed person per family), consumption decreasing, taxes skyrocketing… the list is long. To sum it up, middle-class is being destroyed, which is also true for most developed countries. Of course, mainstream media and politicians say otherwise. According to them, the crisis is over. And I agree because the patient is dead. What we are witnessing is not a crisis but a change of model. The term “crisis” arises from the medical vocabulary. It is the peak of symptoms after which a patient survives or dies, and if the patient survives, he/she can return to the initial state. The economic model is currently mutating to parasitism as prevailing activity. Financial activities, unlimited quantitative easings, unbridled trading, massive carry trade with shaky currencies, CDO and CDS higher than several times the world GDP, shadow banking… Quantitative easings are weapons of mass destruction. Virtual economy destroys real economy.

As economy reporter Pierre Jovanovic says, there will be no economic recovery ; things will only get worse until economy completely stops. Something interesting with this guy is that he is also specialist of angels and very knowledgeable of religious matters. He writes books on both finance/economy and religion, and even some mixing both. Other worth listening French economist are Olivier Delamarche, Pierre-Yves Rougeyron, Jacques Sapir, Olivier Berruyer, Philippe Béchade, Pierre Sabatier…

3. As I had predicted a long time ago, Marine Le Pen has caved in to the pressure of the Zionist Lobby and has turned against her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the National Front who has now been basically booted out of his own party (for his allegedly anti-Jewish views). The Zionist Lobby appears to be unimpressed and continues to ostracize even this emasculated National Front.

Sad news. The National Front was hated by the French elites because it was the political party of the have-nots. Marine Le Pen does not realize that one does not go to power; one takes it. She’s currently trying to show herself well to the CRIF, but it is a no-end strategy. As the daughter of her father, even though she bends over to the floor, there will never be anything for her. The CRIF has a tribal mentality and will never let a Le Pen rise to the top, even it total submission.

4. Alain Soral and Dieudonne are not the object of an open and systematic persecution by the French authorities, especially the Prime Minister Manuel Valls. The kind of persecutions methods used very much remind me of what the Soviet regime did under Leonid Brezhev: constant bureaucratic harassment, police searches, lawsuits, smear campaigns, threats, etc. I don’t even know how many lawsuits both Dieudonne and Soral are facing right now, but the total sum for which Soral is being sued right now is 264 523 Euros. Since Soral cannot and will not pay (on principle) it looks like he will have to go to jail, though before that he promised to appeal as high up as the European Court of Human Rights.

Soral says that he’s got 100 day-fines of 100€ that he has no intention to pay, which will lead him directly to jail. He’s rather ok with it because it is the fate of serious dissidents to be kept in custody for a period. As far as Dieudonné is concerned, he says that if he’s convicted and imprisoned he will receive a warm welcome because he has many fans also imprisoned.

5. The political scene in France is dead. With the sole exception of the tiny Égalité et Réconciliation there is no more resistance against the Zionist regime in power.

Once again, it is sad to see that there is no real opposition party. All serious politicians know everything this article relates but fear immediate retaliations of the CRIF if they speak up. Same applies to journalists and TV stars. They basically protect their buying power. The more they submit themselves, the more they get crushed.
Egalité et Réconciliation is far too small to change anything. According to its leader Alain Soral, the fight cannot be won in the current conditions. The fight consists in being on the ring. It will be lost only if we surrender and leave the ring. His aim is not to be successful practically but to be satisfied with his life after his death.
There are countries that are failed by organized crime. France is failed by institutional zionism. This article does not mention the word “sayan” or “sayanim”. With the CRIF ruling France, it is a paradise for them. I’ve not written names so as not to bring troubles to the forum, nor did this article.

Like in the rest of Europe, the Left and the Right have more or less merged into an “extreme center” which caters to the need of the comprador elites in power and which is totally subservient to the USA.

I’d rather say that it is totally subservient to almighty capital incarnated by Wall Street, like the US and most countries of the world. Comprador elites in power behave like enemies of middle class and seek to destroy it. They do it very easily in Europe with the free trade agreement putting rich country workers and poor country workers in direct competition.

I love France and I have an immense affection and respect for the French people whom I do not blame for what has been done to them. The story of how de Gaulle was “regime changed” by the US CIA in 1968 and replaced by what can only be called an occupation regime spearheaded by a cabal of international bankers has happened to many other countries before and after that date. And I am sure that France will, eventually, come to see the day of her liberation. But before it gets better, it will get worse, much worse. Once the crackdown on dissent becomes as vicious and ruthless, as it has now become in France (just think of the “Charlie” false flag), there is no turning back, things will only get worse. But I am confident that the values of social justice, national tradition, equality and reconciliation will inspire enough young French patriots to eventually overthrow the regime in power and create a new, multi-confessional and multi-ethnic France.

Well, well, well… In the history of the world, have we ever seen any successful proletarian revolutions ? I do not think so. The author seems to forget that to topple a regime, 2 components are necessary : one from the top and one from the bottom. If there is only one, it has to come from the top. I cannot see such a power yet. God :D ? The situation in France, like in Europe, is slowly falling into decay.

Have a nice weekend all.
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