Frédéric Mitterrand, French Culture minister, unveiled his psychopathy


Jedi Master
Frédérique Mitterrand, French Culture minister :scared:, nephew of late President François Mitterand has recently been an ardent supporter Roman Polanski and has called the Swiss authority to free him. The laurel Canyon serie has given us some insights about Polanski and Co, but the french "minister" has also a story...
i don't pretend the translation to be perfect and any correction is welcome.
C’est ce qu’il a raconté dans son livre "Mauvaise vie", publié en 2005 dans les termes suivants :

"J’ai pris le pli de payer pour des garçons [...] Évidemment, j’ai lu ce qu’on a pu écrire sur le commerce des garçons d’ici .[...] Je sais ce qu’il y a de vrai. La misère ambiante, le maquereautage généralisé, les montagnes de dollars que ça rapporte quand les gosses n’en retirent que des miettes, la drogue qui fait des ravages, les maladies, les détails sordides de tout ce trafic. Mais cela ne m’empêche pas d’y retourner. Tous ces rituels de foire aux éphèbes, de marché aux esclaves m’excitent énormément […] On ne pourrait juger qu’un tel spectacle abominable d’un point de vue moral, mais il me plaît au-delà du raisonnable […] La profusion de jeunes garçons très attrayants et immédiatement disponibles me met dans un état de désir que je n’ai plus besoin de réfréner ou d’occulter. L’argent et le sexe, je suis au cœur de mon système, celui qui fonctionne enfin car je sais qu’on ne me refusera pas".

This is what he has told in his book "Bad Life" published in 2005 in those words:
I have accepted to pay for boys(...) Of course, I have read about the boys business here (Translator note:Thaïlande).(...) I know the truth about that. The crawling misery, generalised pimpery, the huge amount of dollars some make whereas the kids only get peanuts, drogue making ravages, illnesses, the sordid details of this trafic. But that don't refrain me to go back again. All these rituals of ephebian fair, of slave market do excite me tremendously(...) from a moral point of view, one could juge this awful spectacle immoral, but I enjoy it behond reason (...) The aboundance of very attractive and readily available young boys give me such a state of desire that I don' have to refrain or occult anymore. Money and sex, I am at the heart of my system, the one that works at last because I know that I won't be refused."
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

The source need to be checked (>Agoravox->?). The president of "Egalité et Réconciliation" is Alain Soral, a hight controversial man. I had read Sociologie du Dragueur ("sociology of the womaniser") from him. Psychopatyc advices in it.

If the excerpt match a reality, this is very very disturbing.
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy


Égalité et Réconciliation has already been used as a source on sott, and labeled at that time 'progressive'.
I personnaly don't always agree with Soral, I even sometimes find him pathetic, but he is by no way a psychopath and he even raise good points. I would even also endorse the fact that E&R is progressive and interesting. Soral has some very sentitive and good insight of the reality of the youth in the banlieu/ghettos... He has been to Lebanon with Meyssan and Dieudonné right after the Zionist attack. E&R are fully aware that if they published doubtful documents they would have big problems, I think they are smart enaugh to avoid complications. But Soral is not the matter and our BBM co-searchers don't give much damn about him :)

The fact is that this excerpt is disturbing. The Parisian 'elite' have demonstrated interest in Shabbatean/distorted tiqun philosophy (I can detail this claim) and so they have no problem diving in the heart of evil, they have the pseudo spiritual/intellectual justification. Just like BHL's wife has made porn movies.

These people are just plain psychopaths.
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

This is very disturbing :scared:
When I was younger I thought great artists like Polanski who created so many wonderful movies would consider a human being with true feelings! Of course nothing is what seems to be! :shock:
Just recently we saw his relatively new movie: "The pianist" with Adrian Brody, and it was pretty faithful according to eye witnesses who went through the Nazi terror.
Well I guess I have to pray more:
"Clear my eyes
That I may see..."
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

Égalité et Réconciliation has already been used as a source on sott, and labeled at that time 'progressive'.
A french only site used as a source on sott?? How is it possible?

I personnaly don't always agree with Soral, I even sometimes find him pathetic, but he is by no way a psychopath and he even raise good points
Hmm... his book is in my cellar. Hard for me to extract it but I will do if need. I can clearly remember he advice men to seduce and f*** women for their own pleasure, without giving attention to the woman, the more women possible.

E&R are fully aware that if they published doubtful documents they would have big problems
Ok, good point but I stay suspicious. Not giving the title of the book and the page raise a red flag for me and the point you mention can be applied to Frederic Mitterand too, second red flag.

The fact is that this excerpt is disturbing
No reference to verify, no fact.

But Soral is not the matter and our BBM co-searchers don't give much damn about him
If you shut down red flags too easily you don't pay attention to deceptions.
What is "our BBM co-searchers" ?
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

It has been made possible because an article published in E&R had been translated. Unfortunatly my memory is far more accurate than my ability to make a quick research on internet to find it out. But it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe was it a Meyssan interview...

yes, it was the Meyssan interview:
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

I won't have an internet acces before days and won't be able to answer if you had relevant things to add :-[
I wish you a good week :)
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

Sankara, I apologize profusely for mistakingly modifying your message instead of quoting from it.

I wanted to give the link for the article you mentioned, "Interview with Thierry Meyssan".

If you be so kind, whenever you have a moment, to restore your original message if possible, that would be great. Thank you and again, I am sorry.



It has been made possible because an article published in E&R had been translated. Unfortunatly my memory is far more accurate than my ability to make a quick research on internet to find it out. But it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe was it a Meyssan interview...

yes, it was the Meyssan interview:
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

A new article appeared on this affair on the french newspaper "Libération" :
The article has a strange twist because the only defense of the actual minister of culture seem to be that the accusation comes from the right-wing party (FN) rather than discussing the facts. In fact, the article implies that if you talk about this then you are from the FN!!
In any case it seems that the quote from Frédérique Mitterand's book is genuine!
Re: frédérique unveiled his psychopathy

There's a lot of data supporting the fact that this quote is genuine. Mitterrand never refuted it, whereas it would be easy to do so, and dozens of news articles from the mainstream press talk about it. Marine Le Pen read it aloud on a TV programme, and quite a few Internet users have commented on articles over the net, saying they had read his biography "La Mauvaise Vie" and that this quote was indeed taken from that book. Mitterrand has never hidden his "taste" for young "boys" (garçons) as he calls them and going to Thai brothels to satisfy his "fantasies". Naulleau had already called him on it in Ruquier's TV show 2 years ago:

Ok, good point but I stay suspicious. Not giving the title of the book

The book is La Mauvaise Vie, it's easy to find it and check.

The red flags for me are that Mitterrand, feeling targeted "by ricochet" following Polanski's arrest, ran to his defense. And everybody in the "intelligentsia" finds it normal and praises Mitterrand for writing about his perversions. Sick bag anyone?

As for Alain Soral, he indeed seems to be a mysoginist (unless he changed over the years, as his book on "cruising" [which I haven't read] was written more than 10 years ago) and reactionary (like Zemmour) but there's no denying that most of his political analyses are spot on. I don't think I like the man - he's dubious - but he does write good articles and I listen to his interviews with interest, as he's very clear and articulate.

Now, since Marine Le Pen openly accused Mitterrand of being a pedophile, if you agree with it (which seems to be based on facts), you'll end up being labeled a supporter of the National Front, or a homophobe (as Mitterrand tried to imply in Ruquier's show) - just like people criticizing Israel are labeled antisemitists and Holocaust deniers. Very clever isn't it?
Don't worry Hilldegarda, I myself am unable to use a computer properly, how could I blame You? :lol:

As for Soral, the guy is more subbtle than just being mysogenous. I am not specialized in in litterary work but I have read some good articulated pieces where he had a very good insight in analizing how the males had been targeted by the propaganda. In that respect he is more interesting than Makow ;)

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