Free Soul


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
My grandmother died last Sunday. She suffered seven years from Parkinson's disease. Last eight days she spent in the hospital where she lost speech.

The night before she died I had a dream in which she came back home, and she was talking to me like a normal person. I was surprised and told my mom that grandma became healthy again!

But when I woke up I knew it was just a dream and that my grandmother will never recover. And so it was because she died that evening.

But a few days later I was thinking about that dream, and I think that that dream maybe was telling me the truth after all. Just not in a purely materialistic sense.

I think that what that dream was trying to tell me is that my grandmother's soul will soon become free to "speak", uninhibited by her defective body and mind. I miss her, but I hope that she is now in a place where she doesn't have to suffer anymore and where she can express her true self freely.

Goodbye Grandma. :cry:
Persej said:
My grandmother died last Sunday. She suffered seven years from Parkinson's disease. Last eight days she spent in the hospital where she lost speech.

The night before she died I had a dream in which she came back home, and she was talking to me like a normal person. I was surprised and told my mom that grandma became healthy again!

But when I woke up I knew it was just a dream and that my grandmother will never recover. And so it was because she died that evening.

But a few days later I was thinking about that dream, and I think that that dream maybe was telling me the truth after all. Just not in a purely materialistic sense.

I think that what that dream was trying to tell me is that my grandmother's soul will soon become free to "speak", uninhibited by her defective body and mind. I miss her, but I hope that she is now in a place where she doesn't have to suffer anymore and where she can express her true self freely.

Goodbye Grandma. :cry:

Sorry to hear about your grandmother! :( It could be very truth that your grandma said goodbye to you in your dream.. And it could also mean that she died in peace so don't worry about her soul i bet she will be whatching you and your family specially in these difficult times to come! :)
Persej said:
I think that what that dream was trying to tell me is that my grandmother's soul will soon become free to "speak", uninhibited by her defective body and mind. I miss her, but I hope that she is now in a place where she doesn't have to suffer anymore and where she can express her true self freely.

That could be the case, Persej -- I also hope (and think) your grandmother is finally in a place where she's free of suffering. I'm sorry for your loss, and my condolences.
My sincere condolences my friend. Finally your grand-mother is free of the sufferance. Take care of yourself. :hug2:
Persej stay strong! :hug2: May the peace that comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead.
My condolences, Persej. I agree with Shijing and you, the dream I think meant that she's finally free from suffering.

Like any physical disease that inhibits the body, inhibits the soul.
My deepest condolences, Persej.

Your dream of your grandmother is very similiar to my dream of my grandpa when he almost died. I wrote about it in Deja Vu thread:

I had a dream about my grandfather, he was walking around the house like he was 30 years younger. We were all asking him does he need help, because in real life he was far from walking like he was 30 years younger. He was wearing diapers 9 years and last two years he always needed help to get up from a chair or a toilet, and we had to rotate him on a bed, but he could walk by himself. When I woke up, I felt that something is wrong, something is going on. I sent SMS to my dad to find out if everything is OK at home. He then called me, he never calls me when I write him a message.
He said to me that they are in the hospital, grandfather had last night (15th August) some mixture of stroke and epilepsy attack, two times, and he is not conscious.

One week later he passed away.

I think you are right about her soul and my thoughts were exactly the same as yours when my grandpa passed away. She doesn't suffer anymore. Stay strong Persej :hug2:
I too think that your grandmother was telling you goodbye and that she will be fine now, Persej. You have my condolences also.
Thank you all for your support.
I'll write more after the funeral. I don't have much time right now.

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